
The Love of The Demon Queen

For the sake of a job, Michael comes to a country which turns out to be the target country of the Devil Queen to rule. The beautiful and alluring Queen of the Devil wants to seduce humans to a real, sinful delusion. She was assigned by her father who is a member of Hell to bring all humans who live on earth to eternity in Hell and defeat the beauty of Heaven. But this time, the Queen had to lose when she faced Michael, who is the incarnation of the Angel of the highest heaven.

Vbeytha · Fantasie
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29 Chs


Michael stood in front of the forest wearing a head covering to protect him from the bad thing. That could happen when the workers were busy cutting the big tree trunks. He left his apartment early in the morning, not even waiting for Katherine to awaken, from her deep cocoon-like slumber.

Weird thing Katherine had never done before. They also slept together on the couch wrapped in a blanket but within reasonable limits without doing anything. If possible Michael thought that Katherine was mad at him and trying to find sympathy by sleeping like that.

"Hey, you're here... so early." Michael smiled at the woman speaking to him, and walking over to her.

"Watching when the sun has not risen, I think the right thing."

"Yes, you're right."

"I think they are too slow to work, one tool can only cut four to five trees. Whereas this forest might be estimated to consist of hundreds of trees. And the tool used is only three, then how long will this forest be evenly denuded."

"We can call them to ask what the problem is because the tools used are sophisticated. They should be able to cut dozens of trees in a day. And my target is 50 trees in a day, within a week. The forest will be bare and ready for stockpiling."

A worker came to face them and started talking about the difficulties that had occurred. It was still in an unreasonable circle. The worker said, "This tool normally chops down a tree in three to five minutes, but cutting a tree here feels like cutting the supple body of an octopus with a dull knife, Sir."

Michael glanced at the woman beside him and they finally exchanged questioning looks. "Look there, they feel tired just cutting a tree for an hour but it hasn't fallen yet. Would it be better if this forest was just burned?"

Michael shook his head, "Not a wise thing. I already know the impact of forest fires due to land acquisition. Don't use it that way, they often burn forests to clear land. And as a result, air pollution increases in neighboring countries. The smoke causes shortness of breath in people with asthma and it's not good for our lungs that are inhaled," he explained clearly.

"So how is it Master, we can't force the workers if they are tired, they also need to rest. Seeing this forest is still wide and wide is enough, to make our spirits drop drastically and feel tired before work," he asked frustrated, because it takes a long time and can result in large material losses for the team.

"Okay, just work on it for the time being. We'll find a solution for that."

The worker left and Michael looked at his friend, "Have you had breakfast yet, V ?"

Velove shook her head and Michael continued, "Let's have breakfast and talk about that."

The two of them walked hand in hand towards the car, without Michael realizing that he had been noticed by a beautiful and then wild creature from the forest. Exciting creature, now feeling jealous and not happy, when another woman approached Michael. Especially touching Michael.

She opened her palm and noticed the tips of her five fingers were injured. Small holes when she was tempted to touch the holy virgin, who apparently could not be enjoyed.

"If I can't touch him directly, do I have to change into a human appearance, Akhhh! Annoying, I don't like being weak, I hate!"


"Shit! Since this country has pissed me off, then my energy is depleted and needs to be replenished!"

Normally she eats once a month with large portions. Just two days ago she ate and now her body is feeling hungry again.

"Guards!" she shouted because this hunger was increasing. This big man with the head of a bull rushed to run towards her.

"I'm here, Your Majesty Queen Romeda."

"I want to eat, prepare the most delicious food from this country, now, don't be long!"

"Yes Queen, immediately."

Romeda stared intently out the window again. Her hands clasped against her from the front. Closing her eyes imagining that the charming body of the man, of her dreams was beneath her. She would control their love hotly.

"Who are you Michael, why do you smell good and so manly ... ohhhhhh ... Michael—"

Her body that had been standing in front of the window now darted across the bed. Squirming as if she felt the pleasure of great love. Her hands lifted and gripped the pillow supporting her head. Imagining Michael's face so sexy when she sighed in the water.

This Queen of passion, feeling out of breath when tired of sighing in frustration. She wants something that is not possible between her and Michael. Until the messenger of the King of Hell came back to remind her. Romeda stopped her outburst of passion when she felt the fire of hell coming closer.

"Greetings, Her Majesty The Queen."

"Why else would you come here."

"I'm just sending a message to remind you not to fall in love with Michael"

Romeda sat down, displeased when she was forbidden to act. All this time she did what she wanted, without having to get a warning from her father.

"What's wrong with him, why can't he? Who dares to forbid me! Even God will not forbid my actions."

Of course, because the devil was created to lead people astray. Life without trials, humans live on earth to be tested by every act of their horns. Only a select few will occupy heavenly beauties.

"Michael is the son of an angel in the highest heaven. His body is pure and untouched as well as his heart. He has a little grudge you can still approach him. He can control his heart, he will become a shining being like the Elves who are untouchable. If you are reckless and you will burn. Choose eternal life or die in vain for it."

Romeda tensed, wanted to get angry but couldn't. Only this time she has to struggle to get her wild desires with someone she wants.


Two glasses of hot chocolate with four slices of bread were already on the table. Michael took a sip of the delicious chocolate scent. Closed his eyes until his curled eyelashes rose, looking very handsome, stunning Velove who was in front of him. ("How handsome you are, how I can pet you and kiss you.")

Suddenly Michael opened his eyes and looked at Velove, who was startled and then stuttered. She was caught watching Michael. Michael smiled when he heard V swearing again, that she felt ashamed of herself admiring Michael's figure that she couldn't have.

"V, how does it feel if you want to get rid of love for someone you hate."

V laughed, her body advanced to the edge of the table and her face was very close to Michael's then said, "Be in a relationship with another woman and feel that woman's love just for you then you will forget a traitor you don't deserve to love," She said then someone comes with the angry act close to them.

"What do you mean, acting like this huh, like a whore!"

Michael was surprised when unexpectedly, Katherine came and immediately stomped her bag on the table so hard, looking fiercely at Michael and V alternately. V knew that if Katherine walked away. She would approach them and then do something, that would make the con woman angry and annoyed with her.