
Chapter 15: Elizabeth's POV

Mike walked me to my room and then gave me a tight hug.

"Don't ever scare me like that, Liz. I thought I was going to lose you." I chuckled. "To tell you the truth Mike, I was also scared for a minute there."

Mike gave me a tired smile. "We should get some rest. My room is right opposite yours. If you need anything, and I mean ANYTHING, just call out to me and I'll come running."

"Thanks Mike. Thank you for everything."

Mike gave me another hug and then stepped into his room.

When I walked into my bedroom, I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. It looked like the bedroom in a five star hotel. It wasn't just a bedroom. There was a bedroom, a sitting room area, a walk-in closet and a bathroom.

I saw a large window and when I walked to it I saw a balcony right outside. I stepped outside. I could almost almost see the entire pack grounds from here. I let the cool fresh air run through my curls for a while. I was thinking about everything that had happened in just a matter of days. A few days ago I was just a normal girl whose life just kept falling apart. Now, now I don't even know what I am.

I stepped back inside the bedroom. Jonathan had given me some clothes for the next few days. I wasn't even sure if I was going to be here for the next few days. But given that I may be some kind of magical creature, staying here for a while would make sense. I'd be able to figure out what I am.

I stepped inside the bathroom. The shower was big enough to fit three people in it. I removed my clothes and put them in a washing basket. I turned on the hot water and started washing myself. I also decided to wash my hair again seeing as I've been fighting witches. After what seemed like forever, I was done.

When I went through the clothes Jonathan had given me I realised there weren't any pajamas. I took one of the big shirts amongst the clothes and put it on. It stopped a few inches underneath my bums.

I lied in bed for a few minutes, but I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Mathew and that hug. When he held me, it felt like he thought of me as more than a friend. That wasn't a hug between people who are JUST friends. I would never hug someone who's just a friend like that. And the way he looked at me. He looked at me like he wanted me. Was I overthinking this? Did my new friendship with Mike threaten a potential relationship with Mathew? Do I like Mike?

I had all these thoughts swirling in my head and I didn't know how to stop my mind from racing. Mathew has only known me for a few months. He's charming, funny, smart, self-aware and so freaking hot. He has a bunch of friends and the most attractive women chasing after him. I'm just me. Most guys just think I'm a bookworm who's obsessed with legal precedents.

The only good thing about me is that I've always wanted to help people. I was able to do that for some time, but since I can't even be a lawyer anymore now I can't even do that.

A tear trickled down my face while my mind raced with these thoughts.

I had to accept that a guy like Mathew was too good for someone like me. He was probably only friends with me because his life was also falling apart. What if he felt sorry for me? What if all my bad luck had spread to him somehow? It sounds ridiculous, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm causing all the bad things that have happened to him. Was I being selfish by staying in his life?

Then I started thinking about Meg. Mathew clearly still loves Meg. What kind of a friend would want to get in between their relationship. They've been engaged for a whole year.

But what about that ride in the subway? The things Mathew was doing to me sent sensations up and down my spine. Surely he must know what he was doing to me. Or was he just playing around?

I decided to clear things up with Mathew before my head exploded from all these thoughts. Besides, whenever my internal monologues get the best of me, Mathew is always able to calm me down.

I tiptoed out of my room and started heading to the staircase. I knew Mathew was on the floor above me.

I stood before his bedroom door, took a deep breath and then summoned all my willpower to knock on his door. I knew that he was still angry at me, but I was hoping we would be able to talk things out.

After a few knocks, Mathew opened the door. He was only wearing grey sweatpants and I could see his six pack glistening in the moonlight. His sweatpants were riding low on his waist. One tug at them would probably release his manhood.

He noticed that I was staring at his pants. He grabbed my arm and dragged me inside his bedroom. He closed the door and pushed me against the wall. His right hand was leaning against the wall and his left hand was pressing my waist against him. His eye colour was constantly changing between green and blue.

He pushed himself against me and I felt his rock hard manhood against me. A moan involuntarily escaped my mouth.

"What are you doing here?" He gave a low growl and I could feel his breath on my lips.

I couldn't help but push my hips against him even though there was already no space between us. It was like my body was acting on its own.

"I said what are you doing here, Elizabeth?", he repeated.

I bit my lip. "I wanted to see you. I don't like it when you're angry with me".

He put his nose at the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply. "Fuck", I heard him mutter to himself. His thumb rubbed my lip and parted it slightly.

I felt his hand sliding under my shirt and he tugged at my silk panties. Another moan left my mouth and I arched my back without realising.

"I don't want you going near that Mike guy again", he said with a low growl.

I was struggling to even think straight, but I managed to respond to him.

"He's my friend, Mathew", I said with hesitation. "He's my friend just like you and I are friends."

Mathew slammed his hand against the wall and growled at me. "Don't you dare say that! It's only me and you, Elizabeth. I don't want anyone else going near you; especially someone who clearly likes you!"

His lips were inches away from mine. I could feel his hot breath on my lips. I almost went insane when his one hand gripped my buttcheeck even tighter. I wanted him to come closer. I wanted him to kiss me and tell me he wants to be more than friends.

"Mathew, I don't think Mike likes me like that", I said while breathing heavily. "But why should it matter if he does like me? Aren't you and I just friends?"

I was trying to get him to tell me what precisely I was to him. I was hoping he would tell me he also fell in love with me the moment he saw me and that he has spent the last 3 months wanting to fall asleep next to me. I realised in this moment that I may like Mike, but I am inlove with Mathew. I couldn't explain it, but I felt a deep urge to live for him and for him to live for me.

Mathew slammed his hand against the wall again and walked away from me.

"You and I WERE friends, but not anymore. If I knew you were like this, I would have turned away the moment I saw you in that cafe. Date Mike if you want to. I don't care! Now leave my room. I've had a long day and I want to rest."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I clutched at my chest. I couldn't breathe. I started sobbing as I tried to reach for his hand.

"You don't mean that!", I said to him. My head was spinning. This had to be some sick nightmare. Mathew would never say something like that to me.

He tore his hand out of mine. The pain of this gesture made me fall to the ground. He crouched down and looked right in my eyes.

"I meant every word, Elizabeth. If I had known that you're the kind of girl who throws herself at every man she meets, I would have never become your friend. You only met this Mike guy the other day and the two of you are already all over each other. Is it because you know you can't have me? Are you with him because after all these months you've realised you'll never be good enough for me?"

I could not stop myself from crying. Every word felt like a stake through the heart. I was sobbing on the floor.

Mathew had only known me for 3 months, but he knew that I had never even had a boyfriend. He was my only guy friend. Heck, he was the only friend I had made since I was a kid. I couldn't understand why he would say these things. I'm 23 and I've never even been kissed. He knew all this. Did having Mike as a friend make me a whore?

A minute ago, I thought Mathew would tell me he also had feelings for me. What was happening right now was my absolute worst nightmare. All this time, he knew I liked him. All these months of hiding my feelings did not fool him. He knew I liked him and all he saw was a pathetic girl who would never be good enough for him. He was never my friend. He was just a hot guy who was amused by my high-school girl crush.

"Please tell me you don't mean that! You're supposed to be my best friend, Mathew. Why would you say all these things?", I said through my uncontrollable sobs.

"Because they're true, Elizabeth. Go and be friends with, Mike. I'll tell Megan all about your new friend the next time I see her", he said with a mocking tone."I just hope you don't make Mike's life fall apart like you did mine."

This was the final crushing blow. Mathew had confirmed every terrible thing I thought about myself. And not only that, he also suspected that I was the one causing havoc in his life. He knew I was spreading all my bad luck to him. He and Megan probably talked about it all the time. How could I be so stupid?

I was trying to stop the sobs coming out of my mouth, but I couldn't. I felt devastated by what Mathew had just told me. I was trying to speak through my sobs but I started feeling heat rising in my body. My breathing was shallow and quick and I even started smelling some smoke coming from the carpet I was crying on.

"Oh no, it's happening again", I said as I got up.

Mathew looked down and also noticed the smoke.

I had to get out of here.

"Elizabeth, are you okay?", I faintly heard him yelling after me as I dashed for the door.

Before he could say anything else, I ran out of the room and made my way downstairs. As soon as I got to my room, I started splashing cold water on my face. It wasn't helping.

I got in the shower and turned the tap on to the coldest setting.

"Oh no", I muttered to myself. I could still feel my body getting hotter.

I quickly put a shirt and underwear on and ran out of my room and started banging on Mike's door. He opened the door after a few knocks. I could tell he was still sleepy.

"Hey Liz", he said while yawning. "Are you okay?"

"Mike it's happening again!", I said through my sobs.

His eyes grew wider and he immediately knew what I was talking about.

"Liz, look at me and breathe", he said in a calm voice. Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Come on. You have to do this with me."

I did as Mike said while holding his gaze, but I could still feel my body getting hotter and I could smell smoke coming from where I was sitting on his bed.

"It's not working!", I said through quiet sobs.

"Yes it is, Liz. It's working because if you lose control this time you will burn me as well. I'm going to stay right here with you, so you have to control it so that I don't die."

The thought of hurting Mike sent a new wave of determination through my body. Mike had only known me for a few days, but he had treated me like family.

I felt my body cooling down the longer I looked into his dark brown eyes.

I'm leaning more towards #teamMike now. Don't forget to #Vote.

Eli_Stonecreators' thoughts