
The Lost Amnesty

Wang JoonChul, a part timer who bought a VR headset to finally play VR game, got home from his work. However, instead of playing a wonderful game, he ended up in another world with 999 other people. Trapped in a random world, and received a game like system, everyone who was sent there, were supposed to defend Earth from its destruction by an ‘Evil Being’. Will JoonChul be able to defend Earth? Or will he die before having the chance to protect Earth? Watch as JoonChul's adventure through this hardship with his comrades.

Akuma_Kira · Aktion
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203 Chs

Episode 1 : An Abnormal Situation (2)


Name: Wang Joon-Chul

Age: 28

Class: None

Level: 1

Health: 100

Mana: 100

Stamina: 100

Hidden Skills: 'Simulation' LV. 1, 'Player Analyzation' LV. 1, 'Skills Imitation' LV. 1

Skills: None


Strength LV. 1

Agility LV. 1

Intelligence LV. 1

Dexterity LV. 1

Luck LV. 1


It was fascinating to view my stats, but what attracted me more was my hidden skills.

And to satisfy my interest, I immediately tapped on my hidden skill's description.

[‹System› is unable to recognize this hidden skill.]

Sparks flew from the panel to my fingertip, causing it to be electrocuted.

Strangely enough, I didn't react to this intense pain and continued to stare at the panel with my eyes narrowed.

[Hidden Skill, 'Simulation' Lv. 1 has been forcibly activated!]

[Hidden Skill, 'Simulation' Lv. 1 has offset the pain.]

A skill that the ‹System› didn't know? How is that possible? What about my other hidden skills?

I tried to open 'Player Analysation''s description, only to be electrocuted by the sparks again.

[‹System› is unable to recognize this hidden skill.]

[Hidden Skill, 'Simulation' Lv. 1 has offset the pain.]

I might not have felt the pain, but my health surely did and decreased to 80!

However, I didn't back down from wanting to know my last hidden skill's description. If I don't know my hidden skills, then it would be a disadvantage for me in the future.

I nervously tapped 'Skills Imitation''s description. I sighed in relief after seeing the panel appeared.


Hidden Skill: 'Skills Imitation' Lv. 1

Description: Allow the Player to imitate their opponent's skill for 5 minutes.

Mana Required: None.


I read it and thought. If it's not for the duration, it would have been an overwhelming skill.

[Stage #1 has ended.]

[Players, who hadn't completed the task, will be met with the Stage's Failure.]

Sounds of bodies being exploded were all over the places.

Soon after, death's messages rang out so loudly which made my head dizzied as I staggered.

[Player '637' has died.]

[Player '293' has died.]

[Player '738' has died.]

[Player '837' has died.]









[Footages of true death for 73 Players have started playing.]

I already knew the contents of the footage.

In order not to hear and see the videos, I covered my ears and closed my eyes shut.


After a few minutes, the videos ended, leaving only the players to dazedly stared at the sky with fear etched in their expressions.

[Players, who have completed the task, will be compensated.]

[You have received 100 coins from an achievement.]

Knowledge about the ‹System› filled my head entirely.

I saw players who couldn't endure the information flowing into their heads, collapsed to the ground.

Some crouched down while grabbing their heads. I couldn't imagine how painful it must have been since I have th..

[Hidden Skill, 'Simulation' Lv. 1 has offset the mental pain.]

And there it was. This skill might come in handy in the futu... Hold on.. Why was I planning out the future? Something is wrong with me.

Normally, I would have been in a panic mode, but instead of doing that, I was calm and collected in this abnormal situation.

[Stage #2 will commence in 10 minutes.]

"No time to be thinking about that. I should focus on what it's in front of me."

I began running toward the castle materializing in the distance while immersed in my thoughts.

I murmured to myself unconsciously. "The ‹System›, which a group of godly beings called 'Creators' crafted, was sent to the planet Earth's VR games. Its purpose is to find the strongest party of players to defend their planet from an 'Evil being' and transport them to another world. Therefore, it selected 1,000 players who entered VR games with their real life appearances to bless them with unique powers in order to be the 'Protectors of Earth'. What...?" I gasped out for air while running.

"Why did my mouth move on its own? And how did I even know that?!"

Surprised by how my mouth can move, I shook my head, thinking I was going insane or something.

Without warning, screams full of terror reverberated behind me. So I quickly looked back to find the source for those screams.

The next thing I saw was a huge pack of wolves chasing the already running players.

[Stage #2: Enter the Kingless Kingdom.]