
The Lost Moon Crystals

Cornelia's past from the story "The Price of Love" and her present and future.

Covexis · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Back To School

A: Cornelia, are you sure about this?

It's been some time since Alex became god, and he's still not taking it well and learning everything very slowly.

C: Yes. It would be best if you learned at Tirna. It's the best school for all magical beings, including gods and demigods.

A: I don't know...

C: I'll be there to help at the beginning, and your son will be there too.

A: Fine, fine. But are you sure they will accept me?

C: Alex, you're a god. The fey world will accept you, don't worry.

A: Alright, I feel so embarrassed going to school again.

C: You're a new god. They understand it happens. C'mon.

We go to Tirna, I show Alex around his new school.

A: There are so many fey here.

C: It's a school for all fey creatures.

???: You must be the new students.

C: Just him. I'm his guide.

M. Isabella: My name is Mistress Isabella, and who might you be?

A: Alex, the new God of Magic.

M. Isabella: And you are?

C: Cornelia.

M. Isabella: I don't remember your name on the list. What fey creature are you?

C: Lunari.

M. Isabella: Understand the situation now. The class will be in session soon.

She leaves.

A: She will be my teacher?

C: Yes, and she has been your son's teacher for a while.

A: I've always hated school.

C: Come on, you have to learn a lot while I'm around.

We go to his class, and I observe. Isabella is a good teacher, and Alex seems to be interested. Then practice began.

C: You remember the lesson. Just do that and blast me.

A: I don't want to. You are my friend.

C: At this moment, I'm the only one powerful enough to survive your attacks. Now blast me.

Alex tries his powers, I can feel him reaching deep, and he blasts me.

A: Cornelia!

When the smoke settles, I dust myself off.

C: Good, but don't use too much energy at once, or you will be wiped out fast.

A: I'm glad you are all right.

C: Why wouldn't I be? Now, keep it up, and try to control your power level.

A: Alright.

He kept throwing spells for hours until class was over.

A: I'm beat.

C: Good job. You did well.

A: You're not tired?

C: Nope. I'm alright. Want to practice more?

A: No thanks. I'm good for today.

C: You did good today.

A: I'm getting used to this whole God stuff.

C: I'm happy for you, keep it up.

We sat on a bench and watched the rest of the class course.

C: Your son is really something else, you know.

A: Thank you. She has her mother's endurance...

C: It's been sometime now. How are you feeling?

A: Just like you said. Still shit, but I keep moving on. For my son's and everyone else's shake.

C: Good. Don't give up. There is always light at the end of a tunnel, no matter how faint it is.

A: You read this or something?

C: No, someone else told it to me.

A: Was it Keitaro?

C: No, it was Monter Moon...

A: You can still hear her voice?

C: Yes, both hers and Urzgal's, so in a matter of speaking, I'm never alone.

We sat there for some time talking, Alex was and still is such a good friend, and one of the Gods is actually liked and not just tolerated. I hope all the other Gods will be like him one day.