
The Lost Moon Crystals

Cornelia's past from the story "The Price of Love" and her present and future.

Covexis · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Forest of The Dammed

I don't even know how much time we spent walking. As we went deeper into the forest, the colors started fading away. The leaves turned brown, and the grass wilted away. When we reached our destination, all the trees were dead. No leaves. No grass. Nothing but mist.

C: And here I thought the catacomb was the worst place you would take me. Now then, would you be so kind as to tell me why I am needed here?

S: This forest is corrupted by a demon. The demon is long dead, but his spirit remains.

C: And this is a problem because?

S: I can't use my sword against a spirit. We need to exorcise it.

C: Great. So we trap it and bring it somewhere or?

S: You are going to exorcise the demon spirit.

C: Me? You have to be kidding.

S: Druids can't do it. And the priestess of the light won't help the Fey. You are the only priestess around the area.

C: One-third priestess. The other third is a demon, you know.

S: Your priestess part can exorcise it. While your demon part can banish it. And the Queen part can empower both of them.

C: So do 2 things at once. And since I'm weak, I must let my emotions run wild, which I can bearly control. Great...

S: I never said it's gonna be easy.

C: When is it ever easy?

S: Also keep an eye out for undead. They can attack us at any second.

C: Why can't we fight something simple for once? Why do we always have to fight undead or demons or the army of The Forgotten?

S: Keep it down. We are almost at the place where the demon died, and we don't want any unwanted attention.

We walked as silently as we could until we arrived at a tall burned tree.

C: Is this it?

S: Yes. Do you sense anything?

C: Anger. Hatred. And I see a faint red salute.

S: We have guests. Start the incantations now. I'll deal with them.

A seemingly endless horde of undead started making it's toward us. Sebastian grabbed his sword and took up a defensive position.

S: The demon will not make it easy. It will send all of his minions. I'll keep you safe. Start it now before they overwhelm us.

I went as close to the tree as I could. I took a deep breath and started the incantation.

C: Nadba dueat alaw mihajla aalii dae .Akdifuy aadwafla lfit .Akifnat lyalla tanihak.

This is a feeling like no other, one that I've never experienced before. When I cast spells, I can feel the magic. But only one kind of magic. Mine. All three sides of me work together in harmony. But this time, when I called out two of them separately, it started tearing me apart. The priestess side of me and the demon side didn't like each other.

C: Nadba dueat alaw mihajla aalii dae .Akdifuy aadwafla lfit .Akifnat lyalla tanihak.

I tried to keep it together. My emotions made the spell stronger, but it made it harder to maintain control.

C: Nadba dueat alaw mihajla aalii dae .Akdifuy aadwafla lfit .Akifnat lyalla tanihak.

After saying the spell the 3rd time, flames shaped like arms and hands dragged the demon under the ground.

After repeating it a few more times, the demon was finally gone. The undead horde turned to dust, and the forest started to come back to life.

S: Nice job.


S: Cornelia? How are you feeling?

C: Like crap.

I dropped to the ground curling up in a ball. My muscles started twitching, and my hands started shaking. I felt like my head was going to explode. Sebastian ran to the side. He picked me up and started carrying me back to Tirna.

S: You did a good job, but next time, be more careful.

C: What other option did I have? Let the undead tear us apart. No thanks.

S: You don't look good. It looks worse than last time.

C: Last time, I felt cold, and like I was downing. But this. It was like the 2 sides started to tear my body apart. More painful, and it was harder to control.

S: It's been only a few months. Your sides didn't get used to each other. I should have known. Sorry.

C: It's ok. But please take me somewhere nicer next time...

My body started pulsating. I knew that feeling.

S: What is it?

C: Put it me down.

S: But you will fall.

C: Hold my arm then, please. I can feel another shard.

S: Understood.

Sebastian held my arm, making sure I wouldn't fall. We walked a few steps until we found lotus flowers in a pond.

C: It's the one in the middle with the blueish color. Can you get it, please?

S: Sure thing. Stay here.

Sebastian put me on the ground then he went into the pond. He grabbed the flower and gave it to me.

C: Thank you. Idihawak nhan.

After combing the shard, I felt better and started to get up. But a few seconds later, my back started to hurt.

S: Are you still weak?

C: Just a little, but my back, something is off.

A few seconds later, a pair of blue wings sprouted from my back.

C: Ok. This is a new feeling.

S: This fast... It should only happen after 50 to 100 years. Can you use them?

I tried to use them, but I couldn't. Nor could I hide or move them.

C: Nothing. I can even feel the winds between them but can't move them an inch.

S: Can you walk?

C: Yes.

We slowly started to make our way back to Tirna. On the way, I tried to fly repeatedly, but nothing happened. But I did manage to move them like an inch. For now, it was no more than a decoration on my back.