
The Life of Kenshiro Senju

I am not the writer! The author goes by the online name Kestix. I just thought that it would be a shame for this gem to rot out there forever. Author: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/16399 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kenshiro Senju, son of Iria Senju and Daikuma Senju Kenshiro Senju, that is now my name. It has not always been... Once I have been named differently, by another mother, in a different world. I had grown up in a different world, have lived a different life, and have done things way differently. My story started like so many other isekai self-insert stories. Well, at least I think my death has been a little bit more on the strange side. Author of the cover; https://www.pinterest.de/mliannaphilisa/

RandomSwordsThief · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 34

Third Person's POV;

Jiraiya knew that he would not be able to win a fight against Kenshiro. He has seen the wind Jutsu that the other Genin has invented. He didn't show it then, mostly because a stray rock has hit his nuts, but he was extremely afraid of fighting a serious Kenshiro.

That was also the reason why he only slightly perved on Tsunade and Ariha whenever Kenshiro was present. The bloodlust that hits him whenever he ogles Tsunade in his presence has given him bladder problems more than once.

And here he was now, fighting the probably strongest Genin in the whole of Konoha. "Something wrong Jiraiya-san?" Asked Kenshiro, if Jiraiya wouldn't have known better he would have been fooled by the genuine sounding interest in Kenshiro's voice.

"Yeah, there is no fucking chance for me to win. You are stronger than the Bastard and I was never able to beat him," shouted Jiraiya back. It angered him that even now the perfect Kenshiro was acting as if he was friends with anyone.

Kenshiro tried to encourage him, but his words sounded false in Jiraiya's ears. "Come, just give your best and everything will be fine."

"Easy for you to say," mumbled Jiraiya. But apparently, Kenshiro also has a perfect hearing, because he frowned and then thought about something for a moment.

"Tell you what, if you can give me a good fight I will show you a Jutsu that will help you enormously. And if you manage to beat me I will show you an even better Jutsu," offered Kenshiro.

"I don't need your Jutsu," shouted Jiraiya back, he left unsaid that he wasn't sure if he could even learn them. The things Tsunade has spoken about Kenshiro made him doubt that even Kenshiro's easiest Jutsu would be easy enough for him.

"Don't say that I promise you. I can't show it now, Tsu-chan would hate me for it. However, it is a Jutsu right up your ally," promised Kenshiro. It at least made Jiraiya interested. A Jutsu Tsunade would hate is definitely a Jutsu that dabbles in perverted stuff. And from the trip to the onsen, Jiraiya knew that Kenshiro wasn't the perfect prude he initially believed him to be.

Still, Jiraiya had to make sure that Kenshiro wouldn't take his word back. Not that he believed him to do, but you can never be too sure. "Okay, but no taking back. If I beat you I get a Jutsu that is perfect for me."

Kenshiro nodded. "I don't go back on a made promise. If you beat me I will teach you a Jutsu you would die for, that is if you beat me." Jiraiya knew as well how high the chances of that happening were, but maybe Kenshiro will show him if he gives him a good fight.

Jiraiya took a deep breath and then shouted his readiness. "Okay, here I come!"

He rapidly threw Kunai and Shuriken at Kenshiro, before he started to go through a rapid series of hand signs.

He was also slightly delighted to see that Kenshiro only pulled a single Kunai out of his pouch, maybe to deflect his onslaught of weapons. It would give him time to finish the next Jutsu.

However, Kenshiro threw his only Kunai and then went through his own series of hand signs, faster than Jiraiya. "Shuriken Kage Bunshin Jutsu!" Kenshiro's single Kunai suddenly shimmered, before dozens, maybe a hundred Kunai suddenly filled the air.

Jiraiya's hopes that these were merely illusions were quickly shattered when each new Kunai of Kenshiro hit one of his Kunai or Shuriken mid-flight. Within moments all of his weapons were stopped and that by only a single one from Kenshiro.

Still, he has had enough time to finish his hand signs and now he would show what he has learned. He bit his thumb and smeared some of the blood on his palm, before bringing them down to the floor. "Summoning Jutsu!"

A large cloud of smoke puffed up and prevented everyone from seeing what was summoned. Kenshiro waved his hand and a gust of wind blew the cloud away, this much was only a minor application of Wind Chakra Manipulation.

Now for everyone to see where three toads standing/sitting around Jiraiya. They all were around his size and looked different, with different weapons.

One was blue in colour and had two Katana strapped on his back. The next one was more orange and warty, he was smoking a cigarette and wore a blue shirt, a knife rested on his hip. And lastly was a reddish-purple toad with horns, he had a round shield on his back and held a Sasumata in his hands.

"What's going on Jiraiya-kun? Why do you need all three of us?" Asked the orange toad. None of the watchers was speaking, all of them too shocked to see a Genin performing a summoning Jutsu for three summons. And while they were not large, they were still three and big enough to fight within the arena.

"Gamabunta, Gamahiro, Gamaken, I need your help, guys. We are in the preliminary rounds of the Chunin Exam. I'm fighting Kenshiro Senju," explained Jiraiya quickly and without taking his eyes off of Kenshiro. Who strangely enough seems to be pretty content with waiting for him to finish.

"A Senju eh? Is it the one you are always raging about?" Asked the blue toad now.

Jiraiya nodded and pulled a Kunai for himself out. He wasn't so stupid and used all of his Kunai with his first attack, that happened only once in training. "Yeah, he is the one I spoke about. If I can beat him he has promised to teach me a super awesome Jutsu."

"I hope I will be of help, you know I am clumsy," voiced the last toad his concerns.

"A question, can summons die? I don't want to use too much force, this is a mock battle after all," asked Kenshiro suddenly.

Jiraiya gritted his teeth, from the way Kenshiro spoke it sounded as if he was guaranteed to win this, even when it stood four against one.

"Don't worry about us, your own health will soon be of more concern to you!" Shouted the orange toad, Gamabunta, before jumping forward with his strong legs. He shot over the distance to Kenshiro within a second and had his knife ready to pierce into the Genin.

"Wait!" That was all Jiraiya could shout in warning before Gamabunta was out of range for him to grab the toad.

Sure of his speed Gamabunta did not heed Jiraiya's warning any thoughts. He continued his attack, his knife already prepared and about to ram into the Genin, when suddenly the young human twisted out of his attack with speed he could hardly follow.

Kenshiro made a single turn and kicked out at Gamabunta with a roundhouse kick. Gamabunta was only able to bring his knife up in a guard, before the steel tapped boot of Kenshiro crashed into him.

"Guahr!" The strength behind Kenshiro's kick was enough to completely reverse Gamabunta's flight path. He got thrown back to his friends, where the reddish-purple toad caught him before he could fly past. Only the fact that he blocked with his knife saved him from a few broken bones.

"That's what I wanted to warn you about. He is stronger than the Bastard and attacking him without a plan won't do," reprimanded Jiraiya his friend a moment later.

"Urgh, what is his foot made out of, steel?" Grunted Gamabunta while righting himself. He glared at Kenshiro, but the other Genin just smiled and allowed them to prepare for the next attack.

Jiraiya turned to his three friends and addressed them. "Okay, here's what we will do. Gamaken and Gamahiro will distract him, while Gamabunta and I will prepare our combined special attack. It's important that you two keep him busy, he is fast and might be able to evade our special attack."

"Are you serious? That can kill him," voiced Gamabunta his worries. However, he was still ready to follow his summoners plan and jumped next to him.

"I am clumsy, so I don't know how much of a help I will be," spoke the reddish-purple toad, before rushing forward at Kenshiro. The blue toad drew his two Katana and followed right after his friend.

"Finished planning?" Asked Kenshiro when he saw that they started their attack. He calmly watched how the two human-sized toads came at him, while Jiraiya and Gamabunta began to go through a long series of hand signs.

"I am clumsy, so forgive me for attacks that may be too strong," apologized Gamaken before attacking with his Sasumata. The staff like weapon came down at Kenshiro from the top and crashed into the ground when said Genin evaded.

A slight jump backwards was enough for Kenshiro to get out of reach, but the blue toad was already prepared and followed up with his own attack. His two swords came at Kenshiro in the form of a scissor attack.

Kenshiro in return pulled two Kunai out of his pouch and applied Wind Chakra to the blade. He then blocked the sword attack of the blue toad with his reinforced weapons and elongated the blade of his wind right after.

Gamahiro's toad-like eyes widened in surprise and he would have been stabbed, had Gamaken not put his shield in the way. The wind blade pierced into the shield but wasn't able to penetrate through the Nature Chakra hardened steel.

"That guy is good," commented Gamahiro. He then jumped over the shield of Gamaken and prepared his Katanas for a downward slash. Gamaken also pushed his shield forward and broke Kenshiro's stance, while swinging his weapon at Kenshiro from the side.

"Danger, danger," commented Kenshiro with a light smile. He then threw his two Kunai up at Gamahiro, who had to block the still wind enhanced blades with his own sword.

That left Kenshiro without a weapon to defend himself against the heavy swing from Gamaken. It would have been a problem for Kenshiro, had he needed a weapon.

Gamaken's eyes widened in surprise when suddenly his weapon got stuck mid-swing. He tried to pull it away, but his Sasumata was stuck. As if something was holding it with an iron grip.

"Pressure Palm!" Gamaken's eyes widened for a second time when he saw a palm racing at his chest. Wind currents were streaming alongside the palm and he had no delusions that the attack would take him out if it were to hit.

He tried to bring his shield in between the palm and himself and even managed to do that. However, he had not enough time to steady himself and when the palm landed on his shield he got blasted off of his feet and into the arena wall.

He grunted in pain and felt how a bunch of his bones were broken from the attack, even when blocked. "I'm sorry Jiraiya-san, but it seems like I am too clumsy." Croaked Gamaken out before he had to de-summon himself.

"Too much force, sorry," apologized Kenshiro while turning to the remaining blue toad. Gamahiro gulped nervously, he had never seen his brother being taken out this easily. At least not when fighting someone that should be Jiraiya's age.

Kenshiro then looked at Jiraiya and back to the blue toad, before addressing Gamahiro. "You should de-summon yourself. Jiraiya has soon finished his preparations and you will take too much Chakra from him once he has unleashed whatever he has planned."

Gamahiro himself knew that, but he couldn't allow this monstrous Genin to interrupt Jiraiya. So with a battle croak, he attacked again. His blades swung fast, but not fast enough. Kenshiro ducked, weaved and twisted out of harm's way with seemingly ease.

"Thanks, Gamahiro, we're ready!" Shouted Jiraiya suddenly. Gamahiro nodded and de-summoned himself.

Kenshiro stopped as well and looked over at Jiraiya, he and his last remaining toad were standing next to each other. "Look Tsunade-hime, this is how strong I have become!" They both took a deep gulp of air and then unleashed their combined Jutsu. "Katon: Flaming Oil Bullet!"

Gamabunta spewed a thick oil-like liquid out of his mouth, while Jiraiya began to spew flames. The flames hit the oil and set fire to it, turning the oil into an extremely hot liquid substance that was flying at Kenshiro at a rapid speed.

""Watch out Ken-kun!"" Both Ariha and Tsunade shouted in worry, neither would have ever believed that Jiraiya would be able to master such a Jutsu.

By the time the flames reached Kenshiro, they were already wide enough to fill the whole arena. There was no way for Kenshiro to evade to the top or any side. They hit his position and burned everything in its way.

Jiraiya and his summon were able to hold the Jutsu for multiple seconds before they run out of the gathered Chakra. They stopped their attack and for everyone present, a burning arena was revealed. The oil was clinging to the floor and turned the side where Kenshiro stood into a burning hell zone.

However, there was no sign of Kenshiro. "Sorry Jiraiya-kun, but I'm out of Chakra," apologized Gamabunta before he too de-summoned himself.

"Hah..hah," Jiraiya was breathing hard and sweat was running down his face in streams. "Did I beat him?" He asked while trying to look for Kenshiro's body within the still burning arena.

"Sorry, but no," spoke suddenly Kenshiro's voice from right next to him. The startled Jiraiya whirled around and was about to punch Kenshiro in the face when suddenly his arm got stuck mid-air.

The next moment Kenshiro's fist landed in Jiraiya's face and threw him backwards. He landed on the ground and rolled a few times before he laid still. The single attack was strong enough to leave a heavy bruise. Combined with Jiraiya's depleted, even almost exhausted, Chakra levels the white-haired Genin couldn't find the strength to stand back up.

"How?" Was all he could ask while the proctor declared Kenshiro as the winner.