
The Lost Hero's Advent

A class of Hero was summoned to a world which is on the verge of collapse because of the invasion of the demon lord. Each of them received powerful abilities except for Andre. With no exceptional power at all, he thrived to became powerful to return back to earth but because of a accident he got separated with his class to an unknown place. With a mediocre power, Can he return? I will be posting this to royalroad. com

doragon · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Chapter 24 part 1 Changing Weapon


Andre didn't even know what to react anymore.  One after another, shocking revelation popped out of nowhere. His shock resistance crumbled into pieces. 

"Are you shock?  Are you shock? of course you are shocked" Mutel chuckled with a gleeful voice, making Andre's vein popped out. 

"..." Andre sighed. "Can you drop everything in one go?  So that the shock will come only once? " Andre just gave a wry smile, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. 

"Ehehe!  But that was just the beginning, you know!  ahmm... but I can't also reveal everything, It will be too troublesome, it will be against the sacred oath"

"Are we really that close in my past life? Just hearing and talking to you makes me annoyed already? It feels like we're oil and water! And what nonsense about sacred oath are you saying?!" Ace bluntly said, He was already annoyed to the point that he wanted to throw away this voice away and trap it on the netherworld.

"You're so harsh, Partner" Mutel replied in pain as if the words stabbed him.

"Don't call me partner,  I'm not your partner nor  someone close to me. I don't even know you nor I remember you" Andre gazed at Mutel with an Icy cold eyes. 

"Ahhh!  t-those words,  I-It's been a while since I heard that.  Ahhh!  Master, It really is you! I miss your foul mouthed insults" Mutel roared happily in ecstasy. It felt like Mutel was shedding tears in the background. The word partner quickly changed to master after that exchange.

"tch!  Are you a masochist or something? " Andre's gaze turned even more colder. 

"ahahaha sorry  about that, I was just thrilled to see my master's old habits again. I am neither a masochist nor a pervert,  you know"

"And why do you call me master now? just a while ago you are calling me partner? Since the beginning everything you are saying is already confusing me" Andre furrowed  his eyebrows. He was getting more and more irritated. 

"You really are impatient,  It seems that I need to get serious already but all I can tell thee is my own story, anything other than that will be a violation of our sacred oath."  The tone of Mutel change from the childish one into an adult like voice with deep vibrato. It carried the tone of seriousness. 

"Mutantur Tul'em,  the Changing Weapon,  A expirement born from the greed for power.  I am a weapon forge from 10,000 magic weapons and bloods of a thousand blacksmith. A weapon born in blood. they would call me in different ways, curse,  demonic,  hideous, a weapon born from malice." The air grew heavier while andre was listening to Mutel's story. He can feel deep resentment in his voice.  People who do those aweful thing always leave a bad taste in Andre.

"I was used for the sole purpose of destruction. I was used by evil to perform evil. For many years, I was showered by blood of innocent people, I live slaughtering anything in sight, but all of those were all in the past because I was saved" A bright light engulfed everything. the heavy air disappeared and replaced by warm and comforting touch of light. 

"What's this" Andre shielded his eyes with his hands.

The light slowly faded,  A silver being was bowing his head, begging. It was closer to a likeness of a beast than a weapon. It's metalic head which greatly resembled a lion and a mane made of different kinds of weapons. it also had a gorgeous wings made out of bow like weapons with metal arrows as its feathers.  

Mutel's hind legs could tear anything with its griffin like claws and a back leg like those mythical proud dragon. His tail was coiling like a whip with a head of a snake in the end.

Mutel, the chimeric weapon.  A weapon with many faces. 

" I, Mutantur Tul'em, swear my fealty to you, my master,  my savior. I will once again swear to all gods and godesses,  I will never betray you nor harm you in any way.  I know this one's actions are inconceivable but you are this one's benefactor." Mulem put everything on his oath.  He bowed his head like a slave.


"....." After a moment of silence,  Andre sighed.


"I don't want to be a master of anyone nor I want to have you as a slave" Andre looked at the humongous beast in front of him seriously.

"but it's fine to be acquaintances. I can't treat you as a friend yet but since I can feel sencerity in your words I will treat you as an acquaintance. You need to earn it first to become my friend" Ace gazed at the beast warmly, smiling like meeting an old friend for a very long time.

"Ahahahaha, That was so like you!  It's like the first time we saw each other. You are still so kind and trustful although it's not bad but it's not good either. But as I proclaim many times,  My oath will remain the same whether you like it or not. I will be in your care,  Master" Mutel laugh at his heart's content. 

"Is that so? Well, I can feel like you will be a pain in the ass though but i will say, like wise to you, Mutel" Answered sincerely.

" and since my fealty was accepted, It's time to face our problems." Mutel said seriously.

"Huh!  What problems are you saying?"

"These problems are grave threats to us. If we dont fix these,  we will be dead in no time." Mutel once again changed to his childish voice and his beast appearance also disappeared.

"Like I said, What problem are those?!"

"The first problem is we are going to die, second we are going to die,  and third we ARE GOING TO DIE!!!! "