
Chapter 15 ❥ Perfect person


I watch the pack with narrowed eyes, people coming and going around me as if I don't exist. It's kind of nice. I like not being stared at. I've barely been here a month and I'm still not quite used to all of it. It's all so...different. Bizarre really. Being in charge, giving orders without threatening to kill people. It's odd. It's even stranger when I realize how much I enjoy it.

I enjoy it more than torturing and intimidation. I work smarter, not harder.

Closing the door behind me, I stand on the porch of the office for a while to observe everything silently. It's not a large pack here in Montana. We're settled in a valley in the Beartooth mountains. It's beautiful. And the small pack fits perfectly with the backdrop. It's just the right size. The fact that most of its population are lycans means that numbers aren't exactly a problem.