
The love obsession

Ceecee_ · Teenager
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110 Chs

chapter 84 Ball

Three years later

In the bustling city of Mexico, warmth swept around in the air,it's been three years already since Alexa left her mom, it's been three years since she moved,it's been three years since..she last saw Ayden.

There wasn't a day that went by without his face crossing her mind,she still had the ring on and the half love pendant,she sometimes thought if he kept his or he felt it irrelevant as he didn't know how it got to his neck.

She was at peace now, William, Valerie's brother had warmed up to her and they were now particularly close,he was really sweet but sometimes she wondered why he was so cold and rude when they first met...opps the second time they met.

Her college life was just fine,she was staying in a dorm with three other roommate,she had made friends with two of them tyla and mia,the other was mysterious and didn't like to mix with the crowd so Alexa just assumed she wasn't one to talk.

The business of designing was famous in Mexico after a new company had stormed there two years ago and under that two years had been able to become number one in the whole of Mexico,the CEO of the company kept a very low profile,no media has been able to capture his face..or her.

Infact no one knew the CEOs gender,was it a male or a female..,or an alien.


Right now she had just come out from lectures with her two new friends,they left the college vicinity to their usual restaurant to get breakfast since they usually don't eat before lectures.

They sat down as the awaited their food while Alexa was reading the latest gossip on Weibo.

Yes..she was reading a gossip feed.

Nothing unusual there..get used to it.

You guys did you apply the Intern form for X $ X designers co.

X $ X designers co.was the name of the new company that lifted the designing business in Mexico, literally it was a life saver and went to fame quickly.

Just how capable was this CEO.

We did,they said in sync.

Jinx,you owe me a double iced cappuccino.

Hey..you owe me an ice cream.

You owe me a box of pizza,they kept on going in sync.

You guys cut it out,Alexa said laughing and they stopped with a laugh.

The two continued to talk as Alexa looked outside the restaurant from the glass opposite her,the city was indeed beautiful, she arranged her baby hair behind her ears,she was now nineteen years old and now more alluring and mature,she was at the prime of her youth,and had a pretty figure,she didn't go anywhere without drawing the attention of the opposite gender.

She possessed a lot of charm,her black hair that was previously long falling onto her back was now reaching her shoulder,she had a hair cut recently cause the hair grew a lot and was quite disturbing but it only enhanced her beauty making her gender jealous of her,she could only hang out with Mia and tyla cause they were so cool and she really liked their company and unlike everyone else who envied her they encouraged her to go into modeling as nowadays it was such good pay and she really did have the figure for it.

Meanwhile she didn't want it,she already had her path planned out,she would really make a name for her self in this fashion designing business,her mom couldn't reach the top doesn't mean she couldn't and she would do it confidently and wouldn't let anything stop her path.

She was still lost in thoughts looking outside when she heard a familiar voice.

Your order miss,she looked up at the food before looking at the figure holding it with a smile..,it was William.

He dropped the food down as Alexa got up with a smile and gave him a hug as he pecked her gently on the cheeks.

Yeah..he did..,but no they weren't dating..

She adjusted her hair and sat down as he sat beside her,tyla and mia both giggling non-stop as they admired William.

Who didn't know the fabulous twins in Mexico,they were admired by many,William was handsome with his red hair and tiny eyes making him look aloof,he still had his ear piercing making him look like a bad boy.

Are you guys finally dating?,tyla asked.

Alexa took a sip from her hot tea totally ignoring her question and William obviously wanted to say something but he got a text message.

Don't answer,it was from Alexa,he smiled warmly as he placed his phone back.

They had met William in person through alexa,he always visited her back at the college waiting for her in his car or they would meet in this same restaurant,so they assumed they were dating but had no idea they were just close friends till Alexa told them.

You want some bread william,mia asked totally infatuated.

Thanks am good.

Her inside were booming with joy,he was really sweet.

He got a call soon after,it was a business call.

I'll see you later this evening then,he said to Alexa and she nodded before he walked away answering the call.

This evening...

Alexa what's going on this evening,they both asked.

It's the masquerade gala I told you guys about,lots of famous designers will be there and most business magnate of different other businesses.

Oh.,they said in sync and stared at each other.

I think it will be boring there, mia said.

You do know I said business magnates will be there,what are the odds that your favorite CEO will appear, Alexa teased and their eyes opened in shock.

That was right,mia and tyla were always fantasizing about the CEO of X $ X designers co.,they even daydream about what he would look like.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ceecee_creators' thoughts