
The Lost Moon Crystals

Cornelia's past from the story "The Price of Love" and her present and future.

Covexis · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Gates of Hell

So many years have passed since our battle against The Forgotten. The news has spread around fast. And with our growing popularity, we got more jobs. We did all of them, fighting side by side. People started calling us the Sun and Moon. Soon the word of us even reached places we had never thought it would. We were taking the day off when a messenger arrived knocking at our door.

C: Yes? Who is it?

Mercury: Mercury, the messenger of the gods.

I swung the door open in surprise. This was the first time a god came to us.

S: Who is it this time? If it's the centaur again, send him away.

C: No. It's a god this time.

S: And what does he want?

C: Sorry for my partner's behavior. He's cold as ice. What brings you here?

Mercury: I come to speak on behalf of all the gods. Humans' sins are rising. More than usual. We suspect it's the 7 brothers doing.

C: The 7 deadly sins? What do you want me to do about them?

Mercury: Considering your current relationship with the demon king Alerak Falsedawn we ask you to talk to him so he may put a leash on the demon brothers.

C: You want me to talk to my grandpa, who doesn't even know I exist after what I did to her daughter?

Mercury: Yes.

C: I don't see why not. Sebastian, pack up! We are going to hell.

S: I'm already in hell every time you are this loud.

C: Quit crying, and let's go.

After grabbing everything necessary, we followed Mercury. It will be weird seeing my grandpa for the first time. I don't even know what to say once I see him. Will he even like me? I mean, we are both alike in one thing. We both lost every family member other than each other. Let's just hope for the best. We got a warm welcome at the gates. An unexpected surprise for sure. It seems like they don't know who we are yet, so there is no reason to hate us. When we entered the portal, I was surprised. It looked like a modern city but with more... clubs. The whole castle was black. It was made from obsidian. While walking on the street, they all gave Sabastian the stink eye, but they were fine with me. All smiles. I didn't know why.

C: How come they like me but not you?

S: You didn't notice?

C: Notice what?

S: Check your wings.

When I looked back, it was black, with a red on the edge of every feather.

C: When? How?

S: When we entered hell, your demonic form showed up. Since you are just part demon, only your wings turned. And it's also black. Only the royal family and their close advisors have that color.

C: Oh. Now it makes sense. Sort of. But what about the red part?

S: I'm not sure. But I believe it's because you are royalty, but the demon king did not accept you yet as part of his family.

When we arrived the castle gates opened before us. No questions were asked. These wings have their benefits.

Servant: My king. One of your servants seeks an audience.

Alerak: Birng them in.

When we stood in front of the king, we bowed deeply. I was nervous, and the king was mad and confused.

Alerak: What's the meaning of this? I have never seen you before, yet you bare royal wing. Break your illusion before I throw you into the dungeon.

C: I'm afraid I can't do that.

Alerak: Then I do it myself. Illusion Shatter!

Using magic, the king tried to break the illusion. But it didn't work.

Alerak: Who are you?

C: I believe I'm your granddaughter.

Alerak: My what?

C: My name is Cornelia Avexis Moon. My mother or mothers, was the Queen and The high priestess of the Lunari. And my fahter was... your son.

Alerak: I knew my son fell in love with some and died in that foolish war, but I've thought he would have a daughter. Come here.

Slowly walking up to the throne, the king pulled me closer. He took a good look at me.

Alerak: Your wing. They look just like my sons.

He pulled me closer into a hug. I-... Is this how it feels like to have a family? He put my hand in between his and whispered something.

Alerak: Now you are part of the family. But I bet you have a reason to come here beyond visiting me.

C: Yes. Well-

???: Oh, visitors. It's rare for someone to come down here.

C: I'm sorry. You are?

Lucifer: Pardon my manners. My name is Lucifer, Avatar of Pride, and you are?

C: I'm-

Alerak: She is my gradaghter, Cornelia Falsedawn.

Lucifer: Granddaughter? Interesting.

Alerak: Report.

Lucifer: Here are the reports of the souls sent to hell.

The king looked at papers and analyzed them.

Alerak: There are a lot more sinners nowadays. We need to extend our borders if this is going to keep up.

Asmodeus: That would be most wise, my king.

I could recognize that voice anywhere. Asmodeus.

C: Hello there. Long time no see.

Asmodeus: Yes. How is your search going?

C: Good. Thanks for asking.

Alerak: Back to the question at hand. What brings you here?

C: I'm here on behalf of the gods. Human sins are off the charts. All the seven deadly sins are on top right now. All of them are corrupted by strange markings on various parts of their body.

Alerak: Show me your reports.

I handed my papers to the king. He was furious.

Alerak: What's the meaning of this!? This list. It shows three times the souls I usually see. Lucifer, explain!

Before even Lucifer could speak, another man snuck up on the king. He slit his throat with a dagger.

C: What the?!

S: This doesn't look good.

Lucifer: Change of plans.

Asmodeus: You see. We wanted to end what the Forgotten started. We wanted to wait until we had enough souls and then take the throne to ourselves but alas. But you just had to ruin it by coming here early.

Lucifer: But now. The throne is ours.

Lucifer took the crown and put it on his head. He waited, but nothing happened.

Lucifer: What is this? Where is the power? We slit his throat with The Black Rose dagger. He should be dead.

C: Yeah, you are right. But you forgot one little thing. You can't be king until there is at least one Falsedawn alive.

All of them took a look at me. My faintly red wings were now half black, half red.

Lucifer: YOU! He accepted you!

C: Yeah. And thanks to Grandpa, you will never get the throne.

Lucifer: We will have it. Once you are dead.

S: I think it's time for us to go.

C: You think? Run!

We ran away as fast as we could. I closed the castle gates on them to buy us some time. As we reached hell's gate, someone jumped in your way.

Beelzebub: You are not going anywhere.

C: We will. Ready Sebastian?

S: Always.

He grabbed his blade and charged at Beelzebub. I stayed in the background and supported him as best I could. He was the 6th oldest. Together they are stronger, but alone he was easy to pick off. After just a few minutes he slowed down.

C: Damajumla dilajla njis.

Spikes made out of ice popped up from the ground. It trapped his hand and froze his legs.

C: Now!

Sebastian slashed with his sword and cut him in half with one swing.

S: Nice job. Now start running.

We ran through the gate, and I closed it behind us.

C: This should slow them down.

S: For now. But there are other ways to get out of hell.

C: I know, but they have to fight them anyway.

S: What do you mean?

I show the shard in my hand, covered in blood.

C: Beelzebub had it. But from what I felt, they have 3 more.

S: How is that possible?

C: The shard are indristructable. They must have been searching for every shard they could find and tried to destroy them. That must be how they found them. They don't want me to get all of them.

S: We need to get all of them. The stronger you are, the better chances we have against them. Especially since they are after your head now.

C: Yeah. Thank for the reminder. Idihawak nhan.

Now the 7th shard was in my possession. After I received the power, I felt a pain in my back like before.

C: Something does not feel right. And I had this feeling before.

S: Are you alright?

A 2nd pair of wings sprung from my back. The pain was over before I even noticed.

C: Another one?

S: It isn't unusual for a Lunari like you to have two pairs of wings. But you are still considered young. It shouldn't have happened this early.

C: At this point, I stopped questioning everything. I just go with the flow. At any rate, we should go up there and report to the gods.

S: Agree. They must know what's going down there. We might be looking at another war.