
The Loud House: Gamer

Twenty year old Lincoln Loud, or Link, or even Linky, as called by his affectionate sisters, has finally beat the game he has been playing since he was eleven. This game was one no one had beaten, until Lincoln, and when he went to take off the virtual reality helmet, he yelled in pain, as electricity forced it's way through his head. Now Lincoln wasn't some skinny kid anymore, he was actually pretty buff with all the things his sister's needed help with, as well as odd jobs his father needed help with. He even became two feet taller than his dad. But as soon as he had woken up, it seemed like that body type wasn't really necessary anymore. In front of him, lay a holographic screen, saying congratulations. (Other Tags- Loli, Incest, Milf?) Other credits go to the original Gamer, Jihan Han from Webtoon. I do not own The Gamer, or The Loud House, please support the official release.

SpedaHooves · TV
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

Lincoln Loud, while not being the most brightest of the bunch, sure knew how things worked in life. He's done practically everything for his sister's, as well as his friend, Clyde.

He didn't get much of anything back for all he did, but he wasn't complaining, so long as his youngest sister wasn't angry at him. He grew to like her a little more than the others for one specific reason. She never shunned him for things he didn't do, like the others usually mistakenly did in the not so distant past.

But he wasn't really thinking of any of them at the moment, he was doing one of the few things he ever got to do by himself- play VR: World of Warcraft 8, the last in the franchise. He had been finally reaching the last bit of the game, after two long hours to add to the hundreds of thousands of hours playing the game, he arrived at the boss.

"Fear not Princess Vinnie! I, Lutharian, have come to save you!", he yelled out, getting into Character. The princess he was saving had real Intelligence, but didn't know she was a part of the game, and most of the players of the game intended to keep the NPCs unaware.

"Beware! There a giant-!", Began Princess Vinnie, who was locked in a cage, very reminiscent of New Super M*rio Brothers's 8th world's end. This was proven when a giant turtle with spikes on its back stomped into view, and began shooting fireballs from it's mouth. Unknown to many players, Nintendo had joined in on this last event, though, to Lincoln, he quickly found out.

"Fuckin' B*wser from M*rio??! Oh shi-!", began Lincoln, before he had to dive behind a boulder, barely dodging the roaring giant fireball. He could actually feel the blistering heat as it passed over him, breathing in sharply as he forgot his left arm was up still. It burned for several seconds, before he sharply pulled it back, groaning in pain, nearly being brought to tears.

"HA HA HA HA, WEAKLING! DIE!!!", Yelled the overgrown shelled lizard, firing several more fireballs in quick succession, which Lincoln had to roll many times to dodge, again barely surviving by the skin of his teeth.

"Arggh... I WON'T FAIL!!!", Lincoln roared, limping forward, as his leg got caught between some rocks, sword raised high. He then broke into a sprint, as best as he could have, and then jumped at the turtle.

"Get OFF me, you little ant!", roared B*wser this time, quickly trying to slam a giant fist down onto Lincoln. When Lincoln dodged the blows, B*wser made large amounts of damage to himself, but he was too angry to notice.

"NO! You are going to FALL, B*wser! RAAAGH!", Lincoln screamed out, stabbing his sword deep into the beast's chest, which B*wser yelled out in pain, bringing another fist to slam down again, but as Lincoln jumped, the beast's heart was pierced clean through. Finally, killing the beast.

Lincoln sighed in pained relief, as the congratulations sign appeared over the room, as well as the crying relieved Princess Vinnie, free from her cell, came running and hugged Lincoln, quickly healing his wounds.

"Thank you, brave hero, for rescuing me. You truly deserve the greatest prize...", she says, as her tears quickly slow down, and she brings Lincoln into a tongue filled kiss, after which she continued. " ... My brave, Lincoln Loud, thank you for playing our game.", she said with a smile, and as Lincoln's eyes widened into saucers, his vision faded to black, signifying that he can remove the VR headset.

Lincoln's heart had stopped for ten solid seconds, before he breathed in deeply, and began removing the headset, but as soon as it was almost off, he experienced blindingly sharp pain, the headset falling to the wood floor quite loudly.

"GAAGH..!!!", He screamed out, holding his head tightly, the pain being a hundred times worse than what he experienced in the game, his tears running down his cheeks. But he was alone for the day, so no one knew he was in pain.

Eventually, the pain became too much, and he passed out, the tear streaks soon drying, and his form became motionless. As he drifted in unconsciousness, he experienced many memories of a man. Some one named Jihan Han. Along with a young woman's memories, and he realized they were Princess Vinnie's. But he would not have time to think on them. Not yet, at least.


Lincoln awoke, feeling extremely weak, a parched throat, and also feeling slightly sick. But at the same time, he felt calm. More collected than he's ever been.

Suddenly, a little figure burst into his room, and jumped onto Lincoln, surprising him a great amount since it's been a few months since she had done so.

"L... Linky!!! I... I found you with a bloody nose and mouth, so I went to get some water! Are you okay? What happened?!", asked a trembling, teary, younger sister of Lincoln's, in particular the youngest. Her name was Lily Loud, and she had turned ten years old, many months ago now. She was closing in on eleven here soon.

Lincoln gazed at her a little empty-like, before he regained control of his emotions, and smiled, pulling her into a tight hug, which made the young Loud quiet down.

"I'm okay, I just busted my nose a bit when taking off the head set, on my dresser. You don't have to worry about me, Lily, okay?", he says, holding one of her cheeks in his hand, before kissing her forehead.

"O... Okay... just don't scare me like that again, okay Linky? .... I couldn't live without you ...", She quietly said the last part while hugging his frame even tighter than before, and Lincoln's eyes widened. He didn't know he had that much of an impact for Lily, but he smiled, and layed back, cuddling the little girl. She was his sunshine in a rainy day, of course he'd want to be closer to her than his other sisters, not that he didn't love them, but he didn't really think it was mutual.

Soon, the two were sleeping together, curled around eachother. They wouldn't be bothered until a few hours later, where Lucy Loud finds the two like that, again. She carefully pulls Lily out of Lincoln's arms, then brings her back to her shared room with the girl.


Lincoln awoke in his room again, alone, but what he awoke to was completely shocking to him.

What he saw was a holographic blue screen. And the first thing on there said Congratulations! It was waiting to be opened, and all. But Lincoln was too confused on what to do, seeing he thought he was hallucinating after playing so much.


- - - STATUS SCREEN - - -


Thank you for playing our game, Lincoln Loud, for being the first player to finish World of Warcraft 8 VR, you have been gifted with many gifts. The first, and most important one is becoming the new inheritor of the Gamer. You may click the bottom down below to start the tutorial phase, as well as view your inventory, for claiming your reward items, abilities, and more!

[Click Here!]


After doing what the screen said, he mentally clicked the button, and after that was over, a new screen popped up, which showed a few tabs.


Name: Lincoln Loud

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Level: 1 (28% Exp)


The Gamer

Character Abilities

Imaginative Mind

Manly Body

The Family Man

Gamer's Mind

Gamer's Body


Strength- 24

Perception- 18

Endurance- 20

Charisma- 30

Intelligence- 16

Agility- 22

Luck- 10

Stat Points: 0


Newbie Gift Package {5}

World of Warcraft MasterCraft Armour

World of Warcraft MasterCraft Sword

Character Summon- Princess Vinnie

World of Warcraft Skill- Fireball

World of Warcraft Skill- Triple Spin Slash


Lincoln Loud was ecstatic at reading this, and whatever dream this was that he was having, he never wanted to wake up.