
The Little Mermaid and the Mighty Sea Serpent

The universe is a vast space full of mysteries and unknowns. We don't know what's lurking out there, more so trully knows what we believed is the truth and what we see is the reality. As science expanded their exploration, many truths will slowly uncover within. But is that 'truth' reality? What if, what we know is just the surface and not what it trully is. ... People all over the Earth were anticipating this unbelievably astronomical events that were currently taking place at their own Solar System. This is the first time in human history that a perfect planet alignments will be recorded with the complete evidence of its occurrence. Even more so, the one's in a lifetime total solar eclipse will be happening the same time the planets will align. Unknown to anyone that this phenomenon will result in multiple souls that died the same time to be suck inside a black hole that appeared in the middle of the black sun. Unfortunately, no one will know... ... ... ... Carrying the burdens of their death, Reed took a final look at his lover who was doing the same. Death by poison and then engulfed by the flames, Reed finally bid life within his beloved's embraced. Never would they thought that death was just the begin. ... The Chasm in the Sky... For them it was their chance to live again. To be together and love each other all over again. This is their second chance. And they will gasped this chance for each other to finally end this story in a happy ending. *** Note: some names and scenes will may or be familiar, since the novel will be using some scenes and names coming from different fantasy stories/tales and movies.

Aachiin0914 · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Chapter VII : The Past

"...haa...haa...haa..." Reed wipe the sweat running down his face with his sleeves. He bend his body and rest his hand towards his knees while standing up, completely feeling tired. His white t- shirt was drench, his hair was wet and was sticking to his cheeks.

He just finished a whole hour of run around the park. Reed closed his eyes and stand straight, he then breathe in the air while feeling refreshed and full of energy. He was tired but he was not completely exhaust yet. Reed wanted to go one round around the entire park again, when he heard a romantic and sweet duet of piano and flute– it was his phone.

This was his exclusive ringtone he set for a special person. He immediately opened his eyes that shimmers with joy and smile brightly like a rising sun. He took out his phone from his pocket and quickly answered.

"Echo", Reed voice was mild and gentle. It has a kind feeling to it like flower blooming amidst the spring day while basking in the warm sunshine. While his face radiate hot summer currently at the middle of the day shining brightly and is full of energy.

["I just finished my last surgery, and does not have any prior arrangements this whole day. I wanted to know if your free today too."]

A nice mature voice of a woman sounded at the other end of the line. It was sounded soft yet it carries cold calm of winter mornings after a night of snow storm. People usually shivers, and some even feel afraid for some reason upon hear those voice.

Reed does not mind it though, he even felt he was special because he knows that her tone of voice was natural and does not reflect what she trully feels. He actually love the sound of her voice. He feels like he was under the rays of dimmed sunlight peering out from thick fog giving him warmth after being exposed to cold winds of winter.

His smile widens and his face shines brightly than before, making the people who pass by tripped as the can't take their eyes away from him.

"No, I'm free. I'm free. I only need to rest now, all preparations for the concert is finished."

["That's good. I'm actually inside your room now. Then I don't need to wait."]

Reed was stunned and suddenly panicked.

"You... Why are you in my room... no, wait! I was sure I locked it before I begin my routine run. No! That's not the point!"

Reed smile vanished, a worried glint flashes within his bright eyes that suddenly dimmed as a sudden realization came to him. He disregard the facts about his room and let out his concerns.

"You said you just finished your last surgery!" Reed glimpse at his wrist watch and continued. "What time is it now?! It's almost 8. How long did that surgery last!? When did you even start?!

"..." Silence took over at the other side of the line. Echo realized what she just said and quietly ponder what to say. It was just simple slip of the tongue. Echo always took all nighters because of her job as a doctor, specially some surgery was occasionally prolonged due to the difficulty– towards the surgery itself or a problem with the patients.

Hearing no response, Reed just choose let it go first and asked about it again later. Reed looked around, this is not a place to be talking about subjects like this. He need to talked about this with Echo face to face.

He heave a silent sigh and he change back the subject again to his room.

"Nevermind, Echo I'll get back to it later. By the way, d- did you see it?"


"..." Echo wonder about what Reed was talking about, not mentioning the sudden change of subject. Then she glanced at a certain score pile that was scattered on top of the piano and nodded in understanding.

"...yeah...sorry..." She crack a smile on her cold expressionless face. Knowing what he wanted to do, Echo apologizes for her surprised intrusion.

["No worries. It just that it was supposed to be a surprised."]

Hearing Reed's voice that somehow sounded a bit disappointed, an image of Reed pouting with his eye lids lower while his fair skin was tinted pink in embarrassment and heat from his work out. His upper body drench with sweat making his clothes cling to his skin emphasizing the lines of his muscles, specially that slender waist– emerge from her mind. Her pupils darkens and it cooled down in incredible degree as she thought of her Reed was now outside exhibiting that sexy body while panting under the sun.

Echo wanted to cursed loud, she wanted to poke and pull out the eyes of those people who dare to looked at her Reed. Her hands twitched as her thought simulate many murderous ways she can do to those people, but Reed's voice at the other side pull her back from her dark thoughts.

["I won't be there at your birthday because of my concert. So, I composed that song specially to play for the last performance."]

["...this is the first birthday I won't be able to celebrate with you..."]

Echo smile fondly finding Reed's reproaching words adorable and cute. She stands up and walked towards the door.

"It fine. By the way, don't go to your usual route at the cafe. I'll cook your breakfast today."

She opened the door and she closed the door softly as she went out. Then went down and walked directly to the kitchen.


"Really! Great! I'll listen to you. I'll hurry home then! Bye. Bye. Echo. Luv byu!"

["Be careful, I love you, Reed"]

Beep. Reed skip and run happily while hurrying home. Reed can only describe Echo's cooking in one word– Godly! He wears a smile the was quite blinding, he literally seems like a small sun radiating light so bright that people can't help but notice him whenever he go.

He wanted to go home fast and eat while specially snuggling with his beloved's embrace.




"...fuhaa~" Reed let out a satisfying sigh as he caress his bulging stomach while laying on the sofa with his head resting on the lap of the stone faced woman beside him.

Echo looked at Reed fondly, and wears a helpless smile. "You should get up. It's not healthy to lay down, you just finished eating."

Reed let out a satisfied hummed as a response yet was not really listening. He even hugged Echo's waist and snuggle closer rubbing his face in her tummy, then completely settles in wanting to drift off to sleep.

Reed was really sleepy, he just finished his exercise and had a very delicious and satisfying meal. There's even a beautiful woman to accompany him. Who wouldn't want to indulge in this kind of paradise.

Echo gaze at him affectionately and just indulge her lover who was being spoiled. She gently stroke his hair while she patted his back. She smile as she lovingly watched her beloved drift off to sleep. Her cold and expressionless face melted like flowers slowly growing passed harsh winter towards fresh spring.

Smelling his favorite scent while using his favorite person's lap as a pillow then being indulge by that favorite person. Reed fell asleep quickly.

Hearing a steady and soft breathing coming from the person in her lap, Echo's expression immediately change but her movement still remains the same, gentle and light. Her sweet smile disappeared and her face immediately turned blank and cold. Yet her eyes completely reflect the contrary of her blank state.

'Not enough. It was not enough. Reed is mine. He is mine.'

Echo recall her thoughts earlier at the phone with her Reed. She hates it! She despite it! She loathe that very thought of her Reed being constantly stared at by millions of eyes. The every thought of those millions of fans eyeing her Reed with those heated and lewd gazes, really make Echo loses her mind.

She does not mind Reed pursuing music. But before she knows it, Reed was already popular beyond belief that she does not have enough power to stop it.

She does not doubt it though, her Reed was so brilliant, talented and a genius. In spite the fact that his aesthetic was a bit questionable that was somehow caused by his long time illness, even if he does not know it. Reed was handsome plus with that perfect sexy body, the permeated sweet smelling pheromones. And his exquisite features lean more on being feminine than being manly that you can help but want to bully him more...on the bed.

So, it was not questionable that he was famous.

And talking about his musical talent and abilities, it is so excellent that causes people to feel envy to death.

Echo's eyes darkened incredibly as darkness squirl within it. Her possessive tendencies and crazy obsession towards Reed was complete exposed, almost turning into madness. Echo gaze down at Reed intensely and unblinking.

And the supposed sweet scene of two lovers snuggle together became a scene of someone taking possession of the other entirely.

Echo let out a twisted smile while she uses her fingers to part Reed's hair so she can take a looked more of his exquisite and handsome face. Then she turned towards his lips and trace it with her fingers.

'I won't let you go, Reed. You can only blame yourself for this.'

She looked at her pinky, and her lips curve up in somehow sadistic and evil smile.

"It was our promised Reed. Whoever tells a lie, will sink down into a bad place. And never rise up again."




Those that have already this part might have been confused. I chop chopped the whole extra chapter and shove them in separate chapters.


Fellow reader, it was more than 7000+ words, and when I tried to read it...

My phone crashed!

Then it hanged!

I almost throw my phone against the wall. Fortunately, I didn't. If I did I won't be able to write anything or post anything or read anything.


Well, I added some details to it. Wish you guys enjoy reading!!!

Aachiin0914creators' thoughts