
The Lost Hero's Advent

A class of Hero was summoned to a world which is on the verge of collapse because of the invasion of the demon lord. Each of them received powerful abilities except for Andre. With no exceptional power at all, he thrived to became powerful to return back to earth but because of a accident he got separated with his class to an unknown place. With a mediocre power, Can he return? I will be posting this to royalroad. com

doragon · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Chapter 17 part 2 The Fight with the Demon


The moment I hit one of the demon's forearm, I felt a great resistance. It felt like I was colliding in a solid metal. The great impact caused a lot of stress in my arms and felt like my bones were shattering to dust.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" I Grunted, feeling the intense pain in my arms but I just gritted my teeth while focusing my strength into my arms.

I sensed the resistance was decreasing, finally cutting one of the demon's arm. The demon crashed on the ground from lost of balance.

"Hah! hah! hah!" I panted heavily.

'Just one strike and I am already in this state. I can not even feel my arms anymore. I also feel that all my energy was drained from me from that attack'

I forced to lift my aching arm pointing my sword in one hand at the demon. I revealed a mocking smile, looking down at its very being and declared.

"You filthy demon! Acting high and mighty in front of me! Do you think you're so powerful! pweh! You're just a piece of crap in front of me! You can't even take me down! I bet you're not even a strong demon to begin with!" I tried to provoke it, buying time for the group to escape to safety.

"Oh! Now I know! Maybe you are just one of those generic low demon sacrifices! I mere pawn of someone! A useless generic character! I've never thought that a mere pawn like you act as a supreme being in front of me!" I continued.

'I think that's enough to get his attention, Such a prideful being can't tolerate those kind of insult anyway. Thanks God, I always dealt with this kind of personality!' I thought, remembering how I always had bullies came after me. After saying those provoking line, I once again ran away to the opposite direction where the group was located.

"Y-YOU DAMN INSECT!!! I WILL KILL YOU! I'LL REAP EVERY PART OF YOU UNTIL I AM SATISFIED!! " I could feel the demon's rage in its rampaging shouts. It started to charge wildly, chasing after me. I also saw that his hands recovered in a speed the naked eye can see.

Isn't that cheating!

The second I see the demon made its move for me, I increased my running speed.

The Demon's eyes followed my every move. It saw where I'm goingo and made a heavy smash on the ground, one of its hand sent a flying debris in my location as it continued to charge behind my back.

I quickly jumped to the side to dodge it, barely missing it. The impact from it made my running speed a lot slower.

That was close!

It's coming up fast again! I can see it growing huge in my eyes.


It kicked the ground and went airborne, diving at in an astonishing speed. I had no choice but to do the same, I needed to dodge the upcoming assault.

I just barely dodge it, snaking out of the way of the sharp claw as I dove forward.

The shock wave from the assault's impact behind me made me lose my balance the second my hands hit the ground, shivers ran up my spine. Thankfully, the demon's reaction speed was quite slow because of its size so I managed to fold my chin into my chest and roll a few times, gaining some distance between me and the demon.

I quickly stood up and ran in zigzags, dodging all incoming attacks. The demon glared at me as I put more space between us as fast as I could.


Once again, the demon closed the distance in an instant, swinging its claws at me in rapid succession.


I couldn't dodge all of the incoming attack One of them hit me and sent me flying horizontally. The tip of the claw cut my left shoulder, and the pressure alone sent me flying by so much until my back was crashed on the canyon's wall.

"Gahhhhaaaah! "

A burning feeling came out from my left shoulder, feeling like it was going to burn through all my nerves. Red blood appeared in my sight. I couldn't help but cry out as my throat let out a painful groan.

Such— tremendous pain!

My vision was already blurry fom the pain.

It was far more than my pain tolerance could handle. I couldn't do anything other than curl myself to suppress the pain. My armor was was completely ripped off, revealing a large and ugly wound. The skin and the flesh was completely shaved off as bright-red blood continued to spill out from the wound. My body was already numbing hot as the pain continue to rise, my body was unable to move, as though they didn't belong to me.

loud foot's step approached me, It was the demon. He lifted me up by grabbing my head.

"GAaahaaah! " I coughed a mouthful of blood.


Seeing me in pain, he just revealed a sadastic smile.