
The Lion in Remnant (Warhammer 40k x RWBY)_DROPPED

The Lion, the first Primarch, Supreme Grand Master of the Order, was struck down by Luther, someone who he considered his brother. A psychic attack inflicted by Luther left Lion El'Jonson mortally wounded. As Lion laid on the stone cold ground of the monastery the last thing he saw was the Watchers in the Dark carrying his body to somewhere he did not know. As his eyes grew heavier with every second he fell silently into slumber. When he awoke he saw something that completely changed his entire world. Cover art by Mauro Belfiore(Didn't commission just found it on Pinterest)

MirukuTaku · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Lion's Pride(Dom Toretto)

It has been over 6 months since I have transmigrated into this body. I have also retained the memories and emotions of Jaune Arc as I hold a deep connection to all 9 of my family members. That also extends to non-direct family members such as aunts, uncles, cousins, and so on so forth.

The Arc family appears to be one of the ancient knight households from before the Great War serving under Vale's king at the time, Ozwald the Valiant, as one of his most trusted regents. The monarchy and aristocracy however were abolished after the Great War.

We were able to keep our ancestral home and land, and even though we have lost our titles the people in the surrounding area still regarded our family with reverence. My family was part of the direct line as my father is the current patriarch of the Arc Clan.

Numerous branch families exist as well within our lands and out of it, making us the largest family in al of Remnant. Apparently an Arc exists in every kingdom in Remnant, even including Kuo Kuana on the continent of Menagerie.

I still am not sure of how many relatives I have, but my parents have assured me that if I am to ever leave the town of Domremy I could always rely on my relatives. Talking about relationships, it also seems that I have 2 best friends.

A lion faunus the same age as me named Bruno Pride with his animal feature being his elongated canines, which often remind my brother Leman Russ and how he had similar fangs. He stood at 5'5 just shy of a few inches taller than me. He had dark brown hair reaching the base of his neck in a messy style that made it look like the mane of an actual lion, and he had bright amber eyes which seemed to glow in the dark from time to time.

There was also Kiara Brimstone a human girl who was a year older than us. She had light skin, with freckles dotting her face across her nose. She had raven black hair that reached down to the back of her knees and was often tied in a braid. Her eyes were the color of emerald green which, when given the eight lighting, looked like it had speckles of blue in them.

During the month I was integrating myself into my new life, I had barely went outside and had ignored the two the entire time. When I did leave the house and greeted them at the park, they pounced at me and hugged me for hours pleading for me not to hate them. It took me a while to convince them that I did not in fact hate them and that I was just taking time to heal from the experience.

From my memories I saw that these two would often fight and argue, but somehow resolve their disputes at the end of the day. When I started hanging out more with them it was honestly kind of adorable how much the 2 of them argued over such simple things like who gets to go first on the swing or who can eat more fries in 30 seconds.

I also spent more time with my sister which was quite nice. I just watched shows with them, talked about different topics with them, and often or not played dress up with them. It was both a blessing and a curse to have such a loving family. In just a week I had learned how to do over 20 different hair styles, because Tangerine and Saphron wanted to go through their morning schedules faster by getting 2 things done at the same time like eating breakfast and having their hair ready.

These past months I have also been conditioning my young body by playing games with other kids, such as playing of the monkey bars to improve my shoulder strength, and playing tag to improve my stamina. I had stopped my nightly stretches as my mother had enrolled me and some of my sisters in gymnastics as she said it would be a great way to burn off energy during the weekend.

In all honesty this was incredibly lucky as if my mother had not done this I would have just been doing nightly stretches, which would have impacted my recovery time. Now every weekend I go to gymnastic classes with my sisters to practice and exercise for 2-3 hours.

I had also found out that my school had extracurricular activities, however due to my age I am limited by which activities I can join. The only thing I determined that was beneficial for the foundation of my body was the dance club. Since I had been doing gymnastics for around 2 months it was quite easy to join as I was already quite nimble. Dancing would allow me to improve my footwork early on and develop some useful muscle memory for the future.


It has officially been 7 years since I have been on this world. I am currently 14 years old and I quit my gymnastics class and dance club. Both have begged me to stay since, and I don't mean to brag, I am the best in what I do. My brain is now capable of solving complex mathematical formulas in the span of minutes, while it is far from what I was able to do before it is still leagues above from where I started.

My reason for quitting gymnastics and dance club was to join my school's wrestling club and sign myself up at an MMA gym that was an hour away by train from the town. I was able to convince both my father and mother to join these clubs as a means to protect myself. Though they were hesitant at first to give their permission I was able to sway their decision and allow me to attend these lessons.

While I did desire to once more wield a sword and shield I must first turn my body into a weapon itself. I must train this body in unarmed combat before even thinking about using a blade, because if I were to lose my weapon I would become useless with no knowledge or muscle memory to fight whatsoever.

My eldest sister Saphron graduated magna cum laude with a degree in literature, which wasn't surprising considering she had won some writing competitions in the past, mostly poems. She has also moved in with her girlfriend in Argus, which while a bit saddening was supported whole-heartedly by the family.

Tangerine got herself a trade job as an electrician and is making some pretty decent money. She's got her own apartment in town and visits us once in a while. She got into a pretty bad accident working on a powerline and she lost her left pinky in the accident. She did however get 2 weeks paid vacation, so there was a silver lining in the situation.

Other than the two eldest my other sisters were doing pretty good for themselves. Iris and Indigo joined an arts and crafts club, but not for the reasons you think. They joined this class to be able to hide their prank gadgets better.

Linna, albeit 2 years younger than me, was in the same grade as me. While I could advance to higher classes I decided against it as it would bring unnecessary attention to myself, however it seems that Linna doesn't mind the attention.

Beryl on the other hand was held back a year because she didn't hand in a semester's worth of homework. She has recently joined a youth soccer team and is currently dominating the girl's division.

Viola is still quite the reserved and quiet child, however she has made a couple of friends over the months. She's doing great in her studies as well, maintaining an A- average. She's actually joined the dance club I was a part of and has expressed that she will eventually become a better dancer than me which I found quite endearing.

Bruno and Kiana were also taking up major roles in my life. Bruno joined me in the wrestling club and is doing quite well. He's actually quite short standing at the same 5'5 he was 5 years ago. I had actually grown quite a bit and am now standing at 6'1.

Bruno, despite being teased for his height, actually became one of the best wrestlers in the club due to his short stature. It allowed him to do takedowns easier and faster than everybody else. Now Kiara joined the culinary club to become a better chef than me.

Now why is she trying to become a better chef than me? Well let's go back to the first time my mother asked for my help in the kitchen. I was 10 and she had me help with peeling potatoes, and over the years it had progressed from me peeling and cutting vegetables to cooking entire meals. I had also watched cooking shows in my free time as I found it both entertaining and educational, so that led to me expanding my culinary knowledge.

When I was 12 I invited Bruno and Kiana to my house I prepared a simple meal for them. I made them a pesto lasagna with my own special pesto sauce. After they both finished Kiara asked to see my mother to thank her for the dish, however when I corrected her and said I was the one who cooked the lasagna she went quiet.

Ever since then she had sworn to become a better chef than I was to prove that she was and I quote 'Better at wifely duties' which I found quite amusing. She does seem to work hard on improving her culinary skill however which I must give her respect for.


I was heading to school when all of a sudden someone slapped me on the back, when I turned my neck I was greeted by Bruno "Yo! What's up J-man!" I could only shake my head as he calls me that. I greet him back "How are you Bruno, where's Kiara? She's usually with you." "I dunno man, she suddenly bailed on me when she saw Bianca and Coral. She said she had some things to discuss with them. It was real weird man, she had this dark look in her eyes too." Bruno stated

Usually I would find Kiara's behavior disturbing as well, but it seemed that she was just going to tell them to stay away from Bruno. Bruno is actually quite popular, he's one of the athletic kids, he has good grades, and he isn't too bad looking, despite what racists might say.

It also didn't help that Kiara has started to like Bruno. At first I didn't know until she asked me what I thought of Bruno, I answered honestly and said he was my best friend along with her. She then sighed in relief and told me about her crush on the boy.

I didn't know much about love, even back when I was still a primarch emotions were difficult to understand. However, after being part of the Arc family it has given me an understanding of relationships on a basic scale.

While I was reminiscing of my talk with Kiara, Bruno brought me back to reality by asking me a question. "Hey J-man, what're you gonna do this summer?" I answered "Nothing much, just gonna go on a vacation with my family to Argus to visit my sister and her girlfriend. Probably visit a bookstore and get some reading done. What about you?" "I'm gonna visit some family in Menagerie, I always thought that mom was a Lion faunus like dad but she was actually a panther. Apparently we're visiting her brother and his family, which means I'm gonna meet my cousin for the first time."

After talking for a while we had reached the gate of the school. We seperated shortly after as we had different morning classes. The classes were by no means hard as my intellect already far surpassed professor of college level, the only thing that really bothered me while I was at school was the boredom. In order to pretend to pay attention to the lesson I just put the cover of my textbook onto similar sized books, which I read throughout the rest of the class.

I went from class to class until it finally reached lunch time. I headed over to the cafeteria and headed towards the table that Kiara, Bruno, and I usually occupied. I saw Bruno already at the table waving at me as I walked over to him.

As I was sitting down Bruno called out to Kiara who just entered the cafeteria. She the sat down as we all brought out our own lunches. Bruno just had a simple PB&J sandwich with a bottle of water, I still don't understand how a sandwich is considered a meal.

Then as I brought out my own lunch box and set it down on the table, Kiara slammed hers next to mine. She then proudly exclaimed "Alright! Now's the time to settle who's the better cook. As always Bruno shall be the judge by taking the first bite." Bruno then looked up from his sandwich and looked excited.

Ever since she said she would become a better cook than me, Kiara had insisted that we compare our lunches and have Bruno decide who the better chef was. Currently the score is 204-0 which was quite the lead, however this has not deterred Kiana from beating me.

Today, Kiana had prepared quite the meal, for her main course she had a shrimp-fried rice that seemed to have been mixed with soy sauce as it was a light brown color. It had pieces of shrimp in it along with some peas and diced carrots.

For her side dish she had a bed of lettuce under two cherry tomatoes and three wiener octopuses with faces made from seaweed paper. Finally, as desert she had made a chocolate frosted cupcake with rainbow sprinkles.

She presented her spread to Bruno who looked on with amazement as he started to drool over the lunch. Then I presented my lunch, my main dish was a pork cutlet sitting atop a bed of white rice drizzled in a special sauce of my own concoction sprinkled with spring onions and sesame seeds. For my side I had sticks of celery with a spicy mayo sauce dip for it. Finally, my desert was peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.

As soon as I finished setting up my lunch Bruno looked upon it with such greed and gluttony that I thought that he would devour my entire lunch. "This time I'm sure to beat you Arc! I've read Cassandra Fawn's "Mistralean Cuisine: Special edition", I'm sure to win this time!" I could only shake my head and taunt her "You've only read the special edition? I've already read the entire collection."

We then got into a heated debate on the amount of cookbooks we've read and bought until Bruno got our attention "*COUGH**COUGH* Ladies, you're both pretty. Can we get onto the tasting already please? My stomach's already digesting itself!" Kiara and I then looked at each other and shrugged as we then let Bruno taste our lunches.

He first went for Kiara's lunch and after tasting a little bit of everything, and then he repeated the same for my lunch and after some deliberation he reached his verdict. He then began in a theatrical tone "After much deliberation and examination I can say that this was a close match. However! Close is not enough and the winner of this here cook off is, drum roll please, J-MAN!"

Kiara then sighed and leaned onto Bruno's shoulder asking for comfort. Bruno being oblivious to her feelings just patted her head and comforted her which was quite the strange scene as Kiara is quite tall, almost my height standing around 6 feet flat. This only served to enhance the comical aspect of the entire scene.

After lunch Bruno and I met up for a couple for a couple of classes and waited until dismissal. We had wrestling that day, but it was mostly just drills and the only ones who sparred that day were the seniors. I walked back home with my friends until I separated from them and headed to the train station. I rode the train until we had reached the outskirts of Vale and stopped at the station. I then headed down a couple streets towards the gym.

I entered the building and greeted the receptionist, Gwen, who was the daughter of the owner. She actually just works part time and is older than me by 2 years. She stands around 5'7 with platinum blonde hair that reaches just around her shoulders and ties it up in a ponytail. She has Cerulean eyes and light-tanned skin. She's currently wearing a black and grey sports bra along with a matching pair of yoga pants.

As I greet her she waves at me and smiles brightly. "Hey Jaune! How was school today?" "Nothing much, the only thing remotely interesting was me winning another cook-off with Kiara." "Is that so?". She then proceeded to make small talk with me for a couple of minutes until I headed towards the locker room.

I changed into a form fitting white muscle shirt that clung tightly to my skin along with a pair of yellow MMA shorts that cut off right above my knees. I went over to the mirrors and did some shadow boxing, and I looked over my fights with the other gym members and fought them in my mind.

After 30 minutes I joined the striking class that day and sparred with the instructor that day Mr. Jet Lee. He taught drills for 45 minutes and had sparring matches for 25 minutes. After that I head over to the showers to clean myself of the sweat that spread over my body.

After a quick shower, I decided to check on my progress, I went over to the mirrors and looked at my physique. I put on a lot of weight as my body started to turn more into that of when I was a primarch. I was around 185 lbs(84 kg) of lean muscle, however I am planning to bulk up my muscle. I was at peak performance right now for how my body is.

I could bench press 450 lbs(204 kg) and run around speeds of up to 38 km/h. As soon as I am able to gain the power of aura I will become exponentially more powerful. I have already planned on heading to a primary combat school next year. I was thinking of heading to Pharos academy as it is the closest one to Domremy.

Although it took some convincing I was able to compromise with my parents and sisters. I was allowed to go to Pharos as long as I sent them a letter every week and visited them once a month. That reminds me, I should tell Bruno and Kiara about this as well since they're my friends and all.

I then went back to the locker room and changed back into my school uniform. I waited for the train and headed back to town. I got off the station and headed back home. As I entered the door I announced my arrival and was greeted by the rapid patter of footsteps.

As soon as I removed my shoes I was tackled by a blur of purple that hit me right in the solar plexus. As I recovered from this attack I looked down to see Viola hugging me as greeted me "Welcome back bro! How was your day?" She asks me the same question every day and now I give her the exact same answer. "It was pretty good, nothing too interesting though."

Even if this routine was repetitive I couldn't help but cherish this normal interaction. In my hectic life, whether it was when I was a Primarch or now as Jaune, I do enjoy the feeling of normalcy when I return home.

I tell Viola about my day and we just watch her cartoons for a bit. Honestly some of the cartoons she watches is quite emotionally investing, like this one show about a young boy who wishes to be the greatest warrior in his village and become its governor to ignore his past of discrimination and hatred which wasn't even his fault.

After finishing a couple episodes I helped mom with preparing dinner. Whilst preparing dinner dad arrived a little later than usual, but nonetheless he came back exhausted from huntsman work. Indigo and Iris the set the table and we all ate a nice hearty meal.

After dinner I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I did some basic calisthenics in my room and read for a few minutes, then I scrolled through some news articles to check on the current happenings of the world. After an hour or so I meditated a bit and then I finally went to sleep.


A/N: How are ya'll doing this fine morning, afternoon, night? Anyway here's the next chapter. Do you guys have any criticisms for me? I want to improve my writing so I can give ya'll a better reading experience. Well that's all from me, farewell my wonderful readers!