
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
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53 Chs

Chapter 3 - After effects

(Mc pov)

The clear sky started to darken, and the beautiful blues, mixed with the shades of red and black that now consumed the light. Fortassax, lazy as she was, moved to the ocean below many times, opening her mouth wide as she took in seawater and fish. The time passed slowly, many times coming back around, her large wings helping her traverse great distances with ease.

"Ahh.. I think that is enough girl.." With a groan, I finally could no longer sit idly in the situation I found myself in, "Fucking.. hell, and here I had almost forgotten.. *haha" A lackluster laugh escaped my lips, and my hand move to pull my cloak from around my body and legs.

The blood that ran along my fingers, dripped onto Fortassax's back, her body as if feeling it, made her turn her head slightly with a look of worry, or so I thought, "It's fine girl.." My words seemed to not be believed as she brought her body low, her wings skimming the surface of the water, her head moving around as she searched.

"I'll be.." My head felt light, my body heavy, in equal parts annoying as it was painful, "Over did it, did I.." My body fell forward a little, leaning on the saddle my head resting on it as darkness took me.

The sky grew ever darker, as a massive beast flew low to the water, her large body moving at great speed in contrast to her size. Uncaring about the fishermen who were making their way home, pushing their boats and catch back into the sea, only for her to land on a fairly large beach, even though her legs and tail remained in the water.

Her bright orangish-red eyes, constricted, focusing on the unmoving man on her back, her head turning and moving back as she reached her mouth out. Her mouth looked funny as she held the man's cloak by her teeth, her body moving more onto the shore, placing the man down in the sand under her wing. Her large body moved close enough to not crush him, but close enough to still feel her warmth.

*sfx pained roar.

Her nose pushed the man a few times, seeing he did not move much, she shook her head side to side, bringing her mouth to her wing, bitting it as a roar came from deep within her throat. Her reddish black blood, started to flow from the wound, leaning her wing low as it dripped onto the man. It was only until the man licked his lips, and turned into her body did she move it away, resting her head around him as if protecting him.

(Rhaenys Pov)

"A reckless and wanting man, taking his service in my happiness, far too seriously.." The sea mirrored the blackening sky, as the wind and seawater rushed past my face. "Surely he ignored his body, hoping for the best result like a mad man.." My face straight, even as I spoke of only complaints. Talking to one of the only beings I could, my beloved Meleys, but the look in her eyes seemed she had heard it all before.

"Yet he wonders why he is called the maniac, Corlys concerns grow, even if not on the surface, he is not a fool, but it seems he has not placed his finger on what or who it could be.." Meleys swayed, her long body moving at greater speed as I spoke to myself, only for her head to snap to a certain direction, her nose breathing deeply as she moved towards the north.

"So you found her, good, take me to her, Meleys.." My words were full, seeing as I was no longer aimlessly flying, and my hand which was still somewhat trembling stopped.

*Sfx for dragon roar

Meleys seemed to agree with following the smell, her wings moving as it pushed the water below us, her speed growing as I leaned into her body. The mirror-like water showed my face as Meleys took a sharp turn, only for me to touch my face thinking back on the words said to me.

'Age and beauty, do they truly correlate? I say age is irrelevant, tell me.. how many sunsets have you seen, how many hearts you've taken, how many struggles you have faced, that is your age.. but it has never dimmed your beauty. A beauty I would have to myself.'

His words seemed to ring in my ear, echoing from the past, when he had corrupted my heart, with his glib tongue, rich wines, and addictive pleasure. "Truly a corrupted man, but one I stand by all the same.." My words fell, the sea moving below as my words were cut short, seeing men at the shore, pulling broken pieces of their boats with them, while others left many small boats in pieces in the water.

"Fortassax?" My mind did not have a long time to deal with the matters around me, I was taken back at the sight in front of my eyes, a massive blueish-green dragon sat laying on the beach, her legs and tail in the water. "Go Meleys.." I say gripping the rains as we rushed forward.

*Sfx roar

Drawing closer, I pulled back, watching as Fortassax's eyes shot open, their cold orangish-red color reflecting in the dark of the night. Her head raised as she roared, shaking the high cliff walls around her. Her mouth glowed as she looked at us, only for Meleys to land, her head in a defensive stance as I slide from her back.

"Est finis.. Fortassax it is me!" I shouted, my body aching a little as I dropped fast to the sand below, rushing to Fortassax, her head moving to me as I put my hand out. Her chin pressed my hand as she sniffed the air, blowing out as her her mouth stopped glowing.

"Where is he Fortassax?.." My voice was firm but I knew my place was not to command the massive dragon, "please.." I continued, looking at the blood on the sand, it was caked and red as if fresh.

My eyes shook, looking at a mace he carried sunk within the sand, then to his cloak that was covered in blood, my heart raced and it was only compounded by the blood that was in patches around Fortassax's wing, the beach deathly silent as i drew closer to her. "Fortassax! please!" finally my voice raised, watching the dragon move its wing.

"I wouldn't yell at her, my aged flower.. lest you annoy her even more.." My eyes looked into the dark of the wing, hearing heavy breathing as a familiar deep voice hit my ears.

"Stubborn even now, to come all this way. Ah, I must really be loved.." The sounds of steps shifted in the sand. hearing the voice grow closer as the man walked out from the dark, his messy white hair covered in blood, his body having scars new and old, a smirk lingering on his lips, as his body leaned against Fortassax.

"Me, stubborn, yet even now you are vain as always.." My heart was relieved, but sank quickly seeing the state he was in, looking at the hole in his shoulder, and one in his black pants near his knee. "Your want to end your life is the height of stubbornness, now look at you in need of help once more." I said, walking up to him as I place my head on his chest, my fingers circling the hole at his shoulder.

The winds of the ocean kicked up, blowing my hair as I looked up, his pale blue eyes looking into mine, as a smirk came to his face. "What need is there to be cautious? Battles are won through blood, and I have no worries." His voice gently licked my ear, my head lowering as I listened to this mad man. "When I have a beautiful queen, willing to risk everything to save me. I would say there is no need." He continued, trying to smooth over his battle in my heart, but his body told a different story.

"You and Va'ko are alike, thinking that words of flattery will sway my thoughts." pushing his body away from me slightly, I looked his body over as I spoke, "It does not change what is done, you overly used, wishing to battle with your weapon, rather than your dragon.." I said, looking at his face change slightly.

"It was never my intention, but why watch and burn everything when my men risk their lives? Getting a little bloody, seems fair enough to me." Keth said, his hand moving to pull me into his embrace, his touch not stopping at a simple hug as it reached for my ass. "Plus, I can enjoy my spoils, how grateful would one be, fulfilling a favor, no one else listened to." He said, his hands caressing my ass smiling that wanting smile.

"Here you are, still thinking with your lower half, and yet, I am the one who is stubborn. Yet you are so willing to separate from both your life and it." I spoke, dismissing his disregard for his wellbeing, grabbing his crotch as I looked into his eyes, watching them flash with a lustful look, letting go as I felt myself be carried away. "But as you want to faint pain from your injuries, let me look them over.." stepping back slightly, my voice grew firm again, watching as his legs moved with mine. His big hands rubbing between my ass, gripping it.

"Fortassax has already taken care of it, it will heal on its own, oh great queen." His lips parted, speaking without difficulty, as Fortassax laid her head to rest in the sand. "And surely you jest, it would take more than that battle, to separate me from the embrace of your thighs." His voice low in my ear as he lifted me, taking me within the dark of the wing.

The pleasure shooting from below grew as I was handled without the thought of being delicate, using me as he wished. My hands reached around his neck, while my mind let the rest become a blur.