
The Lost Moon Crystals

Cornelia's past from the story "The Price of Love" and her present and future.

Covexis · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Our Last Hope

???: My Queen, they are already in the castle.

???: The ritual is almost finished. Hold them off as long as you can.

???: Yes, my Queen. As The high priestess, It has been an honor serving you.

Minutes later, I heard her scream echoing in the distance. They were already banging on the door.

C: Mom?

???: Listen here, my dear child. Take this with you and leave.

C: But Mom.

???: You are our last hope. One day, you will be their light in the darkness. Your light will grow brighter with each night until the only shadow that will remain is yours.

???: Adrala ahhduhk.


That was the only thing I could remember. My mother's spell teleported me to Earth deep in a forest. This is my 2nd day here wandering around aimlessly. I didn't know what to do.

???: Look who I found.

C: Who... Who are you?

???: Me? I'm just your friend. My name is Asmodeus. Come here.

I was hesitant, but maybe he knew the answers to my questions.

Asmodeus: There, there.

C: How do you know me?

Asmodeus: Your mother sent me here to help you.

C: You know my Mom?

Asmodeus: Of course I do. Let me show you the way.

???: Don't you dare lay a finger on her, you wile demon!

A man with a golden sword came charging at us.

C: No, leave him alone!

The stone my mother gave me shined in silver light. It created a shockwave that knocked the men back.

Asmodeus: That must be it.

Asmodeus tried to take the stone out of my hands. But I fought back.

C: No, that's mine. My Mom gave it to me.

Asmodeus used his dark magic to take the stone away from me. The stone gave me power, but I didn't know how to control it. The powers clashed inside it. The crystal cracked and shattered. A shockwave knocked everyone back.

Asmodeus: You little brat. You will pay for this.

???: Not on my watch.

The man charged at Asmodeus again. He was skilled with a sword and made quick work of Asmodeus.

Asmodeus: This isn't over. I'll be back for both of you.

He disappeared in a cloud of pink smoke.

???: Are you alright, little one?

C: Y-yes...

He offered me his hand. But I was scared.

C: How can I trust you?

???: One day, you will be their light in the darkness. Your light will grow brighter with each night until the only shadow that will remain is yours.

Without hesitation, I accepted his help.

S: My name is Sebestian. I'm Sol. A follower of the sun. And you are?

C: Cornelia...But I don't know what I am.

S: You are a Lunari. A follower of the moon.

C: A Lunari?

S: Yes. Your mother sent me to help you. Follow me.

I followed through the forest until we arrived at a small house.

S: This will be your home from now on. I know you have a lot of questions. And I will answer them to the best of my abilities.

We sat down, and he explained everything to me. What is a Lunari, what happened to my parents, and who is Asmodeus.

C: So I have magical powers?

S: Yes. But I don't know how strong it is. Please try to use magic.

C: I don't know how.

S: Simply hold out your hand and repeat after me. Qirah.

C: Qirah.

A few sparks came out of my fingertips. Then a flame rose like from a match.

S: Not bad for a newborn. You will grow stronger each day, don't worry. And I will also teach you about magic.

C: Can you do magic?

S: No. But I lived for 5248 years, so I studied the ancient Lunarian language.

C: That stone did magic as well. That's why he tried to take it?

S: That stone is the Heart of the Moon. It poses great power. It's a shame it shattered.

C: I still got a piece of it left.

S: Show me.

S: By the looks and shape of it, it shattered into 12 pieces.

C: What was it used for?

S: To awaken a Lunari's true form and power. Since it's just a single fragment, I doubt it will give you much, but it can't hurt.

S: Hold it in your hands and say it after me. Idihawak nhan.

C: Idihawak nhan.

The shard in my hand glowed in silver light. It awakened my magic, or at least one-twelfth of it. It also gave me more knowledge about my people.

S: Now try to summon fire again.

I heard a whisper this time in my head. It was saying a single word, "Raanla eafitria."

C: Raanla eafitria.

The fire in my hands rose. This time, it was bigger and warmer. Like from a torch.

S: How did you do that?

C: I heard a whisper in my head saying that.

S: It must be the moon whispering to you. She must have felt a newborn Lunari awakening their power.

C: It feels nice... Comforting.

S: You should rest.

C: But you said I don't need sleep.

S: Still, it was a long day. You should rest. Resting restores your energy faster, and it might put your mind at ease.

C: Yes, Sebastian...

I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. My mother's voice was still in my head. I lost everyone that day. Nightmares haunted me for weeks. The moon tried to soothe my pain with her whispers, but I couldn't help. I stand alone in the darkness now. Is there still something to fight for? Is there something in this world that is worth living for? My people believed it was worth protecting. They saw the beauty in this world. And I must believe, I might too see it one day.

I strongly suggest you read my previous novel/book The Price of Love in order to understand this story's timeline and story.

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