
The Lion and His Lamb

Miranda Krislan, a kind, loving girl in love with God besides her current situation in life, she lives and thinks positively as president of the Christian association club at Bellwood High. Surrounded with people suffering from various mental illnesses and traumas she makes it her mission to lead them to God. Will she be successful or will the devil prosper by up coming events in her life? Translations mainly in KJV bible.

Fadzai_Kangausaru · Teenager
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3 Chs

The Lion And His Lamb 1:



Outside, I trembled like a stray dog out in the cold. My waterfall of tears had long stopped falling, now I was filled with an overwhelming tiredness.

Last night I thought of going to Toby's house, maybe sleeping over there, but I remembered the look of disgust his mother had when I went over the last time. She looked as if she'd seen turd enter her house and taken a seat on her golden, luxurious sofas.

No, certainly not, I would not do that to myself. I looked at the dirty,dingy house that stared at me from it's small height, it had dark, black leaves from who knows when decorating it's dark mouldy roof. I sighed before I decided it must have been safe to enter now. She couldn't stay upset forever now could she.

Well, that's the thing about Lin Wu, my mother, her anger had become much more worse than a hungry hyena's, not to lie it terrified me. It started two years ago when dad was arrested for the murder of Jennifer Daxson, his fling, who had decided to terminate their child.

Enough of that now, I don't like being sad and dwelling on the past.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, I put my hands together and begin to say a tiny prayer. This was something I did every time mother had her episodes. She was just hurt and I know God can hear me and I know he has heard my cries, that is why I'm not dead, that is why she hasn't killed herself from the overbearing pain my father put her through.

I open the door and look inside and there she was sitting on the floor, hugging herself tighter than a knot. She looked like a little girl, brutally punished for being a wonderful person. It hurt, very much, to see her like this.

I checked the time and saw that if I didn't leave now I'd be late.

I enter the house and mother's sobs ended adruptly and she turned her head as fast as a python goes for its prey.

"Mother-" I begin, however she yells and quietens me.

"I am not your mother you traitor." She snaps, glaring fiery daggers at me.

"Lin... Uhm, could I please get dressed for school, that way I'll be out of your way?" I ask in a quiet tone.

She ignored me and simply got up and went to the kitchen.

I take the opportunity and dash to the broom closet also known as my room.

It wasn't that small, infact it was pretty large. Well maybe it's because I had the body of a thirteen year old.

I wear a pretty dress my aunt got me when she still used to visit, it tore last week but I managed to stich it back to the beauty it once and will always be. It's a beautiful white dress with no sleaves.

The dress was bright, beautiful and brought out my dark skin. I loved it.

I walk out of my room, a blue jean jacket in hand, and skip my way to the door.

You're probably like "Miss ma'am did you shower?", I actually did , before mom kicked me out the house for opening the water too loudly.

I grab my tattered, old bag and turn to tell my mother I'm leaving, but see her downing a bottle of Hennessy. I decide to leave it be, and leave with a heart heavier than an bolder.

I walk out and see Trinity standing in her classical baggy shirt and jeans. Her head's against the half dead tree and her eyes are closed.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask and her eyes snap open.

She looks at me and I slightly stumble back as I acknowledge her eyes, one icy blue the other earthly green.

"I'm okay, just tired." She said, and gave me a bright smile.

I gave her a fatigued smile and nodded towards the old, cracked road.

See, we lived in the most dirty, broken area in the whole of Bellwood.

I was never really wealth, but living here was not as bad as it is now. All I'm focused on is leaving this area, because I know for one fact that I am destined for greatness.

"So I was thinking maybe I could join the christian association club?" She suddenly said and I smile and laugh.

"Yes! Of couse you can!" I say and side hug her.

"Mimi! No!" She squeals and I giggle with a smile.

"Wait, I thought you didn't have time cause you have work?" I say with bewildered eyes.

"Yeah, I'll only be able to come during lunch since I'm done with the art project I was working on." She smiles.

"That's great, Trinity! Oh just wait till Toby finds out!" I say and we continue our walk.

It was a peaceful walk, us both quietly processing the beauty of nature. Well I was I don't know about Trinity, but

After a matter of time we arrive at the entrance of Bellwood High.

This school is basically a school for wealthy, rude and stuck up children. Nearly all the children in this in this institution have some kind of trauma that they refused to acknowledge.

What are children like Trinity and I doing here?

Well I got in on full scholarship and Trinity's aunt is the principal so she decided to pay for her education. She Is deeply gratful.

"Ugh, if only you weren't a good girl." Trinity suddenly said and I look at her, puzzled by her remark.

"What do you mean?" I asked and she smiles and looks at me with her enchanting, supernatural like eyes.

"If you weren't such a good girl then I could have convinced you to ditch school with me." she says with a pout and I shake my head chuckling.

"No ways." I chuckle at her.

We walk into the school and see Toby.

I love Toby so much. Like a brother of course. He's always there for me and cares so much for me.

"Toby!" I squeal and hug him and he hugs me back.

"Mimi! I missed you so much." He smiles and I kiss his cheek.

He kisses mine too and Trinity chokes.

"Hey Toby." She says shyly, which is quite strange cause she was the most confident person I know.

"Oh, uh, hey Trin." He says and smiles.

I look at them both and am filled with joy. They like each other.

"Toby, guess who's joining the club?" I say and look at Trinity as she smiles, her eyes, one glittering a forest green and the other shining a blue moon.

"No way! Really Trin! That great, it's gonna be much more fun with you." He says and Trinity blushes a bright red as she looks around.

"Um, really?" She asks and he smiles and nods.

"Um, so it wasn't fun with me there?" I ask and look at him and he smiles and hugs me.

"Of course it was. It'll just be greater with Trin." He says and winks at Trinity and she looks away.

What is happening to her.

Suddenly the bell rings before I get to make a comment.

"Well I'll see you guys at recess. Bye." He says and hugs me then hugs Trinity. For a while...

"Bye." She says and he smiles and leaves. She looks at me and smiles.

"You like him!" I squeal and she shushes me.

"Hush, I just get nervous around him, but like him, no no." I shake my head at her denial and blindly walk.

I bump into someone and they groan.

"I'm so sorry." I say quickly, just as I look up into grey, blue eyes and a sharp face.

"Oh yeah?" He said, pissed, but I didn't focus on that but instead on his thick, british accent.

Did I mention he looks so cute. His sharp jawline that looks like it was copied and pasted straight out of a vogue magazine. His stormy blue reminded me of the cloudy London sky. His dark black hair could be mistaken for charcoal because of how dark it is.

"Could you stop staring at me like I'm piece of candy and move the hell out of my way." He says and I snap back to reality and step aside facing the ground nervous and slightly ashamed.

"Excuse you. YOU bumped into her!" Trinity suddenly snaps and I turn and give her a smile, to tell her it's okay.

He didn't say anything, he simply glared. He looked kind of deadly, as though he was planning Trinity's murder.

"I'm sorry again. Let's go Trinity." I say and walk away, dragging Trinity along with me.

"Mimi he was so rude, why'd you apologize!?" She says angrily.

This is the Trinity I know.

"In Romans 12:28, it is written that if it is possible, be at peace with all men." I say and smile at her.

She takes a deep breath in and out and smiles and nods.

"Now let's get to class quickly. The bell rang already." I say and we begin out walk to class.

But still I couldn't get that boy out my head.


Fadzai Kangausaru.

Romans 12 vs 28...

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men
