
The Lost Moon Crystals

Cornelia's past from the story "The Price of Love" and her present and future.

Covexis · Fantasie
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26 Chs

The Daughter of The Moon

The years have gone by. I watched my friends grow old. I watch their children, and grandchildren grow up. Keitaro, Isis, and even Ryan passed away. When I heard the news that Hannah got sick, I went to her, but she was marked by Death as well. It happened to every friend in the Fey world, they have all been marked. But I don't understand why.

H: I'm so sorry, Cornelia.

C: Why are you sorry? I'm the one who can't help you.

H: You've been such a good friend to me. I'm so sorry that I have to leave you too.

C: It's not your fault, Hannah. I've been my best friend so far.

I hold her hands. Even if I can't heal her, I can make it less painful.

H: I can finally see Ryan again. Right?

C: You will. And I will watch over your family. Forever.

H: Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me.

Her voice is becoming weaker each second.

H: I'm sorry, Cornelia. I promise. I will always be your best friend.

I kiss her hand as I tear up, and Hannah closes her eyes.

H: I'm sorry.

I watched her spirit leave her body. I don't know what came over me, but I drew a line. Death has been abusing his powers lately, and I will put an end to this. No matter what.

Later on that same day, Alex came to visit me.

A: Cornelia. You power are off the charts? What's happening?

C: Death. He's marking my friends left and right. And I want to find out why.

A: Death? Isn't he a bit too strong?

C: I don't care! He killed Ryan early. And Keitaro. And now Hannah. Who's next? Titania? Your son? You?


C: I don't care how, but I will stop this. Whatever the cost.

???: So it's decided them.

A: You heard that?

C: Yes. I know that voice very well.

A: Who is it?

C: Mother Moon.

MM: My child, you will find out the truth in time. Let my voice guide you.

C: What should I do?

MM: Drink my blood. Bathe in its waters.

A: Her blood?

C: Come with me.

We leave the Castle and go to a sacred. Unimaginable power is emanating from it.

A: What is this place?

C: You already know the truth about how this world was created, right?

A: Yes.

C: With the Heart of The Moon in my possession, I can drink her blood. Her life water.

A: Cornelia. More power isn't the answer.

C: It's not power. Her blood and essence. It would make pure. I would be able to control all my powers at once.

A: Are you sure about this?

C: Yes. I will accept this gift.

I lean down and take a sip of the blue water. As it flows down my throat, the waters rise around me. They crash against my neck, marking me, almost like a collar. A Sapphire blue neckband forms around my neck with Lunarian words as all the waters are gone.

MM: You are now chosen. Rise and show this world your wrath. Daughter of The Moon.

A: It's beautiful.

I touch the neckband, and It slowly fades.

C: A symbol of my new title. The Daughter of The Moon. I can call upon this when I need it.

A: Please be careful. Death is no joke.

C: Don't worry about me.

Three pairs of white wings with golden edges sprouted on my back. The red top covers only the upper half of my body, exposing the mark on my stomach. The red skirt barely covered my knees with a cut on its side.

My marks gloved in faint silver light, and my eyes lit up in white light as darkness covered my entire body from my feet to my eyes, like a gooey fishnet, my wings glowed in golden chaos.

C: I'll be careful.

Alex took a step back, feeling the depth of my powers. I tear open a portal to Death's realm, ready to face.

C: Show yourself!

???: I knew you would come. They told me so.

A shadowy figure emerged with black wings and a scythe.

C: They who?

Death: That doesn't matter, time to move to plan C.

He used his power trying to mark me. But I felt the collar around my neck reappear.

Death: Why isn't it working?

In a swift motion, I pinned him to the ground.

Death: You can't kill me. No one can.

C: I don't need to kill you.

MM&C: We just have to take what you've been abusing. Let judgment begin.

My voice echoed as Mother Moon spoke through me.

Death: What are you doing?

C: I call upon the Creator's power to judge us in this hour. Show us the way, punish the unworthy, for the sake of this galaxy.

This was my first time not using the Lunarian language. This power allows me to speak spells in any language. Or at least most of them.

Death: You're summoning the scale of justice.

When the scale appeared, it shifted his way. The Creator found him guilty.

Death: What's happening to me?

C: Your punishment is me. I will take away your powers. But don't worry. You can still do your job. But you can't mark people anymore without them being dead first.

Death power was drained away, and two golden-colored bracelets appeared on my right wrist. Until the punishment is over, Death's power is mine.

C: Now tell me. Who asked you to mark my friends.

I grabbed him by his shirt.

Death: The guardian gods.

C: What?

I dropped him to the ground.

Death: They wanted you to die. For your power to run out of control.

C: But why?

Death: I don't know.

C: I believe you.

Death: Just remember one thing. Death comes for you all. My mark is not fueled by my powers. But the creators.

C: Why are you telling me this?

Death: You might need this information someday.

I left him there, knowing he couldn't do more harm. I went back to my castle, walking back and forth for hours.

C: Why would they want me dead?

???: Because you're a threat.

I turned around only to see the seven guardian gods before me. Parsagual, Lyran, Kingo, Sanga, Zirm, Fulk, Norgain.

C: Why are you trying to kill me?

Lyran: You are the strongest creature after us. We can't let you exist anymore. You are a threat to this world and its balance.

C: Me? You're the one who messed up everything!

Fulk: Explain.

C: You made Parsagual leave his kids. Creating a mess on Earth. Without your stupidity, I wouldn't even exist.

Sanga: We did what we had to.

C: You could have just killed them, imprison them, took away their powers, but no. You left them for us Lunari, to deal with. It took everything from us. It took everything from me.

Parsagual: Even so, we cannot allow you to exist anymore.

C: You are the ones who wanted the demigod army. To use them against me? Didn't you?

Silence was their answer. They used their combined power to chain down and destroy my powers. I tried to hold on, but they wanted to take my memories as well. They wanted to take everything I worked for. What I suffer for. With one lasting effort, I cast one spell.

C: Mark of Death.

The mark burned into their hand. They started to wither away. They stopped in their tracks and looked at me.

Zirm: What did you do?

C: Death comes for you all.

They all quickly fled far away. Not long after that, Alex came and explained everything to him.

A: This is crazy!

C: It is.

A: Where did they go?

C: To another world. Where their powers are the strongest.

A: Can they remove the mark?

C: No. But It will buy them time.

A: How come you didn't get affected by it.

C: Mother Moon protected me and also, I have two souls. Me and Urzgal.

A: You took a huge gamble.

C: I know... Alex, there is something else.

A: Yes?

C: I need to finish them before they come up with something. I need to leave.

A: I understand, but the world needs them.

C: We only need their power. Once they die, Mother Moon will take their power and do their job as well.

A: That's actually good news.

C: But still, she needs another pair of eyes.

A: What do you mean?

C: If the time ever comes, I need you to take one of the Guardian's powers.

A: I'm not sure about this.

C: Please. It would be in good hands with you.

A: Alright.

C: While I'm away, I grant you permission as my new Emissary. Please take care of this world for me, especially Hanna's and Keitaro's kids, while I'm away.

A: I will, you can trust me. Just make sure they pay for what did. I will never forgive them for taking Isis away.

I hugged Alex tightly and put a necklace around him.

C: We can talk with this. And thank you for everything.

A: Take care of yourself.

C: I will. Goodbye for now, Alex.

A: Goodbye, Cornelia.

As we said our goodbyes, I opened a small tear in our world, ready to enter a new one. They took everything from me. My friends, My love, My people, they even wanted my life and my memories. They won't get away with this. I will find them in this new world and hunt them down. They won't hurt anyone ever again. On my new title as The Daughter of The Moon, I swear it.

Thank you for reading this short novel. Thank you so much for your support. I'll be working on my 3rd novel. Hopefully, I can release some new chapters soon. Thank you again.

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