
The Lord: "I have a skill talent tree."

In this world of swords and magic, there are dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, and grand voyages. In short, it has everything—except a place for Ethan. However, Ethan is not completely without assets; he has a skill talent tree, specializing in swords. Sword Mastery: Passive skill. Your precision, strength, and speed in swordsmanship increase by one level. Each time you level up, your control over these aspects improves by one grade. Initially, Ethan wanted to rely on his talent to reclaim his territory and enjoy the life of a noble lord. But as he continued to cultivate his land, he gradually realized that he had already taken a seat at the table of power and games.

lavonne_stafford · Fantasie
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55 Chs

Chapter 45: I Want to Trade

The next day, Ethan sent Little Yellow to patrol the surroundings.

As in the previous days, except for the overcast sky and the howling north wind, the area was eerily quiet for miles around. Not a single person or even an animal was in sight.

After several peaceful days, Ethan began to doubt if the so-called "bandits" even knew they had arrived, considering they hadn't even sent a scout.

But recalling what Sophia had said, "The key is not at the front but the rear," it became clear. Once Sophia reported that the lord had taken office, the potential enemies should know of his arrival without needing scouts. If they still intended to disrupt the sea route, bandits would eventually show up.

"Sigh! What's meant to come will come. Since they aren't here yet, let's handle the immediate problem."

After ensuring there was no danger, Ethan led Little Yellow into the forest to deal with the Shadow Panther.

Ethan didn't know much about Shadow Panthers, only that they were massive, with recorded lengths over 30 meters, making them the undisputed rulers of the forest. Their black fur, swift speed, and difficulty to hunt were well-known. But for Ethan, these were not issues. Since becoming transcendent, he no longer feared large beasts that once terrified humans. This psychological shift was common for those who transcended, whether due to arrogance or confidence.

However, not fearing a beast didn't mean it could be easily hunted, especially given the Shadow Panther's speed. If it fled, it would be hard to catch. Thus, Ethan brought his bow and arrows. While he couldn't use [Precision Shot] due to the bow's quality, normal archery would suffice. He was confident that a few well-placed arrows to its vital spots would prevent it from escaping.

The only question was: where was it?

Fortunately, with Little Yellow's aerial reconnaissance and extraordinary vision, they located the Shadow Panther 20 miles away on a peculiar large tree. This tree, though not very tall, had an astonishing diameter close to a thousand meters, giving the impression of a forest within a tree. Its vast size was due not just to its trunk but to numerous roots extending and embedding into the ground, forming new smaller trunks.

The sight of this tree reminded Ethan of a story he learned in elementary school, "The Bird's Paradise." Here, it seemed more like "The Panther's Paradise."

Following Little Yellow's guidance, Ethan reached the giant tree. To avoid alerting the panther, he slowed down and controlled his breathing, moving silently. He hid behind a large tree, peeking through its branches. About fifty meters away, he spotted a 15-meter-long black panther lying in the tree's shadow, seemingly asleep. Its black fur blended perfectly with the darkness, making it hard to spot.

Seeing the panther asleep and unguarded, Ethan smiled, slowly drew his longbow, and aimed at the panther's neck. But just as he was about to shoot, he noticed a six-pointed star pattern on the panther's forehead, similar to the marks on magical pets he'd seen at the academy. This indicated it had an owner, likely a powerful mage or noble.

Ethan hesitated. Killing this panther would mean offending its master. Imagining how he would feel if someone killed Little Yellow, he understood the potential consequences. Offending a mage, especially a reclusive one, could be fatal.

Reluctantly, Ethan lowered his bow, sighed heavily, and leaned against the tree. "Forget it! As long as it doesn't come near the settlement, I won't bother it."

"But who would keep such a magical pet here?"

As he pondered, a figure slowly emerged from a nearby tree trunk, as if materializing from it. It was a girl, about 1.75 meters tall, wearing a gray hooded cloak. Her snow-white face was flawless, her skin like a peeled egg, and she had slightly pointed ears.

"An elf? An elf!"

The girl nodded, smiling as she tucked her red hands back into her cloak. "Yes! Please don't be alarmed. I mean no harm."

Ethan didn't lower his guard. "Why were you hiding behind me? And is that Shadow Panther your pet?"

The girl nodded again. "Yes, but Parker isn't a Shadow Panther; he's a Swiftblade Panther from our elf tribe. I'm glad you put your bow down; otherwise, I would have had to harm you."

Ethan felt a mix of relief and discomfort being casually threatened by a young girl. But her earlier chance to ambush him and her choice not to reassured him.

"So, why did you reveal yourself?"

The girl smiled faintly. "As I said, I mean no harm. I wouldn't have shown myself if you hadn't put down your bow. But when I saw the extraordinary eagle on your shoulder, I couldn't resist. If possible, I'd like to trade with you."