

School dismissed for the day and SEO ran headed home, she entered a bus and sat in the back seat, another girl from her school entered the same bus and it was Eun Ji, she sat beside SEO ran who pretended like she didn't see her. Seo ran opened her backpack and brought out a novel to read, as she was reading it Eun Ji purposely hit her hand and it fell, SEO ran ignored her, and picked it up"I'm not in the mood for your troubles Eun Ji"SEO ran said, "Are you trying to call me a troublesome person"Eun Ji retorted, "I never said so, I thought your mom usually pick you from school, why follow the bus? SEO ran asked, "it's none of your business, I am not like you that make use of the bus every time, my mom couldn't make it today so I took the bus"Eun Ji replied, SEO ran went on reading and didn't talk to her anymore, few minutes later Eun ji broke the silence"I can see you are doing everything possible to gain Jun SEO's attention, right?"I don't know what you are talking about"SEO ran answered, Eun Ji, smirked, "You keep fooling yourself, I know you like Jun SEO and you have been doing a lot of things to get his attention such as skipping school" Eun Ji said, "Do you think I am like you who does everything possible to gain a boy's attention, I am different Eun Ji, Jun SEO is just my seatmate and friend"SEO ran said, they started exchanging words till the bus alighted to their destination, they both got down at the same place, SEO ran went her path and Eun Ji did too, SEO ran's neighborhood is close to that of Eun Ji. Eun Ji lives with her single mother, her father died when she was born, her mother is a working-class lady, she works as a pr specialist in a food production company, they are middle-class indigenes, her mother picks her up from school every day but when she is busy with work, Eun Ji will make use of the bus, Eun Ji is a spoilt child, she doesn't have manners and has a rude personality too, She is beautiful and boasts even though she is not from a wealthy family, her mom owns a car which she uses to pick her up from school. Eun Ji and SEO ran are long-time enemies, She never liked SEO ran and SEO ran never liked her too, it started with Mi ho, SEO ran's friend from elementary school, Eun Ji had a great crush on him but later on, she realized that mi ho likes SEO ran and not her, it increased the level of hatred she has for SEO ran, they started from being academic enemies before mi ho got into the picture, SEO ran was among the top brilliant students in their grade, she overshadowed Eun Ji in academics because Eun Ji was once the popular brilliant giant but SEO ran got enrolled into their school and took the fame from her not just that but the beauty comparison as well. Kim deok and her Co-workers were in their office, they bought snacks and drinks for the evening, and they were discussing the news of the dead blogger and the mystery of his death, "Whoever killed him is so cold-blooded and wicked, So sad"One of them said, Kim deok unlocked her phone and went through his blogs, as she was scrolling up she saw his blog about the park industry CEO and also saw the confession video, she clicked on it and watched the video, "Excuse me guys I will be right back" She said and went to the restroom, she rested on the wall trying to think, she recalled that the CEO of park industry is SEO yeun's boss, she gasped, "That means he is innocent of the accusations, he is a legitimate child and didn't murder his father" She said in her mind, she hurriedly dialed SEO yeun's number and she picked up," hello SEO Yeun, there is a news this morning about a dead blogger and.."She got interrupted by SEO Yeun, "I know about it, I figured it all out and right now I am confused, I also found out that my boss didn't pay those thugs to beat my father up"SEO Yeun said, "What! Kim shouted, "yeah it's a long story, let's meet at shin club in the night, I will tell you more"SEO Yeun said, "okay then, see you"Kim said and cut the call, she dressed her hair looking at the mirror and also rinsed her face with water before she left.

Lee SEO Yeun got home, freshened up and also cooked ramen for her and her sister, they ate and after eating she went into her room, sat on top of her reading table, and brought out her laptop to research San Min's case, she was looking to know if she will find another relevant information about him and why he blackmailed Dong ju, she looked but couldn't find any information apart from the confession video, she gripped her hands and hit her hands on the laptop, she did that out of anger, her mind flashed back to the statement of those women inside the bus, she remembered what they said about Park Dong ju being the killer of San min, "is it possible that young master killed him? She soliloquized, "No I shouldn't jump to conclusions again, firstly I accused him of what happened to Father and it turned out that he is innocent, I shouldn't think he killed the blogger, no no, but it's still strange"She soliloquized again, "What's strange, "A voice said, she looked back and it was SEO ran"Sorry I didn't knock but your door was open"SEO ran said holding a glass of milk," it's fine, come in, "SEO Yeun said, "I brought you a glass of milk, I knew you are researching so a glass of milk will be of help"SEO ran said,", thank you, sis, "SEO Yeun said and collected the glass of milk from her, "What's strange "SEO ran asked, "Emm. Emm. It just, just my laptop, I don't know what is wrong with it, it's operating strangely"SEO Yeun said, "Your laptop?SEO ran asked, "Yeah", SEO ran stared at her suspiciously," But sis, you have been acting strangely and off these days, I noticed it but I decided to keep quiet, I am your sister and you do open up to me, I just don't understand what is going on, seems like you are hiding something from us"SEO ran said, "hide? and why will I hide things from you or our parents, nothing is wrong with me SEO ran, it's just stress, okay?SEO Yeun said, "But it's unlike you, anyways if you say you are fine then I believe you, "She said, SEO Yeun, smiled and pecked her, "So how was school?SEO Yeun asked, "Always fine and tiring, we have a physics practical tomorrow and I need to review for it with Gu Na Ri I will go to her house very soon"SEO ran answered, "Alright, be safe and read harder, okay, "SEO Yeun said, "I will, you know me very well, I don't give up, I am tough and strong just like you"SEO ran said and they both laughed, "When you are back I will give you a hair wash, promise, "SEO Yeun said, "Are you sure?SEO ran asked, "Of course, I have been so busy these days that I don't have the time to give you a befitting hair wash, don't worry tonight I will, "SEO Yeun said, SEO ran smiled happily and told her to finish up the milk before she left her room. Seo Yeun proceed with her research again to know if she will see something useful about San Min, she saw one of his pictures in front of a house, she zoomed the picture and recognized the house as one of the houses in their neighborhood," that must be where he lives with his parents, I need to pay a visit tomorrow and hear from them, maybe they might have a clue on who the murderer could be, this will help me know if the young master is truly involved or not if he is not then I need to clear his name"She soliloquized, sighed and lay on her bed," oh my Gosh, I am so exhausted! She shouted out.

At night, SEO Yeun went to the shin club to see Kim Deok, she arrived but didn't see Kim, she called and Kim told her to wait and that she will be there soon,seo Yeun sat down at the counter looking around, shin club is a popular club in Seoul, it is not just popular but can be dangerous, thugs and bullies usually comes there to drink and gamble, most of them patronize prostitutes and sleep with them, Kim and SEO Yeun are strong girls so they are not scared of whatever may be the case. Seo Yeun waited for three minutes and got pressed,she went to the restroom built inside the club to ease herself,she reached the corridor and saw two men discussing,she heard them call the park industry so she hid and eavesdrop on their conversation,"Are you sure about this conference you talked about?one of the men said,"Yes I am,I disguised myself as one of the employees and I heard personally from his assistant that he has a conference to attend in three days time"the other replied,the first one to speak touched his beard nodding with pleasure,"oh I see, it's a great time to strike as boss instructed,we need to get rid of that park dong ju so we can get our balance"he said and laughed devilishly,"So what next to do"the other said,"of course nothing,we just need to get prepared for the conference day,thank goodness it's on Saturday,it will be a clean job"the other retorted,SEO Yeun was shaking at the place she was hiding,she was shocked and fidgeting,"oh no they are planning to kill young master,who could have sent them to do such a thing right after San min's death,what the heck is happening,I prefer living a poor life than being rich if really this is the kind of life the rich lives, everything about their personal life is known to the public,aishhhh so annoying"She said in her mind,the two men were about to leave she quickly hid at the other corner of the wall and they left,She came out from her hiding spot breathing heavily,she went to the female's convenience and eased herself,she also got a call from Kim that she has arrived. Kim Deok and SEO Yeun ordered a bottle of alcoholic drink, "Aishhh ever since you started working in that place as a maid things have been complicated, I think you should just quit I will help you find another job" Kim said, "No I can't Kim, I just can't quit now things are critical and all because of me, I mean I made him lose that important contract, and now got to know about an evil plan to end his life"SEO Yeun said, "Did you recognize the face of those men? Kim asked,"No I didn't see their faces I only heard their voice,they might be the one's who killed the blogger and the same person that had the blogger killed must have sent them to kill young master Dong ju ,just think about it Kim,San min made up a false rumour about him and later on confessed the truth,the main focus now should be why he lied,and I think someone sent him to do that against Dong ju,and Dong ju made him say the truth,the culprit that had him killed must have done that to silence San min from exposing him or her one day,then planning to kill Dong ju himself using those evil men"SEO Yeun said,"hmmm you are right,that's a smart thought,I never thought of that,which means the one that had the blogger killed has a new target now and that is your boss"Kim said and sipped her drink,"Exactly what I mean,it's clear to me now that young master didn't kill San min,but I still need to visit his parents to know if I can gather any information"SEO Yeun said,"we will go together"Kim said,"Thank you"SEO Yeun said,"What's your next move"Kim asked her,"I will have to be more consistent at work in order to always be by his side,I need to protect him,I wronged him and made him loose something big,I should payback for what I did,I will clear the thoughts of the masses that he didn't kill the blogger and I will also try to save him from the death plots"SEO Yeun said,"Do you think you can do this? Kim asked"Of course, I can, I will need your help on the day of the conference, "SEO Yeun said, "And it's my pleasure to help you, but promise me that when all this drama is over you will quit the job and I will help you tell your parents the truth, you can't hide it from them forever," Kim said, "I promise, till then"SEO Yeun retorted.