
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · Fantasie
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35 Chs

~Chapter 25 Blaze's POV~

~Chapter 25 Blaze's POV~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. Dustin wasn't in the bed next to me which surprised me. He must be downstairs. It is currently eight in the morning. I don't have a specific time to go into the office each day as long as I go in. I wouldn't go in today if I could, but Dustin would probably make me go to work today. I moved the covers off myself and got out of bed.

I went into the bathroom and did my morning routine. Combed my hair, brushed my teeth, and washed my face, the whole shebang. The one perk about being the Pack Alpha is not having to dress up for work. As long as I don't come to work naked or wearing pajamas I'm not in trouble. To be honest I don't think anyone goes to work in pajamas. The only times when I dress up are when I go to meet other Pack Leaders or when I have to meet the Elders. I wonder if I will have to have a meeting with the Midnight Packs Alpha because of my marrying Dustin.

I don't think I will have to though from the way Dustin was talking about the pack I doubt they would care if I marry him. I went over to my dresser and grabbed a cotton shirt and some jeans. The matching pajamas I got for Dustin and me were so comfortable. I'm surprised that they were comfortable considering most fluffy pajamas are scratchy on the inside. At least in my opinion.

I put on my clothes and headed downstairs. Dustin was cooking on the stovetop and Oliver was at his feet wagging his tail. I want to hug Dustin. "Morning," I said. "Morning," Dustin replied. "What are you making?" I asked him. "A ham, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich. Do you want one?" Dustin asked me. "Sure that sounds delicious," I told him. "Okay. Can you fill up Oliver's food and water dishes please?" Dustin asked me. I nodded and walked out onto the patio. I grabbed a cup of dog food and put it in his bowl. I heard his paws run on the wooden floor towards the food.

Once I put the food dish down he started to eat it. "Now now Oliver. Slow down while eating you don't want to get sick." I told him. He didn't look up at me or anything instead he continues to eat. Scarfing down his food and then he went to sit down in the sun. I hope he doesn't get sick later. I went back out into the kitchen leaving Oliver to relax in the sun.

Dustin had two plates with toast on them when I got into the kitchen. "Do you need me to help with anything?" I asked him. "Not really if you could put the cheese on the ham when I put it on the bread that would be helpful," Dustin told me. I stood back and let him do his thing until he put the ham on the bread. I took out the shredded cheddar and sprinkled it onto the ham. Dustin took the carton of eggs and broke two eggs in half. After a couple of minutes, he put the cooked egg on the sandwich and turned off the stove. We took our breakfast sandwiches and sat down at the table.

"This tastes amazing Dustin," I told him. "I try my best to make good food." He said. "So what are your plans for today Dustin?" I asked him. "Well, I'm planning on going back to college in two days so I'm making sure I have everything I need. I was also wondering if there was anything I need for my training?" Dustin said. "I might have forgotten you still have to go to college. You won't need to bring anything for training the trainers will provide all of the things you need." I told Dustin. He nodded and continued to eat his breakfast. "Is there anything you have planned for today other than working on paperwork?" Dustin asked me.

"Well, I'm going to get a headstart on wedding planning. I hope you don't mind that it will be a big ceremony for the whole pack." I told Dustin. "It's okay since it is an important event to the Pack." After I finished eating and went to put the dishes in the dishwasher Oliver walked into the kitchen. I had a little bit of egg leftover from the sandwich so I gave it to Oliver. "You are definitely going to be taking a long nap after your walk later," I told Oliver while patting him on the head.

I took Oliver out for a quick walk before work. I took him out into the woods instead of town today. I don't want to have to interact with people when I'm trying to walk Oliver. Oliver practically dragged me. He was the runt of the litter from what the worker said but he still had so much energy. Whenever I see some children running around and having fun all of my energy is drained.

I don't understand how they have so much energy. Once I was finished walking Oliver I went back into the house and gathered my things. "Are you leaving for work already?" Dustin asked me. "Yes. If I go in early I get to go home earlier." I told Dustin. "Okay have a good day at work I'll see you later," Dustin said before hugging me. "You can always stop by whenever you want. I might need your advice when planning for the ceremony too." I said before putting on my coat and shoes. I pet Oliver before leaving and making my way to my car.

~The End Of Chapter 25~

I am sorry again for the late update I haven't been feeling well lately. I'm also thinking of changing the day I update my books but I don't know yet if I should. Once my schedule for the semester comes out I'll decide to keep it on Wednesdays or move it to Fridays.

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