
Reach for the Stars, Part Eighteen

An hour passed. 

30 waves, 4 more minibosses. 

Oxygen: 50%

{Star Absorption: 79%}

By now, Neve's Angel Set had turned a dark green, mirroring the pool that covered the floor.

Like a pillar of light stretching to the heavens, the divine aura from Neve's sword cut through the muck around her. 

Now, as she waited for the next wave to begin, Neve took stock of the realizations she'd made over the course of this challenge. 

First of all, she likely got here a lot faster than she'd been intended to, given that the challenge was nearly over and her Oxygen had barely gone down. She could attribute that to a great many different things, of course. But, mainly, it seemed that Erin carrying her on her back and blazing through most of the Floor had a significant impact on this. 

The second realization she made was that, unlike the 2% absorption she got from regular waves, minibosses gave 5% absorption, which helped speed things up.