
Chapter 135: Career Advancement (Gyeonglyeog Baljeon)

At first I had no idea what he was thinking by letting me serve a room full of men alone, but when he started talking I immediately caught on and I helped him out as much as I could. Seon-Ho was extremely talented, wise and he knew what he was doing, he just lacked a voice since no one wanted to pay attention to him for a bunch of factors that were out o this control, such as his age and his bloodline. He just needed a chance for people to listen to him and he could accomplish so much, so I did my part to help out. What I wasn't expecting though was everyone's attention on me, and I was most certainly most expecting his to place his hand on a rather rude area of mine every time I entered the room. I really could not figure him out at all now; one minute he was vulnerable and that really hit me deep in my heart. But then the next minute he was…extremely…manly in a way that I had tried so hard not to think about whilst growing up. But it was like all of my fantasies about him were coming to life before my very eyes at the most inappropriate times that one could think of. I was supposed to take my time to figure out our relationship but he kept showing up in front of me as if…

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realise that me employer was waiting for me in my temporary bedroom although I should have know better by now. I was still preoccupied with my new guest to even worry about him right now so I tried to ignore him to the best of my ability, although that soon proved to be a mistake. "Don't you think that you should have let me known that you were engaged?" "I don't see how that pertains to my working abilities, My Lord" I replied in a daze, I was more concerned about protecting myself when sharing a room with 'my fiancé' than anything else right now, I still had his rathe forceful hand imprint all over my behind as my mind raced to my time in the Nam Mansion. There were no signs that I could remember when he got his…sexual awakening so why was he being like this to me now? He had a lot to make up for with me but it seemed like it was the last thing on our minds, even I had to start crossing my legs and pray that whatever…new feelings were going on throughout my body would come to an end. "Goodnight my lord…" "No! Seo Yeon…do you really have no idea how I feel about you? In all this time… in all these years…I have taken on a lot of women in my lifetime, but none of them were as pure and as beautiful as you were…" "My Lord! You are a married man with a family! And I have never even once been in need of your favours, I am rather capable of getting on with my work without them." "Look he…your young man…I know he's young and he's fit but that's all he has to offer you. I have real nobility, rich blood heritage and a fortune that will keep you happy. Yourself and that bastard…" I couldn't fully remember how it happened, but as soon as he mentioned the B word, my hand was temporarily possessed by an angry spirit that made my slap my elders for the first…second time in my life. "I care nothing about riches and nobility in this world, My Lord. And you know what? I love the fact that he is illegitimate; if nobody wants him I can have him for myself!"

He looked as if I had beaten him with something heavy while I tried to wrestle myself out of his grip. I didn't even notice Seon-Ho staring at me in a far away corner so nobody could see him; and all I cool do was just freeze in his vulnerable stare. He was looking at me like he had never truly looked at me before so intensely that even I felt as vulnerable a she looked. I felt completely naked in front of him, and for the first time I felt as if he could see right through my soul. We were totally lost in each other at this moment, so much so that I didn't even notice his wife charging straight at me and slapping me to the ground 'for attempting to seduce her husband' , and even then I still couldn't take my eyes off of him. She went into a full blown rant about 'my behaviour' since I had come here, but when she made her move to strike me a second time, that was was when her husband stopped her for the first time.


At first I had no idea why she had hidden so much of herself from me, but now it was very clear to me that her brother had indeed made the right decision and she was right when she told us years ago that beauty can only attract trouble. And with the epilepsy that was tearing her life apart for a decade of course she didn't have time to focus on anything else. And with all the attention that she was getting, we probably could have never left her on her own back when myself and Hwi took off into the village veery single day. Her mere presence brought something special with her that made everyone feel like they were seen and heard. Bu I couldn't get what she had said about my illegitimacy out of my mind at all, it was so strong that it had began to overtake every insult, every filthy glance, every point degradation and humiliation that I had survived through my entire life had been washed away the moment she declared what she did, and now she was staring at me as if we were the only people in the world who could really see each other for who we truly were.

The madame of the home was about to strike her again when her husband stopped her before i could. "Stop it! What the hell are you doing! Do not treat her that way!" "Why! Why can't I? Do you think I haven't noticed the way she looks at you and tried to seduce you all the time whilst I'm carrying your baby!" "No it's…it isn't like that! It's me…I'm in the one who…" "…Who what exactly?" I couldn't listen to this anymore as I made my way to Yeon and I picked her up off of the floor. Her whole body almost collapsed at my touch, I had no idea why but I liked it, a lot. The minute I settled her into the bed I turned my attention onto the master of the home and I finally managed to take out months of bottled up emotions and frustrations onto his body in front of the women when I started pounding my fists onto his face until I saw nothing but blood. All my life I had restrained my body and mind to be calm and poised like most noble men that I had to measure up to every single day, but now ever since Yeon's words gave me validation I felt as if I was slowly shedding the false skin I had to wear for years and I slowly becoming the boy I used to be; angry at the world and full of justifications to vent it out. I was a man with intelligence, strength and enough drive to change this world if I was given the chance; I finally had the confidence to believe in my own capabilities, I just needed to harness myself in the way that I saw fit…and when my eyes reconnected with Yeon I thought I had found a solution.

The wife was completely horrified, to the point where she felt ill with the baby I guess since she stated screaming in agony. Yeon hurried to call the maids that were all gathered downstairs in horror from all the noise that we had made. And while they all attended to her, Yeon sent the cooks to stay with the children before I could take her away for myself a little bit and make her tend to me and me alone.

We went to the master room where I almost threw her into the room, where there was nothing but conflict and tension between us. I hadn't forgotten for a second why she was upset with me and she had every right to be, but that was most crinkly not what was on my mind right now as she started wetting clothes so I could wipe the blood away, until I stopped her from leaving the room and I told her to clean me up myself and I began to undress the top part of my robes.

I could feel her shudder in something that most definitely not disgust as she cleaned me up and tended to the wounds I had self-inflicted on myself ever since she had left. But now I was feeling something else that was beginning to overpower me, to the point where I no long er had any form of self-control around her at all. I had showed her my true colours from the moment that I almost killed her employer and she hand't tried to walk or run away from me even once.