

<p>Lia was born in the year 2000 on the 15th day in the 5th month. Lia was a very beautiful child very stunning and breathtaking to the extent that the nurses who were present at her birth hugged her to themselves not minding if she was bloody or not. Lia's mother Mrs Sharon White was very happy, she had two miscarriages before Lia was born and she was happy that she was able to give birth to a child, Her father, Mr Friday White who was outside the door of the delivery room was happy to hear the sound of a child's cry. Later on the nurses came out and told Mr White about the condition of his wife and his child the nurse told him that his wife was alright and taking a rest after the stress she had gone through and his wife had given birth to a beautiful baby girl. Mr White was very happy to hear this and gave thanks to God for the life of his wife and daughter, they able to pull through successfully. Mr White was a believer a Muslim at that and after hearing the good news he went to the mosque to pray and give his thanks to God. He came with supplements for his wife like food and clothings though the food he brought was just plain pudding since she could not take any solid food for that period of time . When he entered the room he saw his child in the hands of his wife and his wife smiling down at his child joy and happiness spread through his heart and he was proud to have a daughter and his daughter was a beautiful child, she took all their best features though she was a chip off the old block. He approached his wife hugged and kissed her and asked how she was doing she told him she was good and Mr White asked his wife what they should name their daughter and they went through list of names before her mother named her Aliyah Lina White which was a beautiful name for such a pretty child. A few days after Mrs White was discharged and they went home . Many people were happy for Mr White and his wife, family friends neighbors coworkers included since they have looking for a child for a long time with two failed attempts the third time was a charm truly they also loved Baby Lia as they called her. She was calmer compared to other children they've seen , most people liked to keep her with them or take her to places because her beauty and her" luck", anytime they took Aliya which was already shortened to Lia good things come their way so most people "kidnap" Lia from her parents.<br/>A year passed and it was time for Lia's one year birthday It was celebrated with loved ones and family Many came to join the celebration it was a wonderful and blessed day two years passed, three, four and five years that Lia was around five it was then things began to change.</p>