
The Lives and Loves of Bailey Impala

What happens when the beloved impala becomes a human, who is obsessed with Dean Winchester? Read on to see what it's like to have a car who knows too much, become a human who knows very little, and wants to become a hunter. Will they all live to see her turned back into a car, or will someone(s) heart get in the way?

Britney_M · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter One:

Sam walked out the door of the motel he was sharing with his big brother Dean, fixing to go get Dean and himself some breakfast. He looked around in bewilderment, wracking his brain to remember where they had parked the impala the night before.

"Dean?" he called loudly, knowing his big brother should still be home.

"What?" Dean grumbled in a tired voice, as he sat up on his bed to look at Sam.

"Nevermind, go back to sleep." Sam said, paling as he realized he had woken Dean up.

"I'm up now; what's up? You look a bit pale." Dean observed, looking more and more alert bby the passing minutes.

Sam cringed, before shaking his head, grabbing Dean's keys, and slipping outside as fast as he could. He shut the door behind him, looking around more frantically than before.

Only then did he notice a strange girl, unconscious by the looks of it and naked, laying in the impala's parking spot. His eyes widened, wondering where she had come from, who she was, and why she had no clothes on.

He debated on what to do, before finally deciding to go back inside for a blanket, even if it meant being grilled by Dean.

He reached for the doorknob, as the door opened in front of him.

"I thought you left." Dean said gruffly, shoving a box into his pocket quickly. He sincerely hoped that Sam didn't see what he had shoved in his pocket.

"Why?! So you can go smoke?!" Sam snapped angrily, smiling smugly as he saw Dean stiffen in surprise.

"How did you...?" Dean asked, looking a bit flustered.

"I can smell it on you." Sam said in disgust, pushing past his startled big brother and walked into their room. He returned moments later with a big comforter, which he carried over to the naked girl, who was a few feet away from their door. He could see she was breathing strongly, which had him filled with a wave of relief.

Dean followed Sam curiously, with his eyes, wondering why his little brother was carrying one of the comforters out of the motel. He was almost afraid that Sam had decided to sleep in the impala the following night, as a way of giving him the cold shoulder. His mouth dropped open, unable to to stop his eyes from raking over the girl before them.

"I have a blanket for you; I promise, I'm not going to hurt you." Sam said gently, not wanting to scare the girl.

When he didn't get a response, he looked at Dean questioningly, as if to ask what he should do.

"She still looks to be unconscious," Dean observed, watching her face closely for any signs of her waking up or hearing them.

Sam nodded slowly, as he gingerly covered her with blanket. He stopped briefly, as he noticed a branding on her back, unlike any he had seen before. He finished covering her, before gently picking her up and off of the cold cement.

"Can you get the door, please?" he asked, his voice slightly strained from carrying her weight.

Dean nodded quickly, unlocking and opening the motel door silently.

Sam nodded politely, as he carried her inside and laid her down on his made bed. He checked her limbs for injuries, bruises and swelling, or any other brandings.

"Who is she?" Dean asked softly, not wanting to startle her awake now.

"I don't know, but she has a weird brand on her back, like one I've never seen before." Sam explained, looking at her face closely, hoping for a clue of who she was.

"Cas! Get your feathery ass down here!" Dean snapped softly, under his breath, and turned around rapidly to see the angel in question looking at him curiously.

"Hello, Dean, what can I do for you?" Castiel asked, looking at the strange girl briefly.

"Is she hurt?" Sam piped up, not taking his eyes off her face.

"No, she doesn't appear to have any injuries, at least none that are common for her kind." Cas said cryptically.

"What is her kind?" Dean demanded, flinching when the girl stiffened briefly.

"She was once an automobile." Cas explained thoughtfully, looking at Dean then Sam. "You do not recognize her?" he asked in confusion.

"No... Should we?" Sam asked, looking at Dean then Cas in confusion.

Dean met his gaze, giving an almost imperceptible shake of his head to say he didn't recognize her either.

"You should recognize her... You need to stop smoking, Dean." Cas said, getting distracted from the girl, as he looked closer at Dean's chest in concern. "There is a lot of scar tissue in your lungs, if you aren't careful, it will turn into cancer. And that cancer will kill you." he said gravely, looking Dean square in the eye.

Dean shrugged. "Cancer kills a lot of people, but its also curable in many cases." he said gruffly, not wanting to acknowledge the risks that Cas had mentioned.

"If you die, who will take care of Sam?" asked a female voice, earning three pairs of curious eyes in the girl's direction.

All three men's mouths dropped open, as the girl sat up slowly. She was completely unaware that the blanket was not covering her bare chest.

"Are you alright?" Sam asked shyly, blushing as he tried to look at the wall above her head.

"I'm fine, thank you, Sam. You took good care of me." She said kindly, her voice rumbling from her chest in a similar fashion to a car.

"Oh..." Sam mumbled, reaching over carefully and pulling the blanket up over her bare chest.

She looked down at her covered chest in surprise. "Am I not pleasing?" she asked curiously, before looking at Sam then Dean then Cas.

Dean chuckled softly. "Of course, you're beautiful! Why would you think you weren't?" he asked, a bit breathlessly. As soon as Sam had covered her, it was as if a trance had been broken and he could think again.

"Sam covered me. When you brought women to me before, you'd never cover them. Especially like the angel Anna." She pointed out bluntly, causing Sam to glare at Dean, and Dean to blush deep red at the memory.

"Wait a minute... Son of a bitch..." Dean gasped in shock, looking at her in disbelief.

"Dean! Your language!" She gasped, scolding him firmly.

"Wha... oh sorry. You're her, aren't you?" Dean asked in surprise, looking completely shocked and amazed, all at the same time.

"Yes, Dean, I am her." She said, with a bright smile. "I wondered how long it would take you to figure it out." she teased playfully. "After all, you have seen all of me... inside and out." she added teasingly.

Sam's eyes widened in confusion. "You let her leave here last night... naked?!" he accused, thinking he knew what was going on.

Dean paled faintly, shaking his head as fast as he could. "No... Sam, you got the wrong idea. I've never had sex with her. I have never seen her human, I have only ever seen her as a car." He explained quickly.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Wait a minute... What???" he asked, feeling so confused, that he actually started rubbing his temples to try to stop his suddenly growing headache.

"Is it a vision?" she asked in concern, watching Sam closely.

"What?" Sam asked in confusion, trying to understand why she had intimate details about their lives. "How did you..." he asked.

"I witnessed multiple visions from you, and how sick they made you." she explained kindly, still watching him closely.

"Is she an angel?" Sam mumbled, feeling really confused.

"Thank you, Sam, but..." she started to say, before Cas chimed in.

"She is not an angel, Sam, she is a car." Cas said, sounding a bit perturbed.

Dean walked over to Sam, leading him to a chair to sit down. "Relax, Sam, its okay. She's Baby." he pointed out.

"As in the impala???" Sam asked, looking like he might pass out.

"I don't like that name... Baby... I am not an infant." She said, wrinkling her nose.

Dean chuckled, as he guided Sam's head between his knees. "Then what would you like to be called, if not Baby? I don't want to call you impala or car." he said thoughtfully.

"I'm not sure, but I kind of like the name of the surgeon from that medical show... Not Dr. Sexy... Um... Grey's Anatomy, the one they called the Nazi... she was badass." she said proudly.

"Who?" Sam mumbled, as he stopped feeling so disoriented.

"Bailey, that is the name of the woman you speak of." Cas said thoughtfully.

"Yes! Bailey, that's what I want to be called!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Then Bailey it is." Dean said with a chuckle. He laughed as she pumped her fist in the air in excitement, causing the blanket to drop from her chest once again.

"Perhaps clothes would be a good idea." Cas pointed out, looking at her body curiously.

"What would you like to wear?" Dean asked her thoughtfully, thinking that jeans and a t-shirt would look amazing on her.

"Whatever you think would be best." Bailey said gently, smiling at Dean.

"Black jeans, lacy light blue tank-top that shows a bit of her stomach, donut socks, black sneakers, and a big sweatshirt. Oh and don't forget a bra and underwear too." Dean listed off quickly, almost forgetting to make sure she had underwear too.

Cas snapped his fingers, transforming her into a clothed female, instead of a naked one.

"You look beautiful." Sam said kindly, admiring her now that she was clothed.

"Thank you, Cas!" Bailey said excitedly, jumping up off the bed and clumsily threw her arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"Um... Bailey... Do you know how to walk?" Dean asked in concern, not sure they knew how to teach her everything about being human.

"Not really," Bailey said with a giggle.

"We have a lot to teach her." Sam said, looking at Dean who looked suddenly very anxious.

"Man... Now I want a cigarette." Dean grumbled, not sure what to do.

"No smoking!" Bailey yelped loudly, throwing herself at Dean, only to cause them both to crumble to the floor. "Smoking stinks... No more smoking... Ever!" she said angrily, her face turning slightly red.

"Okay... okay... Fine, but I seriously need some coffee." Dean grouched, as Sam got up and started making some coffee.

"What is coffee, exactly? You and Sam are often drinking it." Bailey said curiously, looking at Dean for an answer.

"Here we go..." Sam mumbled, wondering if they were up for teaching another civilian how to survive in their world.