
Who Are You??




Where am I? Derrick looked around seeing tall trees everywhere and no sings of human life he yelled at the top of his voice but still couldn't receive an answer, then he stretched out his hands and a portal opened

and he could see a very big black gate with his fences, " maybe i should go there at least these shows signs of life" he thought as he entered into the large red glowing portal appearing directly front of the gate


After the white light hit him when he and he's friends were taking a night stroll and took him away he was sent to a dream state for about 6 months however he never knew, he thought he slept for just one night, in the dream state the first five days a monk appeared to him telling him he has been chosen And he's going to be the choose one who will bring salvation to his planet, at first he was confused he thought he was dreaming and at some point he was pinching himself trying to wake himself up but the monk was only laughing at him and he realize that the monk wasn't joking, then he asked the monk why did you choose me who am I, I'm just a child I'm not even nineteenth yet, but monk said I know not why your were chosen all I know is that the light sent me from my planet to train you from what's coming ahead, and I would do that obediently the monk said with a smile on his face.

At first using his basic power like the six elements( Air, wind, Blood, Sand, metal, ice ) wasn't hard, but he couldn't understand why he was always pouring all his power and all his might into six bracelets and fighting demons, but up until the fifth month when the monk told him the bracelets he has been pouring all he's power on is the six rings of zazi, the legendary warrior who killed the 7 elders of the demon realm and even inflicting wounds on the demon king before he was killed by the demon king who sent his weapon into exile, Derrick have heard the story from his mother when he was little but he never imagined it to be true, he thought it's just those bare bedtime stories heros , but the monk told him "NEVER ACTIVATE THOSE BRACELETS UNLESS ITS YOUR ONLY CHOICE " Derrick was scared a little bit because he have never seen the monk angry but Derrick had it in his heart not to disappoint the monk, and on the sixth month the monk told him you can use any power you want as long at the person possessing the power is close to you. Derrick was happy but the monk wasn't still pleased

" why is this gate so large and why the high fences, maybe it was a government factory" Derrick thought to himself, but before he could take a step six people teleported in front of him and then a middle aged woman spoke in a calm voice "Who Are You"..

Please if you like this I might as well continue .XoXo