
The Lost Moon Crystals

Cornelia's past from the story "The Price of Love" and her present and future.

Covexis · Fantasie
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26 Chs

The Price of The Pack

We left the underground with an uneasy feeling. I still had no clue how to stop the war. With a spot in the council which this necklace on me proves, the vampires should obey my command and stop fighting. But how do I stop the werewolves?

S: Lost in thought?

C: Yes. I still have no plan for how to stop the war.

S: We will find a way, don't worry. We still have at least a week before we reach the battlefield.

C: Unless I learn how to fly.

S: Good luck with that.

A week has passed. I've been practicing, and I almost got the hang of it, but I still couldn't do it. As we arrived, we saw countless casualties on both sides.

C: This is bad. But it gave me an idea. You said Lunari are strong warriors. Let's see how much they will fear me.

S: I can't stop you can I?

C: No. Be ready, 'cause I'm about to do something stupid.

I placed the council necklace in a visible area so they would know which side am I on.

C: Please work. I only need a few minutes.

I charged into battle. I flapped my wind as hard as I could with a running start. It was hard, but I finally did it. I was flying.

S: This girl is always full of surprises.

Vampire Soldier: Captain. It seems reinforcement has arrived.

Vampire Captain: Reinforcement? I didn't know about this.

Vampire Soldier: A Lunari wearing the council amulet.

Vampire Captian. This is good news. Retreat for now and let her deal with the dogs.

Vampire Soldier: Yes, Captain!

I charged at the werewolves hoping they would surrender before I tire out.

C: Irabahk ay yahs burhay al.

Roots erupted from the ground, trapping the werewolves like a cage. I want to avoid bloodshed if possible.

C: Iamasla if malha.

As they tried to run away, I put them to sleep with a cloud of purple dust that covered the battlefield. It should only work for a couple of minutes. I was running out of time. I was getting tired.

C: Please, surrender.

At last, I saw the white flag. The plan worked. Now I can talk to the werewolves without any trouble.

Werewolf Soldier: We surrender.

C: Good. I come in peace in hope for an alliance against The Forgotten. And to forge a pact between your people and the vampires.

Werewolf Solidger: I'll inform our Alpha.

After just a couple of minutes strong-looking tall man came to talk to me.

The Alpha: I heard what you want, but most of our man is dead, and a lot of them by your hand.

C: No, no, no. They are just sleeping or trapped under the roots. This was just a play so that I could talk with you.

The Alpha: Well then. This sounds interesting. An alliance and peace do sound nice. Just like the vampires, we offer you a place in our family.

C: What is the price?

The Alpha: Treat the injured, and make our transformation less painless. Hundreds of our young die shortly after birth because they can't bear the pain.

C: That I can do.

The Alpha: And resurrect my son.

C: What?

The Alpha: That is my price.

C: *sigh* I can try, but I can't promise it will work.

The Alpha: Surly with your powers.

C: My powers are not that strong. I'm barely a couple of months old. This battle already depleted me.

The Alpha: I see.

C: We have to wait until the moon comes up. I'm stronger at night. Meanwhile, I will tend to the wounded.

While I healed the hurt Sebastian caught up with me.

S: I see your reckless plan worked.

C: Yes.

S: So the price is to heal these soldiers?

C: In part. They also want a blessing so their transformation is less painless.

S: That is also possible. You are of royal blood and a priestess.

C: Yeah. The Alpha asked one more little thing.

S: And that is?

C: I need to resurrect his son.

S: What? You must be joking.


S: You are not joking. You know it's far beyond your current powers right?

C: I know. But what choice do I have? We need this alliance.

S: This alliance is not worth your life.

C: That is my choice to make.

S: Stubborn girl... Fine. But try not to die. -You have no idea what it would cost.-

C: No promises.

S: How are you planning to do the ritual anyway?

C: I got the idea from the exorcism. My demon half can pull the soul back to its body. My priest's side can heal the body and start the resurrection process. My royal part can seal the magic so the spirit won't escape.

S: But you are just a princess.

C: That is why I will use the demon royalty part as well.

S: That is the most stupid and most unstable magic ritual I've ever heard.

C: Let's just hope I can pull this off.

2 hours before dawn, I healed all the soldiers and placed a new boon on the werewolves. Now for the hard part. I hope everything will go as planned.

The Alpha: As you requested, my son's body. Thank you.

C: Don't thank me yet. The hard part is just about to begin.

I walked to the body and placed my hand on the altar. I will need every drop of magic in me. Forgive me, Sebastian.

C: Il aadwafla yimasu.

A familiar feeling came over me. Cold and a sensation that makes me choke.

C: Aarhku nataram drala hihdah aalae ryaslil mukued. Inaeamsat jirahkla nim hwurla.

My body was burning as it tried to rip itself apart. As I finished the ritual I felt like I was about to collapse. My heart was racing. But I had to make sure the ritual worked.

C: Tell me. Do you remember who you are?

Z: Yes. My name is Zentus. My father is Denarius The Alpha.

C: Good. So it worked.

My legs gave up and I knelt in front of the altar.

Z: Are you ok, miss?

C: I'll be fine.

The Alpha: SON!


Seeing each other they both burst into tears and hugged each other.

Sebastian also came running to my side.

S: You did it!

That was the first I saw Sebastian smile as he hugged me.

C: It was worth it.

S: How are you feeling?

C: Terrible.

My nose started to bleed. But it was mostly red.

C: I don't feel so good.

I collapsed in his arms. Then nothing. Just darkness. Is this my end? Is this how it ends? In the dark, all I heard was two voices fighting. It was like a dream that I could never wake up from.