
Chapter 8 . My rainbow

Ethan POV

As I watch the she-wolf disappear through the door, I relax slightly. Only slightly. I'm still wound up tight.

My limbs are still solid as granite, and my heart is ready to burst free of my body. I'm not sure if it wants to beat the hell out of the nearest person or run after my mate.

The lycan side of me wants to taste blood, that's one thing I know for sure. The blood of the overbearing Alpha standing next to me, he seems to feel my strength palpably because he's suddenly very uneasy, even taking a step back, trying to put some distance between us.

I guess he isn't completely stupid after all.

Watching Alpha Green speak to her that way almost snapped my control in half all together, my natural reflexes beg me to rip him to shreds. Somehow, I control myself.

Other than that swell of angry emotion, I'm still in a huge shock. My mate. That girl is my mate.