
The Start of a magical future

[General Korov.]


There existed witches and wizards.

They lived in peace and harmony for hundreds of years until one day something changed. Emerging from a strange portal came the humans.

They arrived in a rough and heavy manner, carrying their big human weaponry. Some were good, some were bad, and some were really bad. Many of the humans came in forcefully, and these humans referred to themselves as the "Invasionsstreitkräfte."

They invaded most of the lands and began taking over our settlements. Due to their weaponry, those nations were unable to defend against them.

They rode in their big fancy metal boxes, which we learned were called "tanks," and they shot big metal sticks, which we learned were called "shells."

Most of the planet has been taken over by them, but we managed to find a compromise between us and humans.

The compromise was that we would allow them to use magic if they stopped attacking. They ended up not breaking their promise. However, currently, they have been slowly moving. What is their goal? What is their purpose?


[Elara's house.]

Elara Moonshadow's small house stood as a haven of tranquility and magic in the heart of the bustling Magic City, tucked away on a cobbled street lined with flickering gas lamps and colorful awnings.

Its ivy-covered facade exuded an enchanting charm, with windows adorned in shimmering curtains that billowed gently in the cool breeze, allowing glimpses of the cozy interior filled with spellbooks, potion vials, and flickering candlelight.

A garden blooming with vibrant flowers and twisted vines surrounded the quaint cottage, whispering secrets of hidden enchantments and ancient spells woven into the very fabric of its walls.

[Elara's House.]

Elara wakes up from her soft and comfy bed and stretches. Today is the day she is to be enrolled at one of the best magic schools in the nation.

Her mother, who knew some influential people, managed to secure her daughter's enrollment. Excited, Elara yells, "MOM! TODAY IS THE DAY!" Her tall, muscular-looking mother, with grayish hair, quickly enters the room and instructs Elara to take a bath before attempting any serious magic, like casting big fireball spells. Later, after Elara finishes her bath and dresses, she sets out with a map leading directly to the school.

Walking down the street with a smile on her face and a determined goal in mind, Elara is set on obtaining her Grand Magic license, the highest form of Magic License in this world.

The Grand Magic License is the most prestigious license achievable by fulfilling specific requirements, including completing 10 trials, achieving top grades, assisting the school, and meeting other criteria that will be explained later.

With this license, one can practice and wield the most powerful form of magic known to mankind. This magic is potent and has the potential to destroy the planet if misused.

On the other hand, Regular magic licenses are more accessible and provide the opportunity to practice various weaker forms of magic.

These licenses come in different tiers, ranging from Gold to Magehallan. If Elara fails to attain the Grand Magic License, she aims to obtain the Magehallan License instead.


[The Magic Palace-Aetheria Academy.]

Set against the backdrop of rolling hills and ancient forests, the magical college of Aetheria Academy loomed like a shimmering beacon of knowledge and power.

Its towering spires, adorned with glowing runes and intricate carvings, reached toward the sky, reflecting the ever-changing hues of the enchanted skies above.

As students passed through the grand entrance, they were greeted by sweeping marble halls lined with towering bookshelves filled with ancient tomes and glowing orbs of magical energy that cast a warm, ethereal glow.

The air was alive with the hum of whispered incantations and the soft rustle of robes, while mystical creatures roamed the grounds, their iridescent wings catching the light as they flitted between classes.

A labyrinthine network of corridors and secret passages led to hidden chambers and forgotten libraries, each holding the key to unlocking the mysteries of the arcane arts taught within the hallowed halls of Aetheria Academy.

[Aetheria Academy.]

She approaches the grand front gate and steps into a small waiting room adorned with an array of decorations in various shapes and sizes.

Taking a seat in a chair designed to resemble a magical portal, Elara gazes around at the other children present, noting their larger and taller stature, which instills a sense of unease within her.

After a half-hour wait, Elara is summoned into the meeting room.

Stepping inside, she encounters a very tall lady sporting glasses and a pencil skirt. Nervousness grips Elara, her first time in such a formal setting.

Despite the lady's seemingly amiable demeanor, Elara remains shaken to her core. The lady hands Elara a form to fill out, which she does diligently.

Returning the completed form to the imposing figure, the lady begins to review Elara's handwriting, which, while not flawless, reflects her efforts despite not having perfected her writing skills through her studies.

Upon discovering a special note accompanying the form, the lady's demeanor softens as she reads it.

With a nod of approval, she accepts Elara into the school, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in the young witch's life.

As the lady opens the door, the school's grandeur unfolds before Elara, revealing a world of magic and possibility awaiting her.

[The Courtyard…]

The courtyard of Aetheria Academy was a breathtaking expanse of magic and nature intertwined, a sanctuary of beauty and tranquility within the bustling halls of learning.

Lush, verdant gardens flourished under the watchful gaze of age-old stone statues and mystical fountains that shimmered with iridescent water.

Enchanted blooms of every hue carpeted the ground, their petals aglow with ethereal light that danced harmoniously with the gentle, musical hum of unseen fae creatures flitting among the blossoms.

Ancient trees, their branches stretching towards the heavens, whispered secrets of centuries past, while shimmering orbs of magical energy floated lazily through the air, casting a kaleidoscope of colors upon the mosaic pathways that wound gracefully through the courtyard.

Students gathered in small groups, their voices mingling with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant echo of cascading water, each lost in their studies or deep in conversation amidst the enchanting beauty of the Academy's celestial courtyard.

[The Courtyard]

As Elara enters the Courtyard, she collides with a stereotypical rich girl, Stacia Kelina, a member of one of the wealthiest Noble families.

Stacia's demeanor quickly turns hostile towards Elara, her anger palpable in the air.

Elara attempts to apologize, but Stacia dismisses her words with a wave of her hand.

Stacia's entourage, her "Goons," moves to confront Elara, but Stacia intervenes, calling them off as she regains her composure.

Though still brusque, Stacia's demeanor softens slightly towards Elara, her previous hostility tempered by a semblance of civility.

Against her better judgment, Stacia invites Elara to accompany her to the dorms. Elara hesitates, wary of the girl who had mocked her mere moments ago.

Despite her reservations, Elara ultimately decides to follow Stacia, intrigued by the unexpected turn of events and the mysteries that lay ahead.

[The dorms]

The dormitories at Aetheria Academy were a blend of ancient charm and modern comfort, each housing a diverse array of students from different magical backgrounds.

The corridors were lined with tapestries depicting scenes of mythical creatures and legendary battles, their colors vibrant and their threads shimmering with hidden enchantments.

As students entered their dorm rooms, they were greeted by cozy spaces adorned with plush rugs, ornate tapestries, and glowing crystals that cast a warm, soothing light.

Each room was uniquely decorated to reflect the personality and magical affinity of its occupant, with shelves filled with spellbooks, potion ingredients, and mystical artifacts that hummed with latent power.

The windows overlooked the sprawling grounds of the academy, offering breathtaking views of the lush gardens, shimmering fountains, and ancient trees that whispered secrets of centuries past.

The air was infused with the scent of exotic herbs and incense, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and magic that enveloped the students in a sense of wonder and possibility.

[The Dorms]

Due to her family's connections to the school, Elara has the privilege of selecting her dormitory. Stacia, despite her noble background, opts to reside in a less affluent area.

As they approach the door, Stacia graciously gestures for Elara to enter first. Upon stepping inside, Elara is captivated by the sight of modern electronics of unknown origin. Taking a seat on the couch, she awaits instructions from Stacia.

Apologizing for her earlier outburst, Stacia expresses remorse and seeks Elara's forgiveness, to which Elara responds graciously.

Curious about the unfamiliar black box, Elara questions its purpose, revealing her unfamiliarity with such luxuries due to her family's financial status.

Stacia explains the concept of a flat-screen TV powered by electric magic, offering to demonstrate its capabilities by turning it on. An anime featuring a speedster hero with ice powers captivates Elara, sparking her interest and admiration.

Offering to provide food, Stacia suggests summoning a butler from the cooking district, but Elara surprises her by requesting that Stacia cook instead. Initially taken aback, Stacia hesitantly heads to the kitchen to prepare a simple meal for them both.

After some time, the meal is ready, consisting of rice, meat, and an expensive seasoning. Elara expresses her enjoyment of the dish, much to Stacia's relief.

Pleased with Elara's response, Stacia offers her the freedom to choose where to sleep, as her intended dormmate has relocated elsewhere.

Overjoyed, Elara playfully asks if she can stay indefinitely, to which Stacia agrees with a smile. Elara's excitement is palpable as she grabs a nearby blanket and promptly drifts off to sleep on the couch.

Stacia watches fondly before retiring to her room, content with the newfound companionship and unexpected turn of events.



"where's game quest chapter 25" shut up

Mana_Cakecreators' thoughts