
Chapter 53 . Rick's wrath

Ethan POV

"Calm down. No one will hurt her, I promise you." Alpha Veiler assures the feral man sitting cross legged on the ground.

Rick narrows his eyes and growls low in his throat. He grips his mate tighter in his hold and glares, daring anyone to get close enough for him to strike out.

He hadn't let Tressa out of his reach even after everything has calmed down. Everyone is shifted back and dressed now, resting and processing the vicious attack. The members of the pack roam around picking up bodies and mourning the loss of the ones they loved.

Rick was by Tressa's side while she dressed. He barley agreed to turn his back to allow her some privacy as she put some clothes on. He shifted back as well, even shoving on a pair of loose basketball shorts on himself. The Red Alpha's right hand man remained shirtless and barefoot despite the cold chill.

He won't allow anyone close to Tressa, especially Veiler and I.