
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest of the Other World

This is a truly true thing that happened to me,Strange questions, strange answers, supernatural phenomena all happen around us

YiRenLife · Fantasie
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104 Chs

Failed sneak attack

The man has reason not to let people, not waiting for the noise often turned around, and two attacks. Often Xiao less than turn around, blocked the cut to the right shoulder this move, heard the second move to break the air

Ring, but stabbed to the vest, not good block, risk arm inverted, the knife body flat vest.

At the same time, ding a sound, the thorn is on the knife body, often Xiao by this point of force took the opportunity to jump, in the back dance a knife flower, to prevent the other side attack.

The man made a light sound and did not pursue him. It was obvious that he was applying this clever trick to Chang Xiao.

Blocking the blow was a big surprise.

Chang Xiao Hui turned around and saw the man's face.

This man is the old man in black Du Wanting, is also one of the "three Musketeers" of the black Cloud Mountain.

Chang Xiao glared at Du Wanting and cursed him: "Your honor is also a number one. How is it that you are not afraid to be laughed at by using such insidious means?"

Du Wanting laughed and said, "How can you manage it? I didn't mean to kill you just now, just to test your skills. Yes, yes, your kung fu is better than mine, I will take the lead. Yes, well done, brother, stab this boy in the back, and then we'll all go back and drink wine." His last words were directed at Du Wanfeng.

Often Yu just ate a loss, then always pay attention to this group of people around, to prevent a surprise attack, Du Wanfeng whereabouts is the slightest dare not relax.

He knew Du Wanfeng just roll out after, has been no action, at the moment to hear this, startled, thought he was going to be what trick, quickly turned, cross knife guard a portal, fixed a look, Du Wanfeng and where to attack the plan, he is taking his body ash it.

Chang Xiao immediately shouted darkly: "Not good." At the same time, the wind in the back of his head, another attack. The sword to good fast, often loud frame is too late, forward to avoid also too late, in the extreme danger, is also on the ground a roll, roll forward out of Zhang Xu, can avoid the sword.

But Chang Yu lone potential, no rescue. Du Wanting taking advantage of the noise often rolling in the ground, in a mess, rushed up, rushed out of eight swords, a sword fast like a sword, want to often loud nailed to the ground.

Often Xiao be frightened and frightened, scrambling back roll, even climb up are not as good as, otherwise is bound to give him a sword stabbed to death, fortunately, when the two sides will fight in the hall of tables and chairs should be split into pieces, this just make him not be blocked, otherwise how can have life in.

But rolling on the ground, after all, very embarrassed, dirt and wood chips with the whole body is, and roll again fast, also far less than the man in the back of the foot to catch up with the rapid, it is only a matter of time, then can be really desperate, will die.

Du Wanting will not always Yu slow down, see two swords can be stabbed to death, can not help but be happy if mad, and a sword split out, straight take each other's neck.

At this time he has been quite close to the noise, is a commanding position, sword blade and body. Often Xiao unavoidable, trying to stretch a knife block, when a sound, a single knife fell down.

Du Wanfeng suddenly shouted:"Brother! Don't hurt a hero's life, let alone his hamstrings." The latter sentence is, of course, ironic.

But listen to Du Wanting scream, back three steps, left arm dripping with blood.

Chang Xiao legs and up, slightly lifted, between the feet with a knife handle, the blade pointed at Du Wanting. He didn't take advantage of the gap to get up.

Just clearly is often Xiao will be killed situation, how to turn the eyes but Du Wanting was seriously injured, the onlookers did not see what happened just now, are very strange.

Originally Du Wanting twice three times plot often Yu, often Yu heart very angry, hate him despicable, and see him while he rolled to the ground, pain under the killer, heart will give birth to a plan, deliberately embarrassed, even let him beat his own knife.

Du Wanting was sure to fall into the trap, see Chang Xiao sword has fallen, no fight back,Without thinking about it, he drew up the sword and struck him dead without sparing any effort.

This is a major taboo in martial arts. At this time, Chang Xiao picked up the single knife just placed at the foot of his feet, stabbed him hard, and cut his left arm.

Originally, the knife was bound to cut his left arm down, but also lost his kung fu, in time to shrink back three inches, to be preserved.

Du Wanting never expected often Xiao can also fight back, more expected is not to attack with feet, when it is a surprise, is a surprise, such a situation, the knife wound is not surprising.

His face was angry, his left arm swung, his clothes rolled up, barely wrapped around the wound, and he pounded on the sword again. The sword slanted and cut Chang Xiao's calf. Often Xiao shank micro pendulum, the blade points to Du Wanting hand bowl.

Du Wanting did not expect him to make the sword with his feet, can actually do such a complex move, was surprised, finally saw the opportunity quickly, hurriedly change oblique wedge often loud toes. Chang Xiao stretched out his foot and passed the knife to his waist.

Du Wanting became more and more angry. He thought to himself,"It is only because you have hurt me. You should lie with your sword. Unexpectedly, twenty or thirty moves were taken down, but nothing could be done to each other.

He was more and more surprised:"What kind of martial arts is this on earth? I can't imagine that there is such kung fu in the world." It wasn't that he thought it was great, it was just that it was very strange, and now he didn't dare try to be brave anymore, so Chang Xiao couldn't hurt him.

Du Wanfeng saw Du Wanting will often loud nail on the ground, but strange change suddenly, but injured, and see often loud foot to make knife can actually and Du Wanting fight for so long, can not help but stay.

Chang Yu then lying on the ground feet to make the knife, but his hands empty down, it is very leisurely. His sword was also very strange.

It had a round hole in the hilt, through which he could sometimes throw his weapon back and forth to attack the enemy. When his other foot was free, he could also help the enemy in battle.

Du Wanfeng looked at it for a while and said,"If this knife technique is applied, it is able to beat a person by surprise, but now it seems to be nothing, because you can't move freely, if others don't fight you, turn away, you lying on the ground but how to chase the enemy."

Unexpectedly, he just want to finish, often Xiao knife suddenly changed, the whole person stood upside down, one hand on the ground, feet make the knife straight cut Du Wanting chest, the other hand to his plate acupoint attack, a number of moves, Du Wanting was defeated by this up and down in a hurry, repeatedly back.

Du Wanfeng saw that his brother was defeated, also came up with a knife, three people into a group.