
Welcome to the dark side

Been two months since the attack on the Crescent sect. Kai already have prepare everything needed for the journey. In the two months kai read about some of the world that he is living.

He found out that the Golden sect is like the president of the rest of the sects. Also they are four major sects in each conner of the world. In the north the biggest sect is Autumn. In the east is now Demon sect but the Crescent sect was the one used to hold all the power, it do not say why Demon sect took over. Kai had a thought after everything was settle with Golden sect he was going to check what happen there. In the west the biggest sect is Crystal sect but this sect is kinda mystery. In the south there is the biggest sect is Shadow sect. Each of the four biggest sects have one major form of living like North the best making weapons and armor, East has the best way to extract demon crystal powers to help people to grow, South has the biggest Alchemist on the world and the West is know to have the best assassin of the whole world. There are cases like Crescent sect that are practicing something different that was not on the right side of the world. After checking everything Kai understood that he needed to go to a place that teach him something that he does not have because right now he has Alchemist books, the teaching how to cultivate and the way of a soldier from earth. So Kai started heading West to the most dangerous place of the all because making assassin is not easy and really difficult and could break him. The way of the assassin is to break someone to create a shadow that could destroy or follow without anyone finding out he or she was there.

After two weeks walking Kai finally in the territory of Shadow sect. One of the smaller sect of the West found kai half death under the tree of death. Moonlight sect is a small sect but they are one of the stronger sect in the assassin world, because the way they create an assassin they do not allow a lot of member to join. The picking process is really hard to get in. The child or children must be orphan and they most be under five year old to join the Moonlight sect. One of the elders of the sect pick up kai and took him to her house. The elder name is Hu. After a while caring for Kai, Kai wake up.

Kai- Where i am?

Hu- Moonlight Sect!

Kai- Why i am here?

Hu- Stop with the dump questions i found you half death and brought you here

Kai - but why? no one is this nice or caring to care about someone they do not know, so tell me what you want from me?

Hu - kid you do not have to be so distrust calm down and tell me your name

Kai- Kai and your?

Hu - Hu, to tell the truth the reason i pick you up is because you remind me of my dead son, the color of your eyes are beautiful.Ban had the same color of eyes but he die after birth.

Kai - Im sorry

Hu - Do not be sorry it was not your fault , all the fucking fault it was Golden sect.

Kai- Ha ha ha them again? what they did to you?

Hu- they were the one that killed my child but do not talk about this here, people will report you and they send people to kill you. The rage you showing right now never show it in front of anyone.

Kai- Why are you telling me this? Are you trying to set me up? or just stupid?

Hu- because you are like my son. even thought you try to hide it .

Kai what you mean? i do not know what you talking about . i am leaving.!!

Hu- i am telling you this because is because i want to protect you !!

Kai i do not know if i could trust you but you save me..i will give you the benefit of the doubt, could you tell me one more thing, how far i am from Shadow sect territory?

Hu- why do you want to go there?

Kai Because i want to become an assassin

Hu- Do you even know how much pain it is .to become an assassin?

Kai i do not but an assassin is . a . shadow the Golden sect would not look for me there

Hu you have some true there , but you will be discover sooner rather then latter

Kai- why?

Hu Because they will break you and will tell everything about your self and they will give you up to the Golden sect . but i have a proposition

Kai- what its?

Hu i have not tell you everything ,i am an elder from Moonlight sect that is part of Shadow Sect

Kai Wait Wait Wait!!! you are what? this is getting weird Elder Hu! even thought you have tell me about the Golden sect and the hate you have this is too much for go in the trust department!!

Hu i know but i telling you the trust! here this is my plate (plate is like an "id")

Kai- i have not even got my revenge and i already got caught i am trash.. ok tell me your proposition? i do not have anything more i could do right?

Hu- You are intelligent for your age. i do not have any apprentice because after my son die, i did not want to deal with any child so i could teach you everything that i know. what you think?

Kai- What are you? Alchemist? Blacksmith? Assassin? Cultivator?

Hu- Specialist, assassin with cultivation base. not everyone could do because is too hard to do both at the same time and make it so both profession mix instead of collide.

Kai i thought thats how everything work you could used 2 or 3 profession and added to make you stronger.

Hu No! people have die trying to do those stuff!!

Kai Ok i will become your Son not ur apprentice

Hu Why my son and not my apprentice?

Kai because you could not betray your son but your apprentice yeah

Hu Little kid, Ok from today forward you are my son Kai Sacred

Kai Your last name is Sacred?

Hu Yea

After that day Kai and Hu became family, For now Kai have a place to lay his head. Not knowing that Sacred was not a regular last name it was so much...