
The Lost Moon Crystals

Cornelia's past from the story "The Price of Love" and her present and future.

Covexis · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Bound by Blood

As the final battle approached, countless were lost. I hated this war. All those lives were wasted. And for what? Power? The Forgotten will pay for this many times over. As we entered her layer, an uneasy feeling settled in.

S: Nervous?

C: Yes. Even from here, I can sense her aura. It is overwhelming. Are you sure these scrolls will work?

S: No matter how powerful she is, she is still a demon. It will work.

C: I hope. Cause we don't have a plan B.

As we climbed the stairs, we finally saw her hideout. Ruins, and in the middle, an altar where she creates her minions.

I walked to the altar after I saw what was on it.

C: She even tried to use the Heart of the Moon. But as you said. It only works for Lunaries.

And with that, I got my 6th shard, halfway to reaching my full potential.

S: Hopefully, that will be enough to take her down.

I noticed the magic circle that surrounded the altar. She tried to use the Sea of Chaos.

C: This seal. She tried to use a Sea of Chaos, but she failed. But it's only half of the circle. I don't know what the other half is.

???: Let me answer that. You are my guest, after all.

And there she was. A skeleton-like figure with wings with no feathers, just the bones. Long nails like claws.

S: You!

C: Hello, Aunty. Sorry to drop by without asking.

The Forgotten Princess: So you are she, my brother's little brat who controls The Raging Sea. Why don't you join me, niece? We could rule the world, just the two of us.

C: No thanks. To much of a hassle, but tell me. What's the other half?

Forgotten: God's grace.

C: You tried to use grace and chaos to create minions. But you failed. You still created them but only using God's Grace.

Forgotten: That is about to change. And when I get that power from you, everyone will die.

At that moment, she raised her hand, ready to attack.

C: Imazlum Wad.

Ropes of light came to my aid, restraining her. But it didn't even slow her down. She cut right through it. Seeing this, Sebastian took up position and drew his sword. He drew her attention to himself.

C: Haim aadwafla. Azaqyatsa.

I called upon the Sea of Chaos to gather all the power I could endure.

C: Imazlum Wad.

This time the ropes tied her up, but it was temporary.

C: Sebastian, now!

Taking the scrolls out of his bag, he burned them with holy fire. The souls of the angels materialized from the papers. They each took a turn to cut her down with celestial swords in hand. For a moment, it seemed like it was working.

Forgotten: Enough.

Dark energy surged from her body. It blasted everything around her, destroying the souls and the ropes around her. It knocked us back down to the ground well.

After the dust settled down, we saw her unharmed.

Forgotten: Well, that was a good massage. Thank you.

S: How?

Forgotten: Where do you think all that grace went? I'm a half-god now. A divine being. And now the Raging sea will be mine.

C: Wadla radij.

I held out a wall of light. Her claws stopped at the wall, but only for a second. As she broke my defense, a sword came flying at her. The sword graced her, spilling her dark red blood.

Forgotten: How dare you. If you want to die first, so be it.

She turned around. She scratched her nail against the wall making a horrible sound. At that moment, I came up with B. I knew Sebastian would hate me for this. Grabbing Sebastian's sword I cut my palm. I rubbed my hand where she spilled her blood over my bleeding wound.

C: Qahla aiedutsa. Umudla nim madla.

As I invoked the Lunari trapping ritual, my hand started to burn. Slowly The Forgotten faded away into my palm like smoke.

Forgotten: No. NO!

With her last scream, she faded. I felt her inside me, raging before I drowned her under the Sea of Chaos, trapping her forever. Or as long as I live.

C: It's over.

Laying down on the ground, I was able to catch my breath.

S: What did you do?! You know how dangerous that ritual is! What were you thinking?

C: I trapped her by using her blood. Cut me some slack. I just saved both of our asses.

S: Didn't I tell you not to do anything stupid?

C: You did. And I also said no promises.

Finally, it was over. With The Forgotten gone, her army was no more. Thus a party to celebrate our victory.

Titania: This is all thanks to you, you know.

C: I only played a small part in this.

Titania: Nonesance. Without you trapping her, she would have won. And now we are all here because of the peace you created.

C: All in a year's work. I wonder what will happen in the future. We still have a lot to do.

Titania: Don't be like your grumpy partner. You are still young. You can worry about the future later. Enjoy this party while it still lasts.

A never-ending adventure awaits us both. Sebastian and I will be ready for anything. But today, we celebrate.