
9. hire consultant

marshall told that he can't handle it all alone he need the information about the company from the other side. he need a consultant so Mr Kim already hire a consultant. the consultant is very detail to record the account, they are giving advice that we should follow the regulation at USA. USA so complicated to build a factory. not only they're regulation but the factory construction is also to be considered by them. I follow the consultant for that problem. but when I learning about the factory, the factory Is already half to build in the location. and when it under construction the factory already having financial report. although is not consolidation from factory in China but the factory is independent although the same main factory in China like that. every detail for the account in the financial report will be consider by Marshall. Marshall just check the consultant report. he believe that the factory will build and there isn't problem in their constriction. the share of the company is Mr Kim have many than other person like his friends Mr Lee.. Mr Lee have invest to the company and he have share for the factory. he leaving in USA and it will be the leader of the factory if it build. Mr Lee in charge on this factory and he handle responsibilities of the factory in USA. so after the meeting I and Michael prepare the recording of the consultant report and ours report. the final is the factory will going concern and it will be a big factory. so Mr Lee as in charge in there he also look up ours report. Michael record all the transaction. and the audit report is mine. I consider about the going concern of factory and minimalize the problem about the tax. I already know that the Mr Lee having knowledge to built a factory. he have many relation to do that. and he also that said I need hire consultant. he have a great consultant to do that. so I just follow the consultant and I just adjustment the report. Mr Lee also said I am a fighter in this business. cause I don't have institution like the consultant. and he believe in me that Mr Kim not wrong hire me. I still have many time to do the list of the financial report of the factory. I just work and work... Michael that I know as the accountant also help me so it just easier to making report. we agree that the meeting yesterday is the final report to the tax and the institution of the factory. the factory still under construction and the record of the building can be handle by Michael. Michael isn't an ordinary accountant. he is the secretary of Mr Kim and he handle many work in this factory. I just help by him and he report to Mr Kim. Mr Lee handle the operational of this factory while it built. so I just supervise the factory I know that I can be on time like other worker but I believe it can build without me. I already record all the needed for this factory. the share is also have record by me. so the factory will be set up.