
Chapter 31 ★ You're my home

Hendrix POV

I spend the next few days reflecting, deeply. I can't stop thinking. All I want to do is think. My brain is a beehive of activity. I can't sleep. I can't comprehend school. I can hardly even pay attention when I go to work. It's like I'm a zombie waiting tables.

It all stems from one thing, Cedric. Of course, when does my life not center around him? He's taken control of everything. Nothing is as important as Cedric.

And then there's the distractions that I've riddled myself with. My friends have made some things better for me, they're always happy to cheer me up, except that it doesn't work for very long. I always go back to daydreaming about my boyfriend. I'm hopeless.

A whole week goes by. He's not in class. He's not answering my texts. I even become desperate enough to ride my bike past his apartment once or twice, slipping on the icy sidewalks and freezing my butt off. Cedric's motorcycle wasn't out front.