
The Lord: "I have a skill talent tree."

In this world of swords and magic, there are dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, and grand voyages. In short, it has everything—except a place for Ethan. However, Ethan is not completely without assets; he has a skill talent tree, specializing in swords. Sword Mastery: Passive skill. Your precision, strength, and speed in swordsmanship increase by one level. Each time you level up, your control over these aspects improves by one grade. Initially, Ethan wanted to rely on his talent to reclaim his territory and enjoy the life of a noble lord. But as he continued to cultivate his land, he gradually realized that he had already taken a seat at the table of power and games.

lavonne_stafford · Fantasie
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82 Chs

Chapter 24: Obsession

As soon as Angelina saw Ethan return, she rushed over to him, ignoring the severed head in his hand.

"No one bullied me. You just came back late and scared me!"

"I'm really sorry for worrying you!" Ethan said with a wry smile. "I should have returned earlier. Angus, despite his big talk, was pitifully weak. I took him down with one strike. However, there was a bit of an incident when I went to behead him, which took more time than expected. Anyway, let's not dwell on that. Do you want this head to use as a ball?"

"No!" Angelina replied, both laughing and crying. "Is it really necessary to be this serious? Did you really bring the head back just to ask if I want to use it as a ball?"

"Of course, it's necessary!" Ethan replied seriously. "If I don't keep my word the first time, you'll never believe me again. But if you don't like it, we can skip the formalities. Honestly, it wasn't easy to bring this head back."

"Throw it away. If there's a next time, don't bring any heads back," Angelina said earnestly.

"I can't just throw it away!" Ethan said, pulling Angelina along as they walked through the estate. "Since I went to the trouble of bringing it back, the ceremony must be completed. As I promised, if you don't want to kick it, I'll have to throw it into the sewer."

Ethan carried the head, searching for a suitable place in the estate to dispose of it. Unfortunately, the so-called sewers in this world were more like surface drains, making it unhygienic to leave the head there. In the end, he had no choice but to throw it into a cesspit.

After completing the ritual, Ethan dusted off his hands and returned to the room for a bath. Angelina insisted on joining him, and he reluctantly agreed, resulting in another bout of activity.

By the time they finished, it was almost midnight. Despite the late hour, the entire Lawson estate was brightly lit, with no servants daring to rest, knowing that two people hadn't had dinner yet.

As Ethan and Angelina walked to the dining hall, all the servants were lined up, ready to serve. Chairs were pulled, dishes were brought out; everything was done silently and efficiently.

Having expended a lot of energy in the bath, both were famished and found the dinner particularly delicious. After eating, Ethan asked Angelina to return to their room, as he had to go to Sophia's study.

Knock, knock, knock. Ethan knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in!"

Ethan entered to find Sophia wearing a seductive silk nightgown, sitting leisurely on a high-backed chair behind her desk, reading a book. He frowned slightly, eyeing the red carpet by the desk, hesitating before stepping in and closing the door.

"You wanted to see me?"

Ethan chose a chair away from the red carpet, maintaining a posture ready to draw his sword at any moment. Sophia noticed everything but pretended not to, setting her book aside and smiling at Ethan.

"Awakening your primal energy overnight and mastering it to an exaggerated extent, Ethan, you've truly surprised me."

"There's nothing to be surprised about! I don't even feel anything myself, so why should you?"

Ethan couldn't stand Sophia's superior tone and threw a cold bucket of water on her enthusiasm. Sophia was momentarily taken aback but quickly switched to a sweet smile.

"I apologize. I forgot you don't like the way I speak. But please understand, it's a habit that's hard to change, unlike a servant's attitude, which can be altered easily." Hearing Sophia try to accommodate him so much made Ethan shiver. He suddenly felt he was becoming like Angus, arrogant and disrespectful to superiors. Angus had some reasons for his behavior, understanding the bigger picture and having enough leverage. But Ethan knew little about Sophia's true strength and that she tolerated him not just for mutual benefits but likely due to her confidence in her abilities. She didn't mind appearing weak before him, indicating immense confidence. Realizing this, Ethan sat up straighter, trying to be more respectful. He didn't want to provoke Sophia further.

"I'm also sorry. I've often been hostile toward you. I forgot we're allies on the same side."

Sophia, seeing Ethan's sudden change in attitude, smiled even more genuinely.

"I'm glad to hear you say that. However, I must criticize you. Today, you were way out of line, causing enormous trouble for our family and me, your loyal admirer."

Sophia stood up and sat beside Ethan, continuing, "Although your methods today were impressive, I don't understand why you did it. The duke's knights were merely doing their duty by preventing you from desecrating a corpse. Yet you insisted on bringing the head back, challenging anyone who opposed you to a duel, killing three knights, and intimidating the rest into submission. Your actions went far beyond making a point. They seemed obsessive, almost pathological. Can you explain why? This is just personal curiosity. Normally, you wouldn't need to explain, but considering the trouble I've cleaned up for you, please, help me sleep at night by sharing the reason."

"No special reason," Ethan replied awkwardly. "You might find it ridiculous, but it's true. I promised your sister that anyone who bullied her or insulted her in public would lose their head, and she could use it as a ball."

Sophia's pupils constricted in shock, rendering her speechless for a while. After a moment of reflection, she smiled.

"It seems my sister has found a good man! Now that we've dealt with that, let's move on to the main issue. Since you've awakened your primal energy, the energy stone tablet is no longer necessary. Please return it to me."

"It's in my room. You can send someone to fetch it anytime."

"Good!" Sophia bit her lip. "There's one more thing. Originally, the three days were for you to awaken your primal energy. Now that you've done so, you should depart tomorrow. A merchant ship has been prepared at Vilen Port, waiting for you. Don't tell me you're refusing to go."

"Of course not! I won't refuse," Ethan said cheerfully. "I'm more than willing to go. But where is Lili, whom I requested? And I want to take my fiancée with me. Even if I die, I won't let her become a family bargaining chip again because she's my woman!"

"No problem!" Sophia laughed genuinely. "I'm not worried about you dying now. You can take my sister if she agrees. As for Lili, she's already on the ship waiting for you. You'll see her when you board. However, be prepared. She seems reluctant to leave Marlo City."

"I'll handle it myself. Thank you for the reminder!"