
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
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53 Chs

Chapter 7 - The Queen of..

The winds gently licked my face as Fortassax climbed, her body moving at great speed as we broke through the clouds, my eyes looking out at the endless white, like the rolling waves of a vast sea. My hand moved to touch my long hair, pulling it to my face as I could see the blood still caked and dried in it. My armor beon the field of battle, was still covered in blood and flesh as I looked at my war hammer. (yes I changed it) looking at the hand-like fixture that held the pick and long handle covered in blood.

[image here]

"If you are finished, girl, let us return home.. It looks like I am in need of a bath." No matter the high winds, or clouds that tried to cover my voice, Fortassax heard me, her head turning as she screeched and dove down.

"I wonder what excuse my brother will provide now.." diving down into the clouds, I couldn't help but laugh lightly at what was about to happen.

(Rhaenys pov)

Meleys lifted into the air as I watched Keth's back, his hand rubbing along Fortassax's neck, his long hair blowing in the wind as he smirked. 'A man who is as carefree as he is lustful and cruel.' my mind thought as I looked at his relaxed manner of moving.

'But with our child, I'm sure he will change for the better, more so than he already has. The world is changing Keth, even you can not stay the same.' Meleys body rolled as she took to the sky, my mind thinking as I placed my hand on my stomach. 'not forever..'

My body moved with each movement of Meleys, her wings kicking up gusts as she lifted above the high cliffs, only for my eyes to catch the fishermen at the shore, 'Surely he wouldn't..' My mind soon had a dreadful thought, rising above the cliffs.

Meleys body shook as she flew low to the ground, gliding as if we were not in a rush, yet the pit in my stomach only grew, my head looking back many times as my heart beat louder. 'This is ridiculous..' Even with that thought, I turned Meleys, moving towards the high cliffs once more.

The ground shook as she landed, her legs carrying us forward as she moved to the high rocks that lay far above the coastline. Her body turning as I looked down, watching Fortassax move towards the fishermen, with each step my hands tightened around the rains in front of me.

"Flamma frenesí.." My mouth opened, my heart tight as I watched Fortassax open her mouth, blowing out a fire that burned the ocean and land but kept the people intact. "Why Keth.. there was no need." My hand trembled as I watched the burnt men stand, moving forward in a frenzy as they killed each other.

[image here]

"Ahh help!"


The screams of the men echoed off the high cliffs, ever ringing in my head as I watched, the men killed their own in a mad panic of blood and death. "Keth.." My eyes closed as the screams continued, hearing them beg and cry as I pulled Meleys from the cliffside.

"They did not need to die for our secret.. what all did the battlefield truly do to you.. my love." Meleys moved forward, rising into the air as I thought about what I saw, I knew why, or I thought I did but it did not stop the aching in my heart.

(??? Pov)

"Come on Syrax, let us go home before mother grows too worried." The wind felt refreshing as I looked down, watching the small dots of people move within the city. My body free as I felt that nothing in the world was better then this feeling.

"Aunt came not long ago with Meleys." I said watching as Syrax shook her neck, blowing out of her nose as I spoke. "There is no reason to envy her syrax, one day you will grow larger than her even." I felt as if I understood syrax's gesture, my voice loud as I rubbed her back gently.

Syrax seemed to understand as she roared lightly, her body diving down as I leaned forward, the world rushing around me as it slowly became a blur, a laugh escaped my lips as I watched the high towers of the city grow closer. "wohh!" I yelled out pulling back on the rains as Syrax skimmed across the tops of buildings.

The people below looked up in aw but still reflexively move their bodies as Syrax drew closer, a smile upon my lips as I rushed back to the dome-like structure I knew all too well.

"What a dreadful place..built to trap you all within it.." I said, looking at the dragon pit below, I knew it was wise but it felt just like how I was, confined and unable to be free.

"Calm Syrax, I promise it will not be long.." As we lower into the dragon pit, I could feel how agitated Syrax was becoming, placing my hand on her neck as I watched robed men walk forward standing with their sticks. 'What little help that will do..' I couldn't help but giggle at this, watching them back up slightly as Syrax landed.

My eyes were focused and my ears uncaring about what the dragon keepers were saying, as they tried to calm Syrax, only for my eyes to linger on a man who sat atop a white horse, his white beard fleshed out on his chin, in great contrast to the lack of hair on his head. His full plate armor covered his bulky body as he tilted his head to me.

"Calm girl.." Getting down from Syrax, I rubbed her neck as she was not calming, and unlike her, at my touch she still did not calm down, pushing me away lightly as I understood and moved away.

"I'm glad you returned safely my lady.." said ser Harwin strong from atop his horse, his head bowing lightly to me as I smirked.

"Do not be too relieved.." I said taking off my gloves, my eyes only giving him a passing glance.

*sfx for roar

My body seemed to tense at the sound, my head turning back as I watched Syrax raise, her wings out as she roared, her tail swinging as she pushed the dragon keepers away. Her neck flexed, her legs shaking as she slammed the ground, roaring lowly as the dragon keepers tried to calm her down.

"Lykiri Syrax.." seeing this I rushed to her, speaking calmly as she turned her head to me, my hand reaching out, only for ser Harwin to pull me back.

"That is not wise my lady.." Harwin said, whispering to me, as I watch Syrax flex her body, her head low to us as she roared.

Her mouth was wide as she roared at us, her breath beating against our faces as she stepped forward, her body as if ready to defend herself, only for her roar to squeak to a stop. My head was low, covering my ears as I rested in Ser Harwin's chest, I was confused, I didn't understand why she would do this, especially to me of all people. It was only until I heard more and more yells and dragon roars, within the pit.

[song - deadwood - really slow motion. if you know which part then you know]

My eyes slowly opened looking at the sand below my feet, the ground growing dark as I felt the sand kick up, my ears hearing the roaring and screams stopped. My eyes look up to see Syrax bowing? Seeing the dragon keepers look into the sky, as I turned my head up, seeing Ser Harwin with his mouth open as the shadow at my feet disappeared, hearing a loud roar as I felt the pit shake lightly.

My eyes looked to the rim of this deep pit, where I heard the roar was coming from, watching as a claw rested on it as a massive creature pulled its way over it, its body swaying as its two arms sat in front of its body, its head moving low as it looked down on all of us.

*sfx loud roaring

The roar or screech, so loud that came from its throat, sent chills down my spine as I held my ears, watching as everyone around me did the same. My mind seemed confused, my eyes blurring as my body shook, looking at Syrax who placed her body on the ground.

"I did not think I would ever see the day.." As the ringing in my ears stopped, I heard Harwin speak, feeling his hand grip my body harder as be looked on.

"Ser Harwin.." Confused and worried, I tried to speak up, wanting to know just what was going on and what was this dragon.

"The day I would see her return.." Harwin said, his hands pressing as he looked at the beast shake its head slowly.

"The Queen Of madness.."