
Healing Process

In the castle of Lyrel, the king was walking in a hallway with some of the Golden Knights, The Knights saw the king's back with amazement after all he has a circular burn mark, besides, his armor and cape were gone

The King saw some knights running and he made an angered expression then he yells " What are you doing?! why the alarm hasn't sounded yet?! "

" My lord, Captain Conrad went straight to do so, we have to give him more time maybe he is injured " One of the Golden Knights beside him answered calmly

The King sees him and frowns then he keeps walking until the Captain of the Golden Knights arrived next to them, he was a bit surprised seeing his king injured but he bows and says " My lord, your Royal father went to seclusion again "

" What!? Why!? " The king made a face of surprise " We have to go for that guy "

" He said that he needed to increase his power to the maximum " The Captain of the Golden Knights started walking with them

" Damn... Maybe my father saw something more with his Heavenly Eye, I still have chills remembering that cold and dark energy that guy emitted " The King made a frustrated expression

" What do you mean my lord? " The Captain of the Golden Knights sees the King with disbelief even the other knights overhear the conversation with doubtful faces

The King keeps walking without seeing them and he says in a serious voice " His energy was darker than the Demon that my father killed when I was young "

" What!? Then what kind of monster is he!? " The Captain of the Golden Knights yelled with surprise, even the other knights gasped with shocked expressions

" That will explain why all the Brywood family was exterminated in just a night " The Golden Knights see their King with fear and disbelief, they didn't speak again until the King say

" Let's forget about that... where is Ellen? she said that she will go to the Adventurers Guild to speak with the Guild Master, how much time did she need? " The King said with exasperation

" Your Majesty, she arrived before the meeting, her escort reported her return " A Golden Knight answered calmly

" Then where is she? I need her help to find that monster " The King said with suspicion

" Your Majesty, we don't know, she dismissed her escort the moment she arrived at the castle " The Captain Golden Knight answered with a calm voice

" Then she must be in her room... Captain Drake, come with me, the rest of you go with the Wyvern Ryders, help them with the search for that guy " The King pointed to the Golden Knight and they began to walk faster than before separating from the other Knights

The King and the Captain of the Golden Knights arrived near the princess's room after a couple of minutes, it seems that the barrier that the princess made disappeared since the King and the Captain didn't notice something strange when they arrived

When they arrived at the room they notice that the door wasn't there anymore and the entrance has some burn marks on both sides " What happened here? " Said the King with worry

They entered the room in a hurry and they saw more burn marks on the floor and even on some parts of the roof " What the... " The Captain noticed the two unconscious knights in front of the princess's bed and he ran towards them to check their pulse

" Your Majesty they are alive.... your Majesty? " The Captain of the Golden Knights turns to see the king after he didn't answer him

The King walked to the bed ignoring the Captain, he saw a person lying there, completely covered with a bloody blanket, his heart was beating very fast seeing the bloody blanket, he grabs the blanket and tried to pull it out from the laying body there but...

" …..ugh... " A soft pained moan came from under the blanket. It seems that the blanket is glued to the person lying in the bed making it impossible to remove it without hurting it

The King is surprised and with worry and surprise, says " Ellen... It's that you? "

" ... " The sound and move of a soft breath can be seen through the blanket

" Ellen… If that's really you, I need you to be strong, I'm going to remove this blanket from your body " The King said in a kind voice to make her relax, then he pulled the blanket with a lot of strength

" ….Uhg!! " The princess trembles with pain and she fell unconscious, the blanket has some part of her skin glued to it

" Ellen... " The King made a horrified voice after he saw her daughter's body, it was burned with some parts charcoaled, her armor and clothes were melted into her body but what terrifies him more, was that her face was melted completely disfigured and there isn't even a single trace of hair on her head

The Captain of the Golden Knights walked next to the king and he saw the princess with astonishment then he says to the King in hurry " Your Majesty, I think that the culpable of this was that masked man! "

The King grits his teeth with anger and took Ellen carrying her like a princess, he noticed with a horrified expression that her bed was covered with blood he turns to see Ellen's unconscious face and says with concern " Don't worry my little girl, your father will take you to the temple personally, they will cure you "

" Captain, I will leave these knights to you, I'm sure that they are alright " The king jumps through the window with an amazing speed

" Yes, your Majesty " The Captain of the Royal Guards bows his head and approaches the knights

When he landed the King started to run at a very high speed as his body blinks in a green light

The King makes a face of hate ' That sick bastard! why did he attack my daughter? ' The King turns to see the senseless princess in his arms and says with determination " Don't worry my little girl, your father will make him pay "

After a few minutes, the king arrived at a greek looking temple, the temple was big with four big columns in front of the temple, the temple has painted warriors with shining swords, mages surrounded by a yellow light, and some with both of them, they are likely heroes. There is only a big white door, where on both sides two men with white robes and white staff were guarding it

The King arrived in front of the white door and the guards approached him " Your Majesty, what happened? " It was a white robe man saying with concern after seeing the princess

" I need to cure my daughter " The King said emotionless

" The princess! she was attacked!? who would do something like that? " The white-robed man surprises

" Don't ask! bring me to your superior! " The King yelled in anger

" Yes, your Majesty " The white-robed man bowed his head to then open the white door

The King entered with the princess after the guards, the temple has the same paints as the windows on all walls, and there are some benches and more men in robes but what stood out more is a big statue at the end of the temple, which is a man who extended his right hand in front of him like he was ordering something, the statue looks amazing and is very big maybe around five meters

The king makes a bow to the statue and then an old woman approaches him, she has white eyes with white hair she looks very old

" Bring her quickly and give me the details " The old woman said with a hoarse voice, she didn't see the king or the princess, The old woman is blind but after all, she knew in what state the princess is

The King nods with respect in front of the old woman and says with worry" She was attacked by someone, Great Light Priestess, I'm here to beg you for your assistance "

The old woman turns around and says quietly " Take her to the curing chamber, I will cure her there "

" Thank you, Great Priestess " The King bowed his head and follows the old woman

They went to an isolated room inside the temple, the room has a big bed, a glass cabinet, several bottles containing liquids of different colors, and a big clear window that let the light come in, it looks like a Hospital room

The old woman points to the bed and says softly " Put her on the bed, I will commence with the treatment immediately "

" Yes " The King puts Ellen in the bed to then moves aside, the old woman approaches the princess and extended both f her arms toward her face

" Light Heal " The old woman says with a hoarse voice and her hands began to brighten with white light but...

"...!? " The old woman retrieved her hands in surprise

" What happen Great Priestess? " The King said with surprise

" With what kind of enemy did she fight? " The old woman said with surprise, her face started to sweat and she looked a little nervous

" There is a problem with the healing process? " The king said with a shocked expression and he sees the princess on the bed with concern

" Yes, the person that made her this, used some kind of divine power... but the worst thing is that she lost all her power " The old woman said with a frowning face

" Divine Power!? like the energy that Heroes use!? but how she lost her powers!? " The King said in confusion

" No, this energy is different, more powerful and darker, I can feel it even after the attack, Heroes don't have this type of energy " The old woman says with impotence " And her powers, They seem to have been drained by a dark type spell" "

" That bastard, not only he burned her, he even drained her power " The King has a face full of anger, then he turned to see the old woman with a cold face " Great Priestess, at least you can cure her? I will help her to regain her powers "

" Yes I can, but it will take me a lot of sessions of healing treatment to restore her to her usual appearance " The old woman says calmly

" Thank god, then please begin the treatment, Great Priestess " The King made a relieved face

The old woman extended her hands again towards the princess and then a white light covered the entire body of the princess, the princess's body began to recover a little but her hair didn't grow again, the princess opens her eyes after being unconscious all this time

" Ellen! you finally wake up! " The King yelled with happiness

" ..... " The princess moves her eyes from left to right without making any sound

The King sees her with concern and says in a soft voice " Why are you not speaking with me? "

" She has some kind of brain blockage " The old woman was in the middle of the healing process, and the clothes and the armor that was glued on the princess's body started to separate from her falling to both sides of the bed and now she was naked revealing her burned body

The King clenches her fist and says with a cold face " Brain Blockage? please tell me it's nothing serious "

" It's not serious but that prevents her to move and speak. I will need a more powerful spell to cure that " The old woman retrieve her hands and then put her hands together " Blessed Light Healing "

A shining white light covers the entire room and finally, the princess began to move her arms and legs again

" *GASP**GASP**GASP* " The old woman looked very tired right now " It's done... now she can move and speak... but her body will be completely healed after a few sessions more "

The King approaches the princess and caresses her forehead loveling " Ellen, what happened to you? "

Ellen makes a gloomy face and says " Father, I was attacked by the man who caused the heavenly tribulation "

The King sees her with surprise and he yells " What!? you said that you didn't find him! "

" I thought so... but.. it seems that... he followed.. me... I didn't notice his presence…. until it was too late... father...… he-he r*ped me and….. and he killed... Alyra " Ellen began to cry a lot hiding her face and body with a blanket next to her feet

" ..... What did you just say? " The King's face turned white from the shock and he started to tremble

Ellen keeps crying and with a hoarse voice, she says " Father…. don't, don't…... make me say it again...please "

" Don't, that's.. that's impossible... I refuse to believe that!! " The King was in denial when he yelled

" It's true...father he r*pe me...and when Alyra tried to defend me…. he burned her to ashes….. after that, he burned my face….. " Ellen cries more and her entire body was shaking

" THAT BASTARD!! I WILL KILL HIM!!! " The King screamed with fury

' That a**hole gave me a chance to clear the death of my useless sister and my lost virginity, but for making my face look like this, I will make some people r*pe that girl that was with him and I will make him see that, but first I will steal his powers.. haha you think that I can't, wait until we meet again '