
The little old house

come on, amada, we're almost there" I was too naive back then. "No, salama you know what grandma says about the house. I think the food is finished, we must go home before the food gets cold "she was trying to say no, but I didn't listen " the food can handle itself, we are almost there at the house. come on now " I didn't know what was right or wrong. When we got up to the little old abandoned house against the Ocean she said for the last time no. I thought it was not dangerous, not a any consequences. I thougt we where going into the house and coming out with a smile on the lip. and talk that she was so scared of nothing . "amada, amada! talk to me! amanda.. " Only one came out , no smiling at the lip, just a sad face of horror . and only talk about how dangerous it was. in just a second everything was gone. "Hmm huh, I understand but can pls just tell me what happened for real. we know you were the last one to see your sister " " but that's what I'm trying to tell y'all, there was a big man with black hair in the house, the last thing I remember is me calling

after her. And then I wake up in a hospital bad " i said " we know there was no house, You know we wanted to believe there was an old house. but there is a tree there, you say the house is ....I think it's time for you to go, i will see you in a month " " but there.... okay I'll go now "I said I went out the door and took the bus just down the steet where the police station is . they don't believe me. It is now 10 years since my sister and I went into the little old house. but the little old house by the water .....is not there