
The Lost Moon Crystals

Cornelia's past from the story "The Price of Love" and her present and future.

Covexis · Fantasie
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26 Chs

A Memento of The Past

We were walking along a path in the forest. We tried to look for clues about where could the next shard be. A location spell pinned it down near a village and its surrounding area. It's not precise, but it's better than wandering around aimlessly.

C: Sebastian. Can you answer a question for me?

S: What is it?

C: I've been meaning to ask for a while. If every Lunari was highly praised, why did they kill us?


C: You've been avoiding this question for years. I need to know why. I want to know why. Please.

S: Verry well. But I must start from the beginning.

It was a long time ago. We don't know the name of who created all of this. We call it The Creator. After it made the universe, it created eight guardians. The Ancient Gods. Each of them watched over the galaxy and each world to preserve balance. One of them, Parsagual, was watching over Earth as a fair maiden caught his eye. A pure human with a heart of gold. It was forbidden for them to interact with anything unless it was for the benefit of the cosmos. He ignored the rules and fell in love with her. 2 years later, she had twins. When the Ancient Gods found out, they forced Pasaual to leave his children. Their mother raised them, but she died when the twins were still young. After her death, they wandered around the Earth. They saw the beauty and the power of this place. They wanted to claim it, but only for themselves.

C: That explains the war but not why my people are dead.

S: The war between the god of light and darkness lasted a while, and Earth and the people paid its price. On the Dark Old God's side were the Hybrids, and Demons, born from darkness. On the other side, the Gods you saw, like Isis. The Lunari ended the war between the Old Gods. They got rid of the twin brothers. We don't know how it's still a mystery to this day. Their creations thought they were trapped somewhere. They all joined forces to search for and avenge their gods. Weakened by war, they killed every Lunari in their way. But they found nothing. After that, the gods claimed the heavens for themselves.

C: Why did they spare me?

S: You were a newborn. You have nothing to do with this. And they also fear the prophecy.

C: Prophecy?

S: When the last Lunari falls, the Goddess of the Moon and Night will rise to avenge her children. One of the eight Ancient Gods, Luna disobeyed the law. She created Life.

C: Us.....

S: Yes. As her punishment, they tore her asunder and turned her into the Moons that are scattered around the world or worlds. She shall remain in that form until she sees her last children die. She still has the same power and can watch over the universe and all the worlds. And you.

C: Is it possible for the Old Gods to be alive?

S: Maybe. Hopefully, we shall never know.

C: ... Thank you for telling me this.

S: You were bound to find this out. One way or another. Might as well be by someone who lived through it.

I shall treasure these moments with Sebastian. Always...