
The Lion Sin

One moment he went to sleep in the woods with a chest full of Covid... The next he wakes up in a different body, in a different world with a chest full of magic. DISCLAIMER- I do not own Harry Potter or any other franchise I may stea- I mean borrow intellectual property from. and I most definitely do not own the cover photo, and if I even had 10% of the raw talent the artist has, I would be charming my way into everyones wife Leonardo Dicaprio style

xSaintPablo · Bücher und Literatur
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32 Chs

The Explanation

Hey Guys!

I want to start of by telling you guys how much your support has meant to me during the procession off this fanfic. As you all know, I've been gone for a *cough* little while, and its time I explain why I went radio silent.

I turned 21 this summer and I decided it was time to grow up. I moved out, got myself a job and enrolled into Uni.

But, what not a lot of you know, is that I've struggled a bit mentally, I've been tired and depressed and most definitely stressed (hey that rhymed!) So its less that I haven't had the time for The Lions Sin, but more that I haven't had the energy. This novel is my baby, and I don't want to ruin it by pushing out a word count that doesn't have me absolutely shuddering in excitement at every post.

I used to spend HOURS talking and discussing with my best friend about the premise, plotpoints and researching the the time period. I would at minimum check my notifications 4 times a day to see the response on the latest chapter, because I loved that you guys loved what I loved.

So its with no little fear and excitement that I ask of you, do you wish for this to continue?