
The Life of Kenshiro Senju

I am not the writer! The author goes by the online name Kestix. I just thought that it would be a shame for this gem to rot out there forever. Author: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/16399 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kenshiro Senju, son of Iria Senju and Daikuma Senju Kenshiro Senju, that is now my name. It has not always been... Once I have been named differently, by another mother, in a different world. I had grown up in a different world, have lived a different life, and have done things way differently. My story started like so many other isekai self-insert stories. Well, at least I think my death has been a little bit more on the strange side. Author of the cover; https://www.pinterest.de/mliannaphilisa/

RandomSwordsThief · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 2

Congratulation, you've died! You won a reincarnation.

What? What is that voice saying?

I know that I am dead, I have felt the pain of dying.

You were chosen to test out our new Gaming System, Play a Life 1.2. As one of the few testers, you are given 10 points for choosing extra abilities.

Rambled the voice in a monotone, sleep-inducing tone. It was easy to ignore and think while it spoke.

What is happening? I wasn't one for religion, if there was a god then he has only created the world and then lost interest in it, that or he/she is a sadistic and evil asshole. War, droughts, natural disasters and the general suffering of hundreds of millions couldn't be explained any other way.

So, no, I did not expect to come to heaven, hell or something in between. But I also did not expect this.

The System has currently only one world for testing. It is generally known as Earth, there is only one continent known as the Elemental Nations. Chakra is a fundamental energy of this planet and part of everything, you, as the player, will be able to use Chakra.

The voice kept rambling on, I didn't give it much attention, too busy with getting my mind on the fact that I was no longer in pain. Even if I could not feel or see anything. I think I can feel my body, but I am not able to move it, which makes it hard to really know that I am feeling it.

The System will birth you into a random time at a random place with random parents, the last can be influenced by taking a different extra ability.

Please decide which gender you want to be reborn as.

Okay, concentrate.

I don't feel pain and don't know where I am. There is no choir, bathing in a holy light, nor a burning fiery pit of flames. That means this is neither hell nor heaven. It might be in an in-between, which would make this a different hell. Nothing to do, nothing to feel, yet able to think, is this my eternal torture?

Please decide which gender you want to be reborn as.

Wait, the voice spoke again. I should have paid attention to it from the beginning, but it's hard to do that when you were dying a painful death only moments before.

Please decide which gender you want to be reborn as. Does the player want to choose randomly?

So, I'm getting reborn and I can choose my gender? Well, I am male. I also haven't paid attention and don't know if I am reborn somewhere where I know how women are treated. But history was rarely good to the female gender. So male, I think.

The user has decided to play as a male.

Please choose one or more extras, the user has 10 points.




Unlimited Inventory;

The Player has an Inventory that is only accessible by him/her and can store an infinite amount of items. Max. size per item 1m³.

1 Point

Basic Starter Set

A basic set for every Ninja.

1 Points

Advanced Starter Set

The toolset every experienced Ninja needs to have.

2 Points

Mastery Starter Set, includes inventory

You are a walking armoury, library, fridge, teddy collector. You never run out of weapons, tools or things you might need.

Every imaginable item will be inside your inventory from the start of the game.

Standard Ninja gear will be unlimited.

5 Points

Mythical Charisma

Charisma will increase by 2 Instead of 1 point each time it gets raised.

2 Points

Mythical Strength

Strength will increase by 2 Instead of 1 point each time it gets raised.

2 Points

Mythical Reflexes

Reflex will increase by 2 Instead of 1 point each time it gets raised.

2 Points

Mythical Luck

Luck will increase by 2 Instead of 1 point each time it gets raised.

2 Points

Mythical Intelligence

Intelligence will increase by 2 Instead of 1 point each time it gets raised.

2 Points

Mythical Endurance

Endurance will increase by 2 Instead of 1 point each time it gets raised.

2 Points

Elemental Affinity

+25% in 1 chosen element

1 Point

Dual Elemental Affinity

+25% in 2 chosen elements

2 Points

Triple Elemental Affinity

+50% in 3 chosen elements

4 Points

Quadruple Elemental Affinity

+75% in 4 chosen elements

6 Points

Quintuple Elemental Affinity

+125% in 5 chosen elements

8 Points

Sixfold Elemental Affinity

+150% in 6 chosen elements

10 Points


Take any bloodline in the world, beware, may include negative traits as well.

5 Points

What the actual fuck. This almost sounds like a game. And I, as an avid reader, know what these extras mean. I am either getting reborn into the Naruto world or into one that is really similar.

So the game said I have 10 points... What to choose, what to choose. Well, the affinities are out. I don't know if I am able to learn more than one, like other skilled people in Naruto, but one is still hard to master. And I only have 10 points.

An unlimited inventory, on the other hand, is cheap and impossibly useful. Definitely a sure pick. I am not sure about the starter sets. In games like Fallout New Vegas it was helpful, but only for the start, like the name states. And while the Master Set does sound desirable, I'm not sure if my points were spent somewhere else better. I only have so few points, yet Naruto is dangerous and having something to help at the start would be great.

Then again, reborn means starting as a baby, those aren't known for doing anything. I will be at the mercy of others for the first few years. I know that Chakra control is the alpha and omega, as is having Chakra. The first can be trained, the second as well. But having a boost in both will be great.

I wish I knew more about the game. How is the level system, are the stats similar to Fallout, where it's only 1 to 10 for the status and 1-100 for my skills or like other games, where there isn't a limit. Am I able to increase my skill by training or does it only rise with allocated points upon level ups?

Taking a bloodline will give me more than one bonus and/or other things, but will also come with risks.

Well, being lucky is always good. It also costs only 2 points. And Chakra, at least in Naruto is generated by the body and the mind, so having a strong body and a high intelligence should raise my Chakra and its regeneration. Both cost two points each. This makes 7 so far.

But I could also take the body of an Uzumaki as a bloodline. They were known for their high Chakra and having a minor regeneration ability. But so were the Senju, which were also fairly intelligent. This also limits the possible location and time I will be reborn in.

Body of a Senju;

You have the body of a Senju.

Every attribute grows 10% faster than normal.

You regenerate Chakra 10% quicker than normal people.

You have 5% more Life Points than normal people.

You have 5% more Chakra than normal people.

You'll heal 10% faster than normal people.

You have 5% more Stamina than normal people.

You regenerate Stamina 10% quicker than normal people.

Then maybe not intelligence and strong body and rather the body of a Senju. Which leaves me with two points. I rather am more intelligent than anything else. Fallout is, again, a good example of what can happen if I have less of it. Being only able to speak in grunts isn't something I want to do.

Good, then it's decided. I'll take the infinite inventory, the higher luck, the body of a Senju and higher intelligence. Hopefully, I will be able to learn the rest or raise it with time.

The player has chosen his extras.

The player can attribute 30 points to its character status;


Player Title; Beta Tester

Bloodline; Body of a Senju

Age. Not yet born

Live Points; /%

Chakra Points; /%

Stamina Points; /%

Chakra Control; /%

Nature Chakra Control;

Fire; 000%

Water; 000%

Earth; 000%

Wind; 000%

Medical; 000%

Lightning; 000%

Strength; 5

Endurance; 5

Wisdom; 5

Intelligence; 10

Luck; 0

Charisma; 5

Okay, so the extra gives me no extra points but every single point I get in either luck or intelligence will be raised by an additional point. I saw that I could further rise Intelligence, looks like it isn't using the Fallout mechanics. Which means that training them should be possible.

But why are they so low? Because I will start as a baby? Might be, sounds logical.

Anyway, 30 points to spend and six attributes to rise. Two of whom are already a bit higher. I'll think I increase all but intelligence evenly. This gives me a ten in everything, except luck and intelligence.

However, it is highly likely that I will be able to further increase them by training. And luck is something that can't be trained. Luck is important, especially when I would have started with zero. Maybe I should only increase luck and endurance. The later because death rates of infants might be rather high.

Yeah, I'll only increase those two. 25 points into luck and five into endurance, having double than the standard should be good.

Thank you for distributing your points. The System will now calculate your starting place and time.

… taking luck into account... finished.

The system has calculated Konoha as the Players starting point. Time; 2 years after the end of the First Shinobi World War.

Please have fun while testing the Game.