
The Love That Changed My Life

Would you choose love over school or school over love? Hee Kyung is a girl who got a scholarship to enter a prestigious high school and pursue her dream. But her life changes when she meets Ji ho, a boy who comes from a wealthy family. Hee Kyung falls in love with him madly, but will she sacrifice her goal for him?

Unknown_116 · Teenager
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1 Chs

The Mysterious Boy.

Hee Kyung was sound a sleep when a loud thunderclap jolted her awake.She rubbed her eyes and looked out of the window.The sky was dark and stormy, and raindrops pounded on the roof.

She felt a pang of homesickness as she remembered the peaceful village where she was born.She had left it yesterday to come to the city and continue her studies.She was excited about the new opportunities, but also nervous and tired from the long journey.

She got up to drink some water and then crawled back into bed, hoping to get some more rest.

The next morning she was woken up by her auntie's voice calling out her name"Hee Kyung, you will be late for school! It's your first day, isn't it? You have to hurry!"Hee Kyung jumped off bed with a smile on her face and quickly put on her uniform.She couldn't wait to go to school and meet new friends. She ran downstairs and saw a plate of delicious breakfast waiting for her on the table. "Come down, sweetie. Your aunt made you a breakfast just for you," Yu jin said, smiling warmly.

"Thank you, auntie. I won't take long to eat it"Hee Kyung said, grabbing a chopstick and digging in. She wondered how high school life would be in the city. Would it be different from her village school? Would she fit in? Would she make good grades? She finished her breakfast in a few minutes and got ready to go. But she couldn't her aunt anywhere. She searched for her in the house, but she has nowhere to be seen. Then she heard her voice from outside. She was talking to the neighbor.

"Heyy sweetie. Ready to go,huh?"Yu jin said, seeing Hee Kyung come out of the house.

"Yeah umm..."Hee Kyung started to say, but the neighbor interrupted her.

"Is that your sister's daughter?" the neighbor asked Yu Jin, looking at Hee Kyung with curiosity.

"Yeah, she is,"Yu Jin said proudly.

"She is so beautiful, you know," the neighbor said, making Hee Kyung blush.

"Umm, thank you, auntie. Can I go now? I'll be late,"Hee Kyung said politely, feeling awkward.

"Yeah, sure you can. But don't skip your meals and you have to take care, okay?" Yu Jin said, giving Hee Kyung a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, I will. Bye!"Hee Kyung said, waving goodbye and running to catch a bus.

She arrive at school just in time for the first bell. She looked around and saw many students arriving too, but most of them were different from her.They wore expensive clothes and accessories and carried fancy gadgets. They seemed confident and popular. Hee Kyung felt out of place and insecure. So she decided to pull up her socks and tell herself that she could do it.

She entered her class and saw that everyone was talking to each others. They seemed to know each others well because they had studied together before. Hee Kyung didn't talk to anyone and decided to take a seat at the back near the window. She hoped that someone would be friendly and talk to her, but no one did.

She took a seat and started to look out the window. Suddenly, she saw a tall and handsome boy who stepped out of sleek black car.

He had dark hair and piercing eyes that made him look mysterious and cool. He walked towards the school building with an air of authority and indifference. "Wow, he's so handsome! I think he studies in the same class as me," Hee Kyung as she felt her heart skip a beat.

She was not the only one who noticed him. A girl sitting next to her said loudly, "That's my type! What do you say, girls?"she looked at her friends who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, he is Min Seo's type," one of them said.

"He's so hot!"another one said.

Hee Kyung decided to ignore them and focus on her own feelings. She felt a strange attraction towards him that she couldn't explain. "Why do I find that boy attractive? I must be crazy," she thought as she shook her head.

The boy entered the class and took a seat in the same row as Hee Kyung's, but he was the fourth person in the row. He didn't pay attention to anyone and looked bored and serious. He had no smile on his face. Hee Kyung felt a pang disappointment. She wished he would look at her and smile, but he didn't.

Soon the teacher came and started the lesson. Hee Kyung tried to concentrate on what he was saying, but she couldn't help stealing glances at the boy. She wondered what his name was, what he liked, what he thought of her. She hoped that he would notice her too, but he didn't.

Hee Kyung didn't know it yet, but that boy was going to change her life forever.