
The Lord of Hell In Marvel

Transmigrating through the world of American Comics and becoming a Hell Lord, after going through all kinds of hardships to enter the earth, he has only two goals, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to contract human souls and turn America into his own property. Original Name- 美漫地狱之主 Author- 范氏之魂

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3 Chs

Chapter 3- Ghost Rider

 "You will know later."

  Wang Nanxuan activated the power of the contract, and a dim, lightless, angelic figure made of flames flew out of Carter Slade's body. It was the Spirit of Vengeance.

  The Spirit of Vengeance were originally God's angels, who were ordered by God to come to the earth to clean up the evil. Later, they were wounded by the Mephisto. Mephisto stole some of the seriously injured Angels and turned them into fallen Spirit of Vengeance.

  Because the Spirit of Vengeance left his body, the old cowboy fell into extreme weakness. Looking at the Spirit of Vengeance that had entangled him for half his life, he cursed, "So you look like this, so ugly."

  The Spirit of Vengeance was very annoyed and wanted to struggle, but he couldn't get rid of Wang Nanxuan's control.

  Without wasting time, Wang Nanxuan absorbed the Spirit of Vengeance into his body. Then, he forcibly erased the consciousness of the Spirit of Vengeance with the power gained for being a Hell Lord.

  Wang Nanxuan closed his eyes, and opened them again after a while, his eyes were filled with h

Hellfire, which quickly spread throughout his body, making him look like a burning man.

  However, Wang Nanxuan didn't turn into a skull like the Ghost Riders. He was different from those Ghost Riders in that he controlled the Spirit of Vengeance.

  "Very good."

  Wang Nanxuan put away the flames, took out the statue of the Blackheart, waved his hand, and a black light flew out of the statue into Slade's body, and the old cowboy who was about to die immediately recovered.

  Blackheart was immediately filled with anger: "You use my power again?"

  "Old cowboy, cherish the last year of life, don't get involved in too many things."

  Wang Nanxuan snapped his fingers, Slade fainted, Slade said coldly: "Lord, do you want me to kill him? This will not violate the contract."

  "I have no habit of breaking promises. In addition, it is not a bad thing for him to be alive. He can help us delay Ghost Rider."

  Wang Nanxuan glanced at The Hidden, coldly said. The Hidden smiled awkwardly, and didn't dare to say anything more.

  After thinking for a while, Wang Nanxuan took out two balls of flames and handed them to Abigor and Wallow, and said: "Abigor, take the flames and go as far as possible, Wallow, go to the city's TV station to find someone named Roxanne but don't hurt her, wait for my order."

  This is Wang Nanxuan leaving a way out for himself, if the next battle fails, these two flames will make him come back, no matter what, he can't be completely driven back to hell.

  "Yes, Lord."

Although the Gressil and Wallow didn't know what happened, they still left quickly with flames. Then, Wang Nanxuan said to Abigor: "Abigor, take me to San Venganza Village."

  San Venganza Village is a village that believed in God for generations, all the villagers in it were devout believers of God. Later, Mephisto made them kill each other with the promise of eternal life. In the end, thousands of people died, even the elderly and children were no exception.

  These corrupted souls have been trapped in San Venganza Village ever since, and as long as someone hold the Contract of San Venganza, they can collect their souls and build a small Hell on Earth.

  Mephisto was about to succeed. Unexpectedly, Carter Slade, who he sent to collect the souls, rebelled and ran away with the contract. That's why there are so many things now.

  "Yes, lord."

  Abigor said respectfully. The previous respect was due to fear, but now, there is more respect. This Hell Lord's methods are really not ordinary.

  Then, Abigor turned into a strong wind and led the way, followed by Wang Nanxuan.

  At the same time, in the nearby city, a Harley Motorcycle that was burning with flames was running wildly, with a straight flame trail behind it.

  The owner of the motorcycle is a flaming skeleton wearing a leather coat and chains. He is Johnny Blaze. He was deceived by Mephisto when he was young, and signed a contract to become the other party's Ghost Rider. Mephisto said he could cure his father, as a result, his father died unexpectedly the next day.

  "Hurry up and go to San Venganza Village, Blackheart has obtained the contract."

  Mephisto's hurried voice sounded in Johnny's mind, losing the suppression of Michael's holy power, the location of the Contract of San Venganza could no longer be hidden from him.

  To be honest, Mephisto was puzzled, why did that idiot get the contract so quickly? Could it be that the stupid son finally got the hang of it? Then should he comfort him, or should he yell at him?

  It was the first time for Johnny to transform, and his mind was completely controlled by the Spirit of Vengeance. The Spirit of Vengeance let out a loud roar, sped up and rushed on the road with all his strength, and the police cars that wanted to intercept along the road exploded in the flames.

  What's even more exaggerated is that when encountering an artificial lake, Ghost Rider didn't take a detour at all, and drove directly over the lake. Newton's coffin board probably couldn't hold it down.


  The village of San Venganza has long been turned into a ruined. Wang Nanxuan walked in it, his ears filled with the sound of howling ghosts and wolves.

  "A bunch of greedy idiots, but thanks to your greed, otherwise I wouldn't have a chance to get out of the predicament."

  Wang Nanxuan muttered to himself, he snatched the Contract of San Venganza not to create a small Hell, but to let himself be unrestricted when he's entering Earth, the year of solitude was unbearable, not to mention, that Earth had plenty of souls.

  Without wasting time, Wang Nanxuan took out the contract and prepared to collect the soul. At this moment, accompanied by the roar of a motorcycle, the Ghost Rider officially appeared on the stage.

  Seeing that Wang Nanxuan was about to open the contract, Ghost Rider immediately threw a mass of burning flames at him. Wang Nanxuan avoided it sideways

  . Looking at Wang Nanxuan, he asked in shock: "You are not Blackheart, which Hell are you the Lord of? Why is the breath so strange?"

  Wang Nanxuan did not answer, and with the activation of the contract, dense ghosts appeared around them, and they seemed to be excited. With a strange cry of relief, he rushed towards Wang Nanxuan.

  "Stop him."

  Mephisto screamed. Ghost Rider was about to charge up on his motorcycle when a gust of wind hit him, knocking him off the motorcycle and flying him to the ground.

  The Ghost Rider immediately got up and swung the flame chain towards Abigor who had turned into a strong wind. Unexpectedly, the flame chain swept across Abigor's body but couldn't damage Abigor.

  "Hahaha, you can't hurt me."

Abigor laughed triumphantly, rushed up and swept the Ghost Rider away again, and at the same time, a voice came into the Ghost Rider's ear along the gust of wind: "Ghost Rider, do you still remember Roxanne? Wallow is looking for her."

  "How dare you?"

  Ghost Rider roared angrily, Johnny's consciousness awakened, and he tried his best to resist the consciousness of the Spirit of Vengeance—Roxanne was the one he was his girlfriend who he still loves.

  At the same time, a large number of souls rushed into Wang Nanxuan's body. Wang Nanxuan used them to build a small Hell. Once successful, this small Hell will be connected to his Hell. At that time, Kamar Taj's formation can no longer stop him.

  Seeing Ghost Rider being entangled, Mephisto was anxious, he thought about it, and decided to 'call the police'!

  Yes, call the police, but not the ordinary police, but Kamar Taj.

  "Ancient One, someone is building a small Hell on Earth, don't you care?"

  Mephisto shouted towards the sky, and everyone present, including Wang Nanxuan, stared at Mephisto in astonishment. You, a Hell Lord, actually called Kamar Taj? Are you still this shameless?