One moment he went to sleep in the woods with a chest full of Covid... The next he wakes up in a different body, in a different world with a chest full of magic. DISCLAIMER- I do not own Harry Potter or any other franchise I may stea- I mean borrow intellectual property from. and I most definitely do not own the cover photo, and if I even had 10% of the raw talent the artist has, I would be charming my way into everyones wife Leonardo Dicaprio style
Lucifer sighed as he stared out the window of his tower, staring at the thousands of wizards and witches of all ages roaming the castle grounds. it truly baffled him at just how much larger the wizarding population is at this time than what was portrayed in the canon timeline.
The grand war with Grindelwald truly must have devastated the population, with Voldemort terrorizing the meager remains ensuring the future low population of the wizarding Britain.
He sighed as started thinking of his future, a future that he truly was starting to realize spanned millennia at the minimum, and perhaps forever if all went well.
But what would he spend millennia doing?
Would he simply ascend to a strength unparalleled then stagnate upon his throne? no, that would not only become a boring and empty existence but it also left a bad taste in his mouth at the thought of stagnating.
He further pondered upon the issue as he continued gazing upon the mass of wizards and witches, thinking of the absolute reverence most of the student populous gave him.
As he had become an elite existence in their eyes, not only due to his status as the apprentice to one of the founders but also because of his ethereal beauty, aloof attitude, and clearly royal demeanor.
All these factors making him a figure to be admired from afar, causing Lucifer to remain rather unbothered by the common student populace in his day-to-day life.
This had worked rather well in his favor, giving him plenty of time to focus on his studies and further develop his Demonic Circles.
Lucifer sighed as he withdrew the demonic power fuelling his elven form, causing the draconic horns to spiral out of the sides of his head in their full splendor. His eyes shifted from the warm gold into cold crimson and his pupils stretched into serpent-like slits.
"I know this was for my benefit, but fuck if I didn't hate hiding" he sighed as he felt the pleasure of his devil features being exposed once more, he stared into the mirror as he noticed the slits replacing his previous pupils.
"Not too shabby huh" he smirked as he continued to admire himself in the mirror, taking pride in the demonic features once more adorning his body now that the need for disguise was truly ebbing away.
"So you are truly going with this plan of yours huh?" came the neutral voice of his master, his entrance being as silent as always.
Lucifer kept admiring himself in the mirror as he responded, "I tire of the need for trickery Salazar, I have already mastered the subjects offered here to a level far above what most wizards will reach! and with my Circles and raw power who would dare crucify me?" he snorted at the ridiculous notion.
Salazar simply sighed in acceptance, as his apprentice truly had stormed through what he could teach, reaching the level of a master occlumens and Legilmens, mastering the charms and transfiguration to a level beyond even the newly hired professors and the less said about his apprentice´s raw talent in arithmancy and runes the better for his sanity.
"Will you at least keep in contact Lucifer?" his tone strangely vulnerable as he felt like a father whose son was wandering into the world alone for the first time, "Perhaps even visit?" the stoic mask softened as he almost whispered the last part.
Lucifer broke away from the mirror, looking over at his only friend in this new world. his eyes not betraying the emotions he felt as his crimson slitted eyes pierced through Salazar in cold indifference.
"Perhaps" was the muttered reply as he manifested a teleportation circle beneath him, his eyes never leaving Salazar as he shifted out of the room towards his destination
Salazar heaved a sigh in sadness as he was now left alone in the wizarding tower, his eyes roaming the room and falling upon a simple black hand mirror, but what made his eyes twinkle in renewed happiness was the familiar pentagram on its backside.
"So you do have a bit of a soft spot huh..." Salazar sat down on the empty chair as he fondly held the communication mirror his apprentice had left him, his fond contemplation broken by the horrifying reminder that he would have to tell his fellow founders that Lucifer left!
"I'm going to die today huh..." he closed his eyes in agony as he already could see Godric sulk, Rowena go on a manic tirade of letting her research experiment escape, and Helga going full-on mother hen!
"Why didn't you take me with you, or at least throw a killing curse at me as a mercy..." Salazar could already feel the migraine coming...
Lucifer had anchored his teleportation circle to a place he hadn't been for over two years, the place he started his journey or what he now knows as the undiscovered continent of Australia!
Well, it would never be named Australia or colonized for that matter, as he had decided it was only fitting for the continent to serve as his very own domain separated from the world as a whole.
This was something he had been planning ever since he gained Tabula Rasa, as warding an entire continent so thoroughly wouldn't just be a task spanning centurions of dedication but also an extremely costly expenditure due to the sheer amounts of resources needed would be truly astronomical.
But thanks to Tabula Rasa all he needed was an already pre-saved ward scheme and his demonic power to bring the continent completely under his domain, so far he had made three main wards that would function as the core for the countless future wards he would later implement.
An invention of his would serve as the main concealing ward as it would literally shift everything into another layer of space, making it so that the continent would exist in a dimension parallel to the common reality. The Scheme was aptly named Hell´s gate as it literally functioned as a gate to enter and leave his very own dimension named hell.
The second ward that he felt was necessary was an environmental one, as it would convert Magic into necessary components to life, such as a false sun that would fuel the greenhouse effect and permit life for his wildlife, weather simulation to allow rain to form and revitalize his lands and needed, etc.
The third one was a rather special one that he had worked on for quite a while, it was a Circle that would drain magic from its surroundings and transports it to another destination. In this case, it would be imprinted on Obelisks that he would spread around the world, supplying his domain with an extremely rich magical environment.
Every single one of them designed with Demonic runes into his most complex Demonic Circles to date, truly showcasing the extreme potential behind not only his Demonic Runes but also his Circles that gave him a way to truly unleash that terrifying potential.
Lucifer cracked his neck as he smirked, "Let's get the beginnings of my very own Demon Continent underway"
He took a deep breath as he let go of the constrain he kept on his demonic form, transforming into his True Demon Form for the first time in years as he started flying towards the edges of the continent to start the process.
Heya guys, I decided to speed things up a bit and make the foundations of Lucifer´s ambition clear to yall.
But don't worry as Lucifer will make a return to Hogwarts, and after that arc we have a rather fun travel arc planned, so I would love if my international readers reached out on Discord and let me know of some wizarding cultures or fantastical creatures you would love to see!
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
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