
The Lord: "I have a skill talent tree."

In this world of swords and magic, there are dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, and grand voyages. In short, it has everything—except a place for Ethan. However, Ethan is not completely without assets; he has a skill talent tree, specializing in swords. Sword Mastery: Passive skill. Your precision, strength, and speed in swordsmanship increase by one level. Each time you level up, your control over these aspects improves by one grade. Initially, Ethan wanted to rely on his talent to reclaim his territory and enjoy the life of a noble lord. But as he continued to cultivate his land, he gradually realized that he had already taken a seat at the table of power and games.

lavonne_stafford · Fantasie
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82 Chs

Chapter 14: Quick Battle

The shadow that descended from above was, of course, Ethan.

When Ethan realized that his first plan had failed after he deliberately exposed a flaw to lure his opponent into an attack without success, he immediately switched to his second plan: finding advantageous terrain.

As he walked, he finally found a suitable spot—a dead-end alley wide enough for him to swing his sword freely, about twenty to thirty meters deep, and surrounded by high walls on three sides. The area was not only suitable for combat but also deserted, making it a perfect place for an ambush.

Ethan quickly turned into the alley and, using his precise control over his sword, threw it with force, embedding it into the wall over four meters high. He then leapt up, grabbed the sword's hilt, and perched on it, using the darkness as cover to silently await his prey.

Ethan's confidence in this ambush plan came from his rigorous training at the academy. Though the Allen Academy's curriculum focused solely on swordsmanship and not on superhuman abilities, it didn't mean the instructors lacked these powers. In fact, every instructor at the academy had awakened their superhuman abilities, making them truly formidable.

Ethan's swordsmanship instructor was particularly skilled in controlling rhythm. From the beginning of his training, the instructor emphasized that mastering physical rhythm was more important than learning various techniques. To control one's body, one must first learn to control breathing.

Understanding, mastering, and adjusting breathing was essential for laying a solid foundation in martial arts. Many of Ethan's peers dismissed this, thinking breathing was too basic to require formal training. But Ethan found the advice wise and diligently practiced, eventually becoming quite proficient.

Not only did this training allow Ethan to maintain steady breathing during combat, but he also excelled at concealing his presence, even controlling his heartbeat to the bare minimum required for survival—a state known as "turtle breath" among the instructors. In this state, even many of the instructors couldn't sense his presence.

Confident in his ability to evade detection, Ethan waited patiently. Sure enough, the assassin followed him into the alley, completely unaware of Ethan perched above. As the assassin entered his sword's range, Ethan dropped silently, pulling out the Champion's Blade in a swift motion, executing a devastating flip slash.

Though the series of movements happened in a flash, it was a seamless and rapid maneuver, leaving little chance for the assassin to react. If the strike landed, it would undoubtedly cleave the assassin in two.

Sensing danger at the last moment, Erik instinctively rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the fatal blow. However, the sword still grazed his back, leaving a deep gash. The pain was excruciating, but Erik maintained his composure, instantly producing a playing card and flinging it at Ethan.

Ethan, surprised by the assassin's quick evasion, barely had time to react as the card whizzed towards him. With his exceptional reflexes, he blocked the card with his sword, but the impact sent a powerful shockwave through his arm, leaving it numb.

"This is the power of superhuman abilities!" Ethan marveled at the force behind the card. Despite the pain, he counterattacked, his sword emitting a burst of energy that shot towards Erik.

Erik, still reeling from the initial attack, couldn't avoid the energy slash. The sword energy severed his hand, sending it—and the playing card it held—flying.

"Aaaah!" Erik screamed in agony, nearly passing out from the pain. Summoning his strength, he attempted to produce another card with his remaining hand, but Ethan was quicker. He pinned Erik's other hand to the ground with a swift strike, then delivered a kick to his head, dazing him.

In the brief window of incapacitation, Ethan decisively severed the tendons in Erik's remaining hand and feet, rendering him helpless.

With Erik lying on the ground, incapacitated, Ethan took a deep breath, feeling the tension release. He wiped the blood from his sword with a handkerchief, his eyes fixed on the fallen assassin.

Ethan realized he couldn't kill Erik; doing so would only invite more assassins. He needed Erik alive to communicate with the organization, conveying that the mission was ongoing but encountering delays.

The immediate challenge was hiding Erik. The inn wasn't an option—too many people came and went, making it unsuitable for interrogation.

"Angelina's place?"

"It's possible, but not now. Nobility's privacy isn't reliable. If I take him there, Landon will know by tomorrow that I've captured an assassin."

"What about my friend Leon?"

"That could work for secrecy, but it's too far and I can't leave the city now."

"Where can I find a nearby, hidden place that I can trust?"

As Ethan pondered, a woman carrying an oil lamp walked by the alley. It was the same hostess he'd seen earlier at the bar, Lili.

A plan formed in Ethan's mind. He stepped out, startling Lili. Recognizing him, she calmed down, though still a bit shaken.

"You're Ethan, right? Why were you hiding in the alley? You nearly scared me to death," Lili said, clutching her chest.

"Sorry about that," Ethan replied with a friendly smile. "I was just excited to see you. Do you live nearby?"

Lili's eyes took on an inviting gleam as she hooked her arm around his, pointing ahead. "Yes, just around the corner. But staying over… costs 50 silver coins."

"Only 50 silver coins?" Ethan blurted out.

Lili laughed, playfully slapping his chest. "If you want to pay more, I won't mind!"

"I'll give you a gold coin, but I have a condition. I need to bring a friend."

Lili paused, processing his request. After a moment, she replied, "Okay, but only one at a time. I can't handle both of you at once."


Ethan couldn't help but laugh at the misunderstanding but was relieved she agreed. "Come with me; my friend is in the alley."

They walked together to the alley, where Erik lay incapacitated.