
The Lord Of Dreams (A HP Fanfiction Novel)

He is the Lord of Dreams, called simply The Lord, or as the love of his life knew him, Dante King. Robbed of his love by treachery, he slaughtered an entire world. Upon completion of his vengeance, he once again comes face to face with the love of his life, Freya Valmore, the goddess of Darkness and Life. Now, after feeding on the life force of a trillion dead souls, Freya has completed her ascension to complete godhood. Now, after countless battles, what does the ultimate villainous couple do? They retire and tour the multiverse, starting with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Join them in their tour of death and delight as they reshape the myriad realms of fantasy and fiction. Join my patreon today to read advanced chapters. www.patreon.com/everstone

EverStone · Bücher und Literatur
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25 Chs

Vault 17

Durgin Blackforge led Freya and Dante to one of their oldest but still empty vaults deep in the heart of Gringotts bank. Vault 17, it's a vault that is almost as old as the London branch of Gringotts itself.

"Since I will be working as your personal banker, you will be given a portkey that leads to your vault, giving you direct and discreet access to Vault 17 anytime you wish. I will be stationed here at all times to help you if you need. A personal Gringotts banker stays where their assigned vault is at all times, excluding meal breaks that we also take here at the vault."

Dante nodded his head in understanding. That is quite convenient; he could unload a bit of his wealth here but only gold. He would not leave anything dangerous behind. Dante's more sinister items would stay put in his null space storage, where they are safe from the hands of foolish mortals that might accidentally destroy the world with them.

Freya listened to Durgin Blackforge talk about the security of this bank. In Freya's eyes, it was all irrelevant. If someone wanted to take something from her, they would have better luck destroying the world than committing suicide by stealing from a god.

When they came to Vault 17, there was a station for Durgin Blackforge to work at. It even had a makeshift bed set up. This impressed Freya quite a bit; these goblins would do anything for money. When she has time, Freya might just return the Sword of Gryffindor to them. Or better yet, give them something of higher value that they can study to improve their metallurgy skills. Freya has devoured many worlds over her long lifespan, so sharing some knowledge with this world is of no significance to her. She can admire anyone who is so relentless in their pursuit of greed. Greed is a good sin to encourage in anyone who can handle it.

When they arrived in front of Vault 17's door, Durgin Blackforge pulled out a small gnarly key and gave it to Dante, saying, "Mr. Dante, this is the key to Vault 17. It is now attuned to you magically, so no one but you or someone you choose can use it to access your personal vault. We can even set up your vault with personal living quarters should you need to get away from, shall we say, the law-enforcing type of individuals. Now, please follow me inside to make your first deposit."

Dante smiled at this statement. He could not wait to show off his wealth. This is something that every villain loves to do, besides gloating to those who have given up all hope and are about to die. This thought made Dante think about that hero that he killed before his retirement. That kid was such a self-righteous jerk. His own self-assurance that his girlfriend would not betray him led to his defeat. The hero Nathan Smith never suspected that his own girlfriend was actually a demon that served Dante. What a heroic loser. It made Dante sick, thinking of all of the good deeds that man did. He was no fun at all.

As the vault door numbered with the mark of Vault 17 opened up, Dante was quite pleased with the size inside. It could contain several thirty-story buildings with room to spare.

Looking to Durgin Blackforge, Dante said, "This place is quite impressive, Durgin, and the offer about assistance with the law is appreciated. Go ahead and set it up. I may have someone use it in the future."

Durgin Blackforge smiled in glee. The goblins may not say it publicly, but even the Ministry of Magic would not dare to intrude into Gringotts, not with all of the various international wizarding communities as their backers They keep and hold many secrets and knowledge for many powerful individuals.

"I will make sure it is done immediately, sir. Now, for your first deposit, please!"

Dante nodded, then waved his hand in the air. After Dante did so, several acres worth of the vault became stacked high with bars of gold and many kinds of gold coins with strange markings on them. Durgin Blackforge's eyes went wide with surprise. He had never seen so much gold in his entire life.

Very quickly, Durgin put on a professional attitude and began counting this massive sum of gold. He called upon some of his younger intern banker goblins to assist him in this task.

Join my patreon today to read up to chapter 16 in advance.
