
Chapter 41-2 Disregard

"I know, but we also thought it was impossible to have a human mate, seems the Moon Goddess is full of surprises, isn't she?" Cedric murmurs, and I detect the amazement in his voice.

The curiosity in me is driving me crazy.

"Stop talking like I'm not here! I want to know why you keep calling me human, and mate. I don't know what a Luna is, but you make it sound pretty important." I try to tear out of Cedric's grip, but he won't let me out. "Let go of me!" I demand, and he finally does.

I wrench myself away from him so quickly that I lose my balance as my head goes light. He's quick to grab me by the waist before I hit the ground. My heart is pounding.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. This happens all the time." I assure him, and he doesn't seem to like what I say.

"What do you mean this happens all the time?" He demands harshly, and it scares the baby, I feel a little jump before receiving a kick in the bladder.