
Chapter 4

Almost a week in their relationship and they were inseparable. They used to go on dates and watching the star had become a regular thing for them. Nothing really mattered as long as they were together. They were always together in school and they were considered one of the best couple.

He touched her face and said "you are the answer to my every prayer, I don't intend to spend the rest of my life without you." She smiled and replied "I am yours for as long as you are mine. You are the one for me." They were lying in the grass and she snuggled up against him.

During their first monthsary, he took her to his home. He lived alone and his parents lived in Paro, he only had a caretaker. "I have been alone since I changed school, my parents live in Paro." She hugged her and said it's okay, I am here for you and I will always be."

They went to his room and went through some photographs and she noticed that he also had the selfie they took back in Paro. After a while they kissed and when she pulled back, her world felt dreamlike. She snuggled up against him and said "you won't leave me right?" He kissed her forehead and said "I would never leave you, Lha." Leaning in, she kissed his neck gently as she pulled his shirt, and said "I want you inside me." Then he reached for her, he slowly ran his fingers through her belly. She felt breathless as he moved his hands through her breasts. He removed her pants and then panties, she moaned a little when he finally ran his finger through her vagina. And when she got on top and when they joined as one, she gave a hard moan and moved above him. She leaned her head back as she moved faster and faster. She started kissing him on his neck and his chests. She gave him love bites and when they were close she moaned "Kuenga!!" and Kuenga moaned "oh Lha…." When they were done she gave a hard moan.

They went to the bathroom and took a shower together. And Kuenga started to move his hands through her breasts again. This time he went from behind, pulled her hair and she looked back and kissed him while she moaned. They were both moaning and it was erotic. They almost went about six minutes and stopped.

"I gave you everything I had," she said as she leaned against his chest on the bed and then she added "never leave me." He kissed her and said "I will never leave you." They kissed and after a while Lhawang got a call from her mom and she wanted to leave, on the way she brought a pill too.

August 25th, 2017, it was their last examination of the trial, she didn't see Kuenga anywhere. "Where is he?" she thought to herself. But Kuenga was with a girl in the back of a class. "I have a girlfriend," he told Deki as he pulled back his hand. Deki held his had again and said "I can be more fun than her."

When he tried to push her back, she came closer and hugged him while Lhawang saw them hugging and Kuenga immediately pushed Deki away. Lhawang stood there in awe, disbelief and without a second thought, she left. He pushed Deki and followed her, "Lha? He shouted and then added "don't walk away from me."

Kuenga saw Lhawang standing near the school gate, "Lha? I can explain." "What? You were hugging her." She cried. "Lha, trust me," he moved closer. "What is there to trust? I saw it with my own eyes." She pushed him away. "Please, listen to me," he pleaded. "Eyes don't lie Kuenga," tears fell from her eyes.

"Just fucking trust me for once," he raised his voice. She cried and said "get lost." "Come on listen to me, Lha." She pushed him again and shouted "It's over, don't follow me." "Huh," his voice shattered. "Well, FUCK OFF AND FUCK YOU," he shouted right at her.

"Fuck you too," she stammered. Kuenga watched her as she walked away from him, the love of his life walking away from him. By the time he realized he was crying and it was raining. He yelled in the sky, "I defy you, stars." And cried in the rain.

He went straight to a bar and drank as much as he could.

Lhawang went to the bridge and cried her heart out. She felt betrayed, shattered and completely broken. She felt the instant heartache and the feeling when you get when someone you loved, someone you thought would never betray you, breaks your heart into pieces. Only then she realized that love can hurt and it can be painful. She was exposed to the pain of love.

Kuenga was drunk and called his mom, said that he wanted to change school and leave everything behind. His friends and Lhawang too. He called up some of his friends and told them he was leaving. He packed all of his cloths and waited for sunrise, he wanted to ride early in the morning, before that, he texted Lhawang for the last time.

My dearest Lhawang,

Like all the great novels, there are happy and unhappy endings. I thought we had a chance for a happy one but it wasn't meant to be. I love you with all my heart and I will always do. The day you saw me hugging Deki, she forced me into it and I was just telling her that I love you and you are my girlfriend. It could take days, even months but one day you are going to wake up and the sorrow will slip away, until we are nothing but a distant memory. You once asked who I loved the most in the world.

It's you, Lhawang.


After reading the message, Lhawang felt shattered. She tried to call him but he didn't respond. She stayed late at night, crying and listening to music. She blamed herself for not trusting him and reacting so quickly. She hated the feeling of not being able to see or talk to him. She tried her best to avoid it and try new things.

After almost crying for a month for him, she finally made up her mind that she would never again cry for him. And like he said, they were nothing but a distant memory. The love they had was gone and it was never coming back. After completing 12 she went to college but she never moved on.