

She was married to the crown prince of the United Kingdom, a multi-billionaire, and the current CEO of one of the most successful companies in the world. No, this wasn't her dream come true, this was a nightmare. A nightmare because the man was not only insanely handsome but a cold soul who was going to divorce her after two years. Besides, was Frankie even a princess name? Could things ever change? When they agree to make the best out of the marriage? Will it be a better move on their part or will it only make matters more complicated? Hang on dear readers, this is one of the million love after marriage stories, so hang on and take this pleasant ride with me

Yvonne_Jemutai · Fantasie
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55 Chs

Childish and stupid Rome

Frankie looked at him as if he had grown a second head. "You said, what?"

Rome rubbed his forehead and she knew he was tired of talking about it. To think of it he wasn't pleased with the idea of her turning to a vampire, maybe she should stop pestering him. They were both pushed to the wall and the only option they had was to turn her. She sighed and smoothed the frown on his face, then kissed him goodnight. "Goodnight," he said lovingly and held her as she fell asleep.

Morning found Frankie up before Rome did, she watched his chest rise and fall and inhaled. His hair had fallen on his face giving him a wild and hot look, she cooed and slowly crept out of bed and felt a dull ache on her lady parts. She stepped down slowly, making her body move, the pain wasn't so intense and maybe with some painkillers, she was going to be fine. Quietly, she walked to his side of the bed, tiptoeing, and kissed him right on the lips. Then stood beside the bed and watched his sleeping face.

"I am a bad, bad person, I steal kisses from people when they sleep." She shook her head as if she couldn't believe the very thought and then giggled. "He's my husband, it isn't a crime!"

She laughed when he stirred before zipping her lips with her fingers and walking out. Downstairs, she threw her ass on the sofa, coke in hand, and switched on the TV, and played her favorite movie of all time, The Love You Give Me. She was whistling under her breath when the male lead and the female lead finally kissed.

She clapped her hand and made a hooting sound happily only for her to turn and see Rome leaning on the last step of the stair, watching her with amusement. With a silly smile tugging her lips she waved him to come over.

He walked slowly towards her and she remembered what happened last night and smiled to herself. "Stealing kisses from people and cheering on people kissing on the TV?" he asked as he approached her.

Frankie bit her lower lip. Was he implying that she was a kiss and wait hold it, was he awake when she stole his kiss? She slapped her forehead, goodness and the dialogue that followed? He had heard it all? Now she wanted to die.

"Polite people would pretend they heard nothing."

Rome sat beside her, he was dressed in homey shorts and a T-shirt. Whoever did his wardrobe here sure had her congratulations. "I am not polite, I am just your lovely smitten husband, if I don't say that you'll stop and I want it every morning."

Frankie scoffed and folded her hands, leaning back on the sofa. "Yeah sure, like that was so encouraging." Sarcasm dripped from her mouth smoothly.

And Rome seemed to a comeback to that. "Are you not sore anymore?" he asked and she glared at him, who brought up sex like that?

"No, it's only so dull, I don't even feel it anymore, aren't people supposed to be aching there for a while?" now she was curious and troubled. Rome's monster was not little in any way one looked at it and she knew he couldn't have stretched her enough to accommodate and heal quickly, but to think of it, she had never really been in pain much, maybe she was pain tolerant?

"Something wrong with the nerves or maybe you've been stressed lately?" Rome asked as he watched the TV.

Looking at him, she scoffed. Absurd diagnosis. "Ahem," she coughed. "I am the medical personnel here, in case you are wondering. Besides, there is no such thing."

Rome said nothing only rolled his eyes and continued watching, so childish, and someone counted on him as learned to lead a whole nation, she sneered and leaned back, her eyes on her Chinese drama. Rome placed her head on his shoulder and they watched several episodes before her stomach reminded her that she was human and needed food